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Whats the movie called with Arnold schwarzenegger plays a twin identical double?
5 AntwortenMoviesvor 4 JahrenWhy on forms to majority of people tick Christianity-?
6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 6 JahrenIf I block someone on facebook can they find me through a mutual friend?
2 AntwortenFacebookvor 6 JahrenWhy do like 90% of girls expect the boy to ask them out,?
6 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 6 JahrenDo you include foreword and afterword in your book when you send it?
4 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 7 Jahrenwhat are these films called?
I think there was a school on Moon or something and in the 3rd one she is living on earth
and there is a guy called brandon
2 AntwortenMoviesvor 7 JahrenHelp with powerpoint?
How do you get powerpoint like this-
View notes like the one on computer-
Basically The computer is what I would see, and audience see normal power point, i can see that to but on right hand side is the full slide with everything on How would i edit like that
Sorry if sounds confusing
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 7 JahrenI want to do my Duke of edinburgh gold this year but i'm unable to because theres only me in group?
And i having to help silver to plan till other gold's turn up, and i have been waiting like 2 month for an edofe account to be set up- i have the other book but prefer a edofe account for evidence
Is there anyone in the lancashire area who is wanting to dofe gold so then i can do it with my community centre
1 AntwortYahoo Groupsvor 9 JahrenWhere is the possible to do the dofe gold by horseback where it don't cost like 300+?
I ain't asked my group yet- but i am the only gold person who shows up rest of em will come probely after easter
So it total i am looking 2 pay something like £400 to cover expedtion and practise
also i prefer somewhere were we dont need training
2 AntwortenOther - Outdoor Recreationvor 9 Jahrenwhen you take stand in court why do the make you swear bible, & not another holy book & i'm not being racist?
If people aren't christians then it don't really mean anything to them to lie then taking an oath on bible to tell truth
8 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 10 JahrenHow much is xbox live on bronze,silver,gold and how longs it for?
4 AntwortenXboxvor 10 JahrenI am a christian and i have known this teacher for about 9 years and i am friends with her daughter?
I told her husband tonight who is also a christian i'm thinking of doing beach mission next year and he said something like "Are u having a laugh" and i dont know weather he is serious or not
what do you think?
2 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 10 Jahrendo you ever wonder what would happen if people had 2 hours science a week a 4 Re?
People would probley believe more about creation story and then it would be end of debating over science vs religion
what do you think
4 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 10 JahrenDust? High in fat or Low in Fat?
3 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 10 JahrenI do a radio show at community radio station and i'm wondering are there any free sites i can get some back?
and i'm wondering are there any free sites i can get some backing tracks to use to make my promos
2 AntwortenRadiovor 10 Jahren