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Lv 44.399 points

Ich schließe nicht ab

Favorisierte Antworten7%

don't like the "normal" life risk allot to gain skateboarding, motor-biking, singing and guitarist love eating, having fun, girls in college, 18 yrs old spontaneous don't regret anything i'm stubborn i like to win and when i want something, i go after it till i get it WORK HARD PLAY HARD like the band Tokio Hotel my girl uses this to ask questions too so some of my questions were asked by her and answered

  • what does it mean to dream about a d*ck?

    im a girl, using my bf's account btw

    what does it mean if i see them in my dream?? they were fake btw lol and there was like a box of them...???

    3 AntwortenDream Interpretationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what does it mean to be "frozen" ?

    like you're heart is frozen. what does that mean? what causes you to be frozen

    1 AntwortPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what do you think of when your mind wanders?

    like if you let your imagination free, what do you see

    are u creative??

    7 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • POLL : did you change after the first time you smoked weed?

    do you feel kinda different now, more sleepy all the time and more in your own world lol

    3 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • any really fun websites?

    that i can go to. I'm really bored.

    5 AntwortenHobbies & Craftsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what do you do when you're told YOU DON'T MATTER?

    what do you do? how do you feel? There's this guy that's putting me down, telling me i don't matter. He's completely arrogant and oblivious to it. He thinks everything revolves around him and he thinks he's so smart. Like the other day I said excuse me when I was trying to pass through and he just stood there. HOW ******* DISRESPECTFUL IS THAT?? and he's making me feel like i'm the immature one here, making his friends believe it too. and i'm tired of being the bigger person, just shaking my head, leaving the situation when i really just want to ******* punch his teeth in really hard.

    i just can't understand how people who feel better about themselves by misjudging others...they're just UUHHHH so ******* ridiculous. It pisses me off so much. I hope he ******* realizes how retarded he is.

    but seriously

    im tired of being put down when i really just want to tell him off but i don't know what the **** to do. I don't want to come off as a douche but i just know im right. Am I right? Uh i just don't know I feel so alone in this..

    oh and this is my boyfriends account im using it im a girl

    3 AntwortenMental Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • help for Food poisoning?

    i have food poisoning right now it was something i ate today. I think it was undercooked chicken. I just can't seem to get rid of it. I'm nauseaous and everything i eat, i throw up, including water!!

    what can i do to get it out of me?? i tried that water thing but i just throw that up too. is that how it's supposed to be with food poisoning, like you even throw up the water. Cause i can't "flush" anything out with water..

    5 AntwortenInfectious Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • out of body experience??!?!?

    last night i was sleeping, dreaming. then i was like aware that i was sleeping [lucid dreaming] and my body became really heavy and i was slowly lost sensation.i became paralyzed. I felt something vibrating out of my body and in my body. It wasn't my body, it was something else. then i felt my self lift out of my body, like 3 inches above and i heard noises comming from everywhere that were not there in the room. the room was dark but i could like see everything in like a light orangish light. I saw what looked like a ghost in front of me comming towards me. As soon as I saw it I became scared shitless and i felt myself like right back in my body. I'm dead serious. I don't know if it's a full OOB but it was a semi one. I tried to go further so I could like stand up and really move everywhere but I was so scared. i think since i'm really stressed our right now that that is probably why i was so scared and couldn't do it.

    anybody else had a OOB experience?

    3 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • are we all a little lost and confused?

    sometimes i can get really lost and confused

    4 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • feeling numb? [20 characters]?

    I can't get angry or sad now. It's just this numbness and I feel like nothing is real. I feel like there is nothing...

    anyone know why?

    2 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • things you just hate??!?!?

    i hate it when people walk and then stop in the middle of the hallway when I have to get through

    i hate it when i'm eating and somebody says "can i have a peice of that" and then another 3 people see it and they want some too

    i hate it when ugly fat guys have hot wives

    i hate broccoli and peas

    i hate it when you say "no" to someone and that person goes on trying to convince you otherwise

    i hate it when i'm watching a show or movie and then it gets to the "what's gonna happen!!!" part and then a commercial comes on

    ahhhh that felt good lol

    62 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • is this an out-of-body experience?

    i remember when i was like 6, I sat in a chair in my living room and visualized myself in space. It was almost like I was right there I was flying through space and It felt so real and I almost fell out of my chair and that's what "woke" me out of my daydream..

    8 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what is something really funny that happened to you?

    I know someone asked a question like this before but um I don't care whatever

    the funniest thing that happened to me was when I got high and went to school. I was like falling down the halls on everybody and just started laughing out of nowhere they were like wtf lol and I just started laughing for no reason in the classrooms and I asked random people questions lol I remember i was walking down the halls and this guy was right next me and i was like "are we in a movie??" XD haha i couldn't control myself!!

    ok ur turn =]

    1 AntwortPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • If you could tell your friends how you really felt about them, what would you say?

    I think we all hide how we really feel about our friends, wether it's because they changed or because things changed.

    what do you feel like letting out that you've been bottling up?

    i just want to see if i'm the only one in this...

    12 AntwortenFriendsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • POLL: truth or dare??

    either tell me a truth about yourself that's like a secret or I dare you to make-out with your computer screen

    whatever i'm bored.

    7 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what does it mean to be an "outsider looking in"?

    what does that mean?

    4 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • poll: what would you do if all your friends turned against you?

    If everyone changed towards you, started acting mean to you. It's a poll for psychology course, homework.

    11 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehnt


    1 AntwortGovernmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau on Sovereignity, rebellion, and limits on government?

    I need to know what each guy said about each one of those 3 mentioned. I need to know this by tommorrow!!! even if you only know one of those just tell me I need as much of this information as possible

    example. Hobbes argument on rebellion, sovereignity and LG

    Locke argument on rebellion, s, and LG

    and Roussaues argument as well

    2 AntwortenGovernmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt