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  • forecasting and assumptions?

    If I am expecting clinic volume to go up 4% next year how do I forecast visits and explain what assumptions underline the forecast.

    1 AntwortEconomicsvor 7 Jahren
  • Economics Insurance Help?

    A surgeon charges $2,400 for hernia surgery. He contracts with an insurer that allows a fee of $800. Patient pays 20% of the allowed fee. How much does the insurer pay? How much does the patient pay?

    I figured the patient pays $160. However would that mean insurer pays $640 or do they have to pay $2240? What exactly does allow a fee mean? Thanks.

    3 AntwortenInsurancevor 7 Jahren
  • Finance help please homework?

    Kim Davis is in the 40% person tax bracket. She is considering investing in HCA (taxable) bonds that carry a 12% interest rate.

    a. What is her after-tax yield (interest rate) on bonds?

    b. Suppose Twin Cities Memorial Hospital has issued tax exempt bonds that have an interest rate of 6%. With all else the same, should Kim buy the HCA or the Twin Cities bonds?

    c. With all else the same, what interest rate on the tax-exempt Twin cities bonds would make Kim indifferent between these bonds and the HCA bonds?

    The book gives a AT=BT x (1-t) formula but I do not understand this at all if someone could please explain

    2 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 7 Jahren
  • Help finance howework?

    A firm that owns the stock of another corporation does not have to pay taxes on the en- tire amount of dividends received. In general, only 30 percent of the dividends received by one corporation from another are taxable. The reason for this tax law feature is to mitigate the effect of triple taxation, which occurs when earnings are first taxed at the first firm, then its dividends paid to the second firm are taxed again, and then the dividends paid to stockholders by the second firm are taxed yet again. Assume that a firm with a 35 percent tax rate receives $100,000 in dividends from another corporation. What taxes must be paid on this dividend, and what is the after-tax amount of the dividend?

    Do I take out 30 percent out of 100,000 then from that answer take out 35 percent? My book does not give examples just a AT=BT x(1-T) formula

    1 AntwortOther - Business & Financevor 7 Jahren
  • a hospital has 1 million in taxable income and the tax rate is 30% what would be the net income?

    So I should just have to take a million times 30% right? A follow up question is the hospital pays out $300,000 in dividend. A stockholder receives $10,000 if his tax rate is 15% what is this after tax dividend?

    2 AntwortenUnited Statesvor 7 Jahren
  • accounting homework help?

    What is net sale revenue

    Sales revenue 125,000

    cost of good sold 75,000

    operating expenses 12,000

    Sales discounts 5,000

    sales returns and allowances 3,000

    Interest revenue 2,400

    I know I need to subtract sales and I know how to get GP but the other numbers not sure what to do. Thanks.

    1 AntwortHomework Helpvor 8 Jahren
  • TI-84 help symbols...?

    I am trying to calculate some stats and when I go to list I need to use the comma and all it does is make a J. Tried using the 2nd key and green alpha key but nothing is helping.

    1 AntwortMathematicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Do you think the appeal will come through?

    Your thoughts and do you really think it is over?

    1 AntwortMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Should I see about having my child skip a grade?

    My son is currently in the 3rd grade. He has made straight A's since starting school. Last year he wasn't being challenged and the teacher assignment him extra work. This year seems to be the same problem. The class hasn't yet to begin multiplication and my son is already working on it along with division. My son says he is bored and not being challenged. My son used to be so excited to go to school and now he isn't. Have any parents go through this before? What would be the best way to approach him getting tested?

    9 AntwortenGrade-Schoolervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I need humor after some of these Q's?

    The general was a very meticulous man, always impeccably dressed. One day his fly was open , and his secretary tried to tell him about it by saying, "Sir your barracks door is open."

    "What?" The general asked.

    "Your barracks door is open!" the secretary yelled.

    Finally giving up the secretary yelled "your fly is open".

    "When you noticed my barracks door was open," the General said, embarrassed, "Did you also notice that the soldier was standing at attention?"

    "No, sir," replied the secretary "I just noticed a disabled veteran lying on two duffel bags."

    Who enjoyed this joke?

    10 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is going to happen to article 125 UCMJ?

    All these questions about DADT ending is worse than when N. Korea fired that missle. I figured I get some funny responses for this.

    3 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • AP---what is wrong with them?

    Just wondering your thoughts and what you feel should be done. I'm all for freedom of the press. However when you are willing to lose your dignity to get a story published it pushes the line. This in my opinion is another reason why the press needs to stay away from military operations.

    4 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why did this take so long to pass?

    How do you feel about it?

    The Senate voted Monday night to make it a federal crime to attack a

    U.S. service member, someone in their immediate family or their


    By 92-0 vote, the Senate created new specific federal crimes for attacking U.S. service members or their families because of their

    status. This would put them in the same class of protected federal

    officials such as postal workers and federal law enforcement

    officials, said Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., the chief sponsor of the


    "It makes it a crime to knowingly assault or batter a serviceman or

    immediate family member, or knowingly destroy or injure their

    property," Sessions said.

    It would apply to crimes against active and reserve service members,

    members of their immediate family and to veterans within five years of

    their separation from the military.

    Continued at:


    > rime_072109w/>

    4 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • New website for soldiers and families?

    How many of you are aware of this new website?

    This was in my Army Reserve magazine yesterday so I though I would put it out there for everyone.

    2 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Pot roast using onion soup mix?

    I was wondering for those of you who had used this method does it give a strong onion taste? I will be cooking the roast in the oven not a crock pot. TY.

    4 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Boneless pork ribs with can potatoes and carrots?

    Anyone have a simple recipe or a way to cook this all together?

    I would like to bake if possible since it is to cold to barbeque and I'm not feeling that great so the less mess the better. TY.

    2 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • CQ duty how much more worse will this make it.?

    CQ duty is a pain in the butt anyways and now with this it will be even worse I'm sure. What kind of changes will you think come from this?

    4 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Pork roast ideas for a new cook?

    I have a pork roast I was planning on cooking tonight. I have a roasting pan. Sorry I'm learning to cook so I'm not sure if I need to have it in some stock or something while it is cooking. I'm kind of tired of the same old potatoes and carrots so any nice side dishes would be nice. We don't care for onions or garlic. TY in advance. Please simple ideas because I'm just learning. LOL I don't want the fire department coming out to my house.

    4 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 Jahrzehnt