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  • I think my cat may be pregnant. Anyone have opinions? Nipple pics ;) haha?

    I rescued a cat (who I m sure wasn t spayed) like 2 3 days later she entered into heat. It happened all before we were able to spay her.Blah blah blah. My nieces cat ... did the dirty with her 33 days ago. I believe her nipples have got Pinker bigger they look a little dried out. Her abdomen is sorta hard.. n she has what feels like fatty warm shaped masses on her belly. Feel weird She s been feeling not her self I can tell. . . Will be going to the vet Tuesday (it s saturday) just want some opinions before then. Thanks.

    2 AntwortenCatsvor 5 Jahren
  • Attachment image

    Pregnant. I think I found a worm in my poop? *pic*?

    Pregnant found this when I wiped...I just moved to florida from philly 7 months ago. I realized recently I been so angry n I flip out over nothing. I have found it harder to find the words I wanna say when I talk and idk I just don't feel like myself. Youse think this is a worm??!

    2 AntwortenPregnancyvor 5 Jahren
  • Brain leak? Or something else??

    Ok so about 2 months ago I stood up straight after bending over and this yellow watery stuff that was sticky when it dried came running out of my nose. It wasn't mucus. It looked like stomach acid or something and was sticky there was kinda alot of it. I didn't think anything of it until a couple of days ago. Back in 2005 I was in a severe car accident where I did have damage to my brain don't know if it's connected . Over the past couple months as well ive noticed ive begun to i think studder and its sometjmes hard for me to find the word i wanna say while talking. (Don't know if any of this is related) Now more recently every now and then it feels like water in my left ear but it goes away after a couple mins. But has been coming back for a couple weeks. Anyone know of possibly what this is? Should I be concerned? I'm a 25 mainly healthy female.

    3 AntwortenInjuriesvor 5 Jahren
  • Attachment image

    Is this a EVAP line? Or a line at all?

    I've had bleeding twice this cycle. Constant lower back ache oily skin boobs are leaking fluid. Crampy. Blah. I just don't know anymore.

    2 AntwortenPregnancyvor 6 Jahren
  • Moms/pregnant ladies only!!?

    K so. I'm 24. I got my period last month on the 20th it lasted till the 1st. 8 days later I started bleeding. Like bad. Horrible cramps and lower back pain, leg pain, head cold, and recently I've been having alot of problems with my teeth. Alot. Oh and my left nipple has clear liquid coming out. I have to squeeze it but ...yeah. Don't know if that matters.has this happened to anyone else? Ive been cramps since the 8th. N it's mainly on my right side. . Help? Thanks.

    3 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 6 Jahren
  • Can anyone tell me what plant this is?

    Just moved in this new house about a month ago. There was a plant outfront. Just either today or yesterday it Budded this black/purple thing? Can t figure out just what it is. Anyone have any ideas?

    2 AntwortenGarden & Landscapevor 6 Jahren
  • paranormal phenomenon...or something else. started at exacly 3

    ok so we just moved into the bottom of a house theres a bottom house and a top house. last night me and my husband were up late and went to lay down at like 2;30 am. at exacly 3 am we were awoken to heavy footsteps on our deck right outside our bedroom are windows are up high so we cant see out to see what it was. after while like 10 mins there were alot more ''footsteps'' which then begain hauling *** and running up n down my deck stairs...but it was eerie like nothing ive ever heard before. then we heard scratches on our metal door. it stopped for 10-15 mins. then started up again worse then before. we could hear our chairs moving agains the wooden deck and the footsteps still running up n down. alll over the deck. then something jiggiling our doorknob. me n my husband got so freaked out he actually jumped up got his gun and put it under his pillow. at 430 it finially stopped. but 5 mins after it did my 6 month old baby started screeeeaamingggg but she was still asleep it was weird. it was like she was having a bad dream she did it once more. n hasent done it since. im so freaked out. ive never expierenced anything like this before

    4 AntwortenParanormal Phenomenavor 7 Jahren
  • can a hospital send you home with out fully getting rid of sepsis?

    my husband was admitted to the hospital a little over a month ago because he aquired sepsis we have just gotten married 6 days ago. he has Hep C and claims he still has sepsis.. i dont fully think the hospital could send him home without getting rid of it fully...can they? he has no symptoms of it now.. but im not sure...any opinions?

    2 AntwortenInfectious Diseasesvor 7 Jahren
  • severe pain in my back kidney pain?!? helppp?

    SEVERE pain in my back twords my right side hurts to walk sit stand. i have a temp of 99.1 it also hurts after i pee like my bladder .. i pee very frequently and feels as if i have a full bladder. im 23 please should i go to the ER?

    2 AntwortenPain & Pain Managementvor 7 Jahren
  • something is medically wrong with me. but im not sure what. someone please help...?

    first off i have state insurance and its very hard for me to find a doctor to go in depth and try and find out whats wrong with me..

    i missed my period in april. it still hasent arrived. ( im NOT pregnant)

    since than ive been having Nausea everyday all day, headaches, flu like symptoms, leg pains, confusion, been having trouble spelling words that i used to know, lower right front abdomal pain, red bumps on my chest, dark urine, feeling as if my bladder is full often and urinating more frequent, TMI SORRY i literally poop 4-5 times a day. NOT normal for me. moodiness, mood swings, fatigue, 2-3 weeks ago i had what i thought was a flu. but i havent gotten sick since i was in 6th grade..(im now 23) and i have a cough still that sounds like i have fluid is in my lungs...but today i took my temp again because i feel like i have the flu AGAINNNN and my temp was 99.2 when my body temp is usually 97.7 ish. painful intercourse i just feel achy and honestly i feel like and know my body well enough to know that something is wrong.. can someone please help me..

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 7 Jahren
  • what are the odds of this happening? TTC?

    Are they evap lines? There both there one you can hardly see in the pic. And the small one you can only see a faint line if I turn it a certain way do you guys think I'm pregnant or wat???

    1 AntwortTrying to Conceivevor 7 Jahren
  • pregnancy symptoms but negative test. going craaazy?

    I had my period on march 9th and again march 29 I got a positive ovulation test on April 16. Since then I've had horrible le back pain extreme fatigue nausea cravings etc. But 4 negative pregnancy tests and the day of my missed period (8 days after ovulation) I had a neg. Blood test. With my last pregnancy.. (she was born 1-17-14) my hCG levels were only 10 at 4 weeks 5 days. Idk what to doooo lol I'm so confused. My period was surpassed to be here on the 26. Any ideas?

    2 AntwortenTrying to Conceivevor 7 Jahren
  • 35 WEEKS PREGGO. bad if I take ONLY 1 perk 10?? please help!?

    I cracked my tooth in half and am in so much pain I'm in tears and screaming!! I'm 35 weeks pregnant and Tylenol dose t work I just left a hospital a Catholic hospital so they don't give out pain meds. And I just feel like dying I'm in so much pain. Will taking just 1 percocet 10 mg hurt baby. I really need some relief. Please no bullish*t answers I just need it to help until my antibiotics kick in. And I only wanna take 1 perk. Please help

    2 AntwortenPain & Pain Managementvor 7 Jahren
  • mucus plug? labor soon?

    I believe I've been loosing my mucus plug for almost 3 weeks now. TMI. Its like stringy and clearish white I just lost part of it again an hour ago. I've been in l&d twice in the past 2 days for contractions. I'm 34+5 days. I'm 1-2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Was this my mucus plug ? And does it mean I will go into labor soon?..??

    4 AntwortenPregnancyvor 7 Jahren
  • 1 1/2 cm dilated 50% effaced...? POLL?

    I'm 35 weeks and went to the hospital today due to preterm contractions. They were pretty strong.. now I have such bad pressure down there I can barley walk. They sent me home n told me to Drink water. They checked n I was 1 1/2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I had my first child at 36 weeks. How long was everyone dialated before you guys went into labor?? Just wondering. Thanks!!:-)

    2 AntwortenPregnancyvor 7 Jahren
  • what do you think about this name for a baby girl?

    Im 34 weeks pregnant I've already chosen her name but would like to see if it gets a good review lol her names gonna be Haven Nicole. Let me know what you think!!:-)

    6 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 7 Jahren
  • question for pregnant women or mothers!?

    How soon after your baby "dropped" did you deliver your baby?

    3 AntwortenPregnancyvor 8 Jahren
  • Braxton hicks or preterm labor?!!?

    First off lemme say that if your not going to answer the question that I asked then don't answer. Especially if your going to say some crap that has no relevance. Thanks :)

    I'm 21 weeks 3 days pregnant with my second child. I've gotten braxton hicks contractions for about 3 weeks now. Today I had at least 10-12 braxton hicks contractions throughout the day. Sometimes 2 in an hour sometimes more sometimes less. Is this because my baby is moving around and is resting on my cervix or do I need to be concerned. they are painful. When my belly tightens i have to stop what im doing and close my eyes and breathe.I've been in labor before and had bad contractions and this is not them. Any advice would be well appreciated thanks!!

    2 AntwortenPregnancyvor 8 Jahren
  • Baby registry !! help?

    Can anyone tell me of places that I can make a baby registry and when I do they give me a free gift bag.?? I already have one at babies r us and target. I live on the east coast. So any suggestions would be great. Oh and in store only not online thanks! :X

    2 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 8 Jahren