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  • I think I led a special needs boy on!!!?

    This just happened and I'm spazzing out.

    I'm with my youth group on a missions trip. There is a 22 year old guy who has the mind of a 12 year old kid. You can tell he isn't all there, and is most likely special needs.

    A lot of the other "Christians" here with me make fun of him because he smells and is different. I have repeatedly stood up for him and always act nicely towards him.

    He texted me and said he liked me as a girlfriend. I'm 17, and I told him no, I like him as a friend (true), he's too old (true), and that I was still healing from my last, semi recent break up (mostly true).

    Now he says he is sad and keeps trying to tell me we aren't that different in ages- what should I do??? I don't like him but I don't want to be mean or anything either!

    5 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • Guys, is no sex a deal breaker?

    My boyfriend and I broke up last month. Today would have been our two year anniversary. Being a modest, religious high school girl, him and I never really had sex.

    One of the reasons he dumped me was because of this. He told me no guy would ever date a girl who would make him wait until marriage for sex.

    I was thinking of having sex with as an anniversary gift, until the break up happened. But is he right? Is a girl who wants to wait for sex a deal breaker to most guys?

    9 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • Are anime/nerdy girls attractive?

    I feel like no guy will ever date someone like me. I'm 17, and only ever met one guy who liked me, but it turned out to be a flop.

    I'm 5'4 and chubby. Not obese or anything, but I have to wear larger sized clothing. I wear glasses, and I love Japanese anime. I do well in school, and thus I am pretty nerdy. I used to take Tae Kwon Do, and I got my black belt, but had to quit going when I started my job.

    People say I'm very nice and caring about everyone- I always have a smile on my face, and will lend a helping hand in any way possible. I work hard to over achieve in everything I do.

    I can be super silly and random, and I love making crappy puns.

    Despite this, I feel like no guy could ever really like me, since I'm not really into the pop culture, skinny, or big chested. Do I seem attractive to the right kind of guy...?

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren