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Ms Mat Urity

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  • How to dry in Hotpoint washer dryer?

    I've now have integrated Hotpoint washer/dryer for over a year and hate it. Instructions are hopeless and hotpoint customer service dreadful. I am in an apt so no place to dry washing. If I have a few towels in I want them completely dry. Ability to read instructions no prob but not these. Example - l have wash cycle on and at end take some things not suitable for dryer out. To operate dry only it gives you several options and informs when showing only a cupboard symbol this is for washing completely dry ready to put away. Press machine for dry only which has cupboard symbol and 4hrs 15 mins. Not requiring that time but when you reduce times you no longer get the cupboard symbol on it's own and any other reduced time washing comes out as it went in after spinning. Therefore to dry completely I  require to put on for 4.15 mins but remove clothes around 2 hr mark. Worry I forget and over dry something. Hotpoints only answer was to put to lowest programme and put on dryer. I already do. Help!!!


    Cleaning & Laundryvor 6 Monaten
  • Cash in ISA's?

    My husband and I have a lot of Cash ISA's and also savings. I understand from around the middle of this month we can top up this year's ISA allowance to over £15,000. For various reasons we are not keen to use our savings to put extra money in this year's ISA's. Would the sensible thing to do be cash in ISA's from a few years ago to top up this year's ISA'S?

    1 AntwortPersonal Financevor 7 Jahren
  • What's wrong with my computer?

    For a few days my computer was sticking a lot. Now can do nothing on it. Screen says - NTLDR is missing. Press Ctrl+alt+del to restart. This does nothing. I have tried completely rebooting but it stays the same. Really am not familiar with computers at all and any help would be appreciated.

    4 AntwortenOther - Computersvor 7 Jahren
  • A question for skilled painters/decorators only.?

    In my bathroom I have a really nice wood ceiling which I've had for a long while and wouldn't wish to get rid of. Previously the bathroom was fully tiled, few years ago we had a new fitted bathroom put in, walls plastered and only tiled the wet area. There is a 'shadow gap' round the edge of this ceiling and with the previous tiles the 'shadow gap' was painted a deep colour and wood ceiling only varnished, After the new bathroom the decorator did the 'shadow gap' same colour as the walls. At this point the paint was very neutral colours and walls and ceiling didn't vary much in colour. My huband is now repainting the bathroom in a pale aqua colour, ceiling off white and unsure if again we should continue the wall paint on to the 'shadow gap' or stop at top of wall? I would appreciate if this could only be answered by someone who is a skilled painter and familiar with what I talk of. Thank you.

    1 AntwortDecorating & Remodelingvor 8 Jahren
  • Gloss paint on woodwork?

    Painted woodwork in kitchen with gloss paint (always been glossed) and wondering why it is still very tacky almost 24 hrs. later? Room well ventilated. Any help would be appreciated.

    5 AntwortenDecorating & Remodelingvor 8 Jahren
  • password for kindle fire?

    I am unable to get the use of wifi for my Kindle Fire as I forget my password. I am sure it was a series of numbers and/or letters from my hub. I have tried all different sorts of combinations etc. and still can't get my password. Can anyone help. If it is from my hub please can you tell me exactly where as I thought I had exhausted everything.

    2 AntwortenLogin and Securityvor 8 Jahren
  • Can hair shaper go in cabin baggage?

    Frequent traveller but first time going from UK to Spain with cabin baggage only. I understand re taking 100 ml liquids in sealed, clear plastic bags etc. However, I have hair shaper (paste form) in blue tub. Net weight is 2 US oz. or 57g. Can this go in these clear plastic bags or do I require to divide this in to little clear tubs? When trying to calculate this to equal 100 ml I find it difficult as obvious different substances eg oil, oates whatever give different weights when converting. I appreciate replies but could you only reply if you are certain if you know if this is allowed or not.

    2 AntwortenPacking & Preparationvor 8 Jahren
  • What happens to anyone with a holiday home abroad if the Euro Zone collapses?

    In laymans terms please can someone explain what it actually means to someone with property, for example in Spain if the Euro Zone collapses. I mean in relation to bank accounts, amounts to be paid in connection with property etc?

    2 AntwortenOther - Business & Financevor 9 Jahren
  • Changing your DLA Award?

    If you contact DWP to advise your condition has got better/worse do you require to again complete the long assessment form or do they adjust your DLA payment from the information you give them? Thanks.

    1 AntwortPeople with Disabilitiesvor 9 Jahren
  • Facebook/computer hacking?

    If I go through all my former FB postings and remove them are they gone forever or is there a way they could be hacked in to?

    3 AntwortenFacebookvor 9 Jahren
  • Disability Living Allowance being replaced with PIP.?

    This is purely something I just don't understand and wonder if anyone has the answer. I have been reading recently all about the governments Welfare Reform Bill. One of the things it states is that in 2013 all people of working age, 16 - 64 yrs. if eligible will lose DLA and receive PIP. However, I am sure there must be females presently receiving DLA who had worked sufficient years to get full State Pension at 60 who in 2013 will not yet be 64 so what category does this part of society come under? If you have earned your State Pension then surely you can no longer be classed as working age. Is it me or does the Dept. of Works and Pensions really confuse matters? Surely it should read those from 16 to State Pension entitlement or do they want people already classed as o.a.p's to change their status?

    2 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 9 Jahren
  • How far can people like DWP snoop on you?

    If someone has a bank account and perhaps on a non means tested benefit from DWP like Attendance Allowance or Disabillity Living Allowance and not claiming any other means tested benefits can the DWP still go in to your bank account, email or FB account without your permission?

    6 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Do you feel guilty if not minding your grandchildren?

    I don't know if I am being selfish and admit I do feel guilty. My husband only retired a few months ago after working extremely hard and away from home most of our married life. Bit late starters as grandparents but have had 2 grandchildren this year. I love them dearly. All 4 mums and dads are professional people. They did say I wasn't really expected to childmind when they were working. I offered to so for at least part of the time when here. We have a holiday home which we all use and in recent years my husband and I have managed to have a month there. It was our dream in retirement to be able to go for perhaps a few months at a time but decided not to in order we could help out with the children as much as possible. We have had a happy marriage but I feel with my husband working away to ensure family could be educated etc. we both did sacrifice a lot. Now one of the family I feel doesn't think we should go away for a holiday as long as a month and has said we cannot really commit to the children if we do that. Wondering what you all think? I do know grandparents where their lives completely revolve round their grandchildren and it's certainly not that I don't love our 2 little ones. Also if I make the decision not to have a month's holiday my husband will go along with it and I am then thinking I am being unfair to him. Really would appreciate your thoughts on this Thanks.

    14 AntwortenSenior Citizensvor 9 Jahren
  • Bus service to Las Catetillas from Tenerife South Airport?

    I arrive at Tenerife South Airport on Sun. 19 Feb. around 20.00 hrs. I have been advised to use public transport which you can get from the airport. Told to get bus 111. However, I am wondering if this still runs at this time on a Sun. evening? Have priced taxis, and private coaches but very pricey. Thanks to anyone who can assist.

    2 AntwortenAir Travelvor 9 Jahren
  • Computer monitor driving me crazy. Can you help?

    It is taking me ages to get my monitor to work normally. This has been going of for a week. Most time the screen is just coming up white with sometimes a very faint wording eg Windows in the background. I have checked all cables, plugs etc. Pretty sure it is not the on/off power button as this happens even if I have left the monitor absolutely normal and not turned the power button off. I can press and press the power button, reboot the computer etc. and suddenly give a press and monitor works perfectly. Once working no problem whatsoever but next time I return it's the samer carry on. I would very thankful if anyone could help me and please bear in mind I am not technical in any way so you would have to speak to me in basic language. Thanks!

    1 AntwortMonitorsvor 10 Jahren
  • Personal Tax Allowance.?

    What will the Personal Tax Allowance in UK be for people of 65 - 74 yrs. for year 2012/2013? I have read the increase for under 65's but see no mention of the category I refer to. Thanks to anyone who answers

    4 AntwortenUnited Kingdomvor 10 Jahren
  • How much Income tax will be paid?

    66 yr. old. Total annual income made up of UK State Pension and private Retirement Pension £15,143 p.a. Savings in ISA's so no interest or other earnings to declare. If tax allowance remaind the same as this year (£9,940) and tax remained at 20% can someone say the amount of tax that would be taken off monthly in the next financial year? Think I am able to work this out myself but rather than explain what you do to calculate this would rather have the figure you think would be deducted each month. Thank you.

    1 AntwortUnited Kingdomvor 10 Jahren
  • Question relating to tax allowance for UK pensioner?

    Person due to retire this year on 65th birthday. Total Income for year with State Pension and small private pension £14,831.36 (won't be claiming Pension Credit as wife also has income). How much tax will be paid on this? Understand this year's tax allowance is £9,940 and tax will be deducted at 20% on any income above this up to £24.000. Question is does the married persons allowance which is normally claimed each year be added to the £9,940 or is £9,940 the total allowance that will be received. I think it is but not well up on tax matters so just making sure. Thanks!

    3 AntwortenUnited Kingdomvor 10 Jahren
  • Can you work on day of your 65th birthday?

    I have been told by 2 different people that if you intend working on after retirement age and your 65th birthday falls on a working day you must have this 1 day off, something to do with NI contributions. I say 65th birthday but presume with retirement ages going up it would also mean not being able to work on the official day you reached retirement age if a working day. Sounds crazy, that's why I'm asking.

    1 AntwortLaw & Ethicsvor 10 Jahren
  • New proposals re Disability Living Allowance.?

    I read that those under 16 or over 65 on DLA are not to be reassessed in 2013 for the new benefit replacing DLA. More so with regard to older people will it not be a sheer waste of time if for example someone is 62, 63, 64 with a life time or indefinite award, previously been through DWP medicals etc. to reasses when the government state a main reason for this benefit change is to get people in to work?

    3 AntwortenPeople with Disabilitiesvor 10 Jahren