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Having issues with my neighbor, any help?
Ok, everynight my neighbors son has multiple friends over (at least 2-3 vehicles). Now noise is not an issue, but they use our driveway everynight to turn around instead of using the neighbors driveway or going to the end of the court to turn around. Also the neighbors house is a corner lot, so when they leave they walk through our side yard and down our driveway because they park in front of our house. Now I have talked to them several times about using our yard as a public turnaround and walk way and it seems to have helped some. They havn't walked thru the yard in awhile but I just noticed tonight again a turn around.
At this point after talking to the son, friends, and parents of son I am considered calling the cops. My main question is will they do anything, or can they do anything? I don't know what else to do. This may not seem like a big issue to some but when it happens EVERY NIGHT, it gets old really fast.
THanks for the help
4 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 9 JahrenProblems with WWE 12, Please help!!?
First question, how do you unlock Brock Lesnar?? Well playing WWE Universe mode I have played two matches with were labeled ??? vs John Cena or someone else. The mystery character both times was Brock, but I played as him and won. I assume I am suppose to play as the opponent and beat him? Will that unlock him?
Next, what the hell is up with this breaking point crap. Supposedly the manual says when I put someone in a submission I am suppose to hold X and it will apply pressure or whatever. Well my finishing move is the torture rack, and multiple times I have applied it at least 3 times per match and never won with the breaking point. It actually seems like holding X releases them faster. Help please.
Finally, what is with the AI reversing so much, good god that's annoying.
Playing on PS3
2 AntwortenPlayStationvor 9 JahrenWhat is wrong with WWE 12, any help?
First question, how do you unlock Brock Lesnar?? Well playing WWE Universe mode I have played two matches with were labeled ??? vs John Cena or someone else. The mystery character both times was Brock, but I played as him and won. I assume I am suppose to play as the opponent and beat him? Will that unlock him?
Next, what the hell is up with this breaking point crap. Supposedly the manual says when I put someone in a submission I am suppose to hold X and it will apply pressure or whatever. Well my finishing move is the torture rack, and multiple times I have applied it at least 3 times per match and never won with the breaking point. It actually seems like holding X releases them faster. Help please.
Finally, what is with the AI reversing so much, good god that's annoying.
Playing on PS3
3 AntwortenWrestlingvor 9 JahrenDumb question but Will Kane have hair?
Dumb question I know but I can't picture a bald kane with the mask. Just seems dumb. Hopefully he grew the hair out.
11 AntwortenWrestlingvor 9 JahrenRyder vs Brodus coming up?
Hope Brodus destroys him, assuming it is him
8 AntwortenWrestlingvor 9 JahrenRemember when WWE actually surprised us with returns and debuts?
I'm guessing these promos are for Jericho or Taker which seems to just have run its course now. Everytime it happens we all guess Taker and it usually is. Why do they feel they need to hype him returning again and again. He is in his 46 years old and is only going to build up a feud and fight at WM, then disappear again. Honestly it would be better if he just randomly returned out of no where.
Just miss the old days where those promo videos brought in someone new or someone who hasnt been here for years.
4 AntwortenWrestlingvor 9 JahrenWould you still go through with buying this car?
I recently decided to purchase a 2004 Grand Prix GT. It has 113,000 miles on it and runs great. It looks awesome inside and out. I got to take it home for the weekend and noticed a couple of things. First, it was loud on the road, but the major issue was that it stalled out 2 different times when I started it. So I took it back to the dealer and said that those things needed to be fixed along with ionizing to get out the smoke smell and they needed to clean it. They agreed to fix those things. They replaced the rear tires and cleared the body throttle. I'm going there tonight to get the car, but am a little concerned. There is no warranty on it. The dealership's policy is cars with over 100,000 miles do not qualify for a warranty. I'm worried that something else might go wrong with it. However, they are going to put in writing that if the body throttle wasn't the cause of the stalling, and it was the fuel gauge, they will fix it free of charge. I'm fine with this, but my dad wants to push for at least a 30 day warranty and walk if they say no. I don't want to lose this car. I've been looking for the past 3 years and absolutely love this one. Any advice? What would you do?
6 AntwortenBuying & Sellingvor 10 JahrenHelp with picking home theater system?
I just bought a 55 inch tv and I'm looking for a home theater system. Could someone help me select a good one? Prefereably from best buy or abc warehouse because they are close by. Also if my tv is a Toshiba could I get a Sony or Samsung system? Does it matter that my tv isn't a samsung or sony? Also any suggestions on speaker placement would help. This is obviously my first audio system.
3 AntwortenHome Theatervor 10 JahrenHow to change mercury thermostat?
I know how but my main issue is once a pop the front plate of the old white rodgers mercury thermostat all the wires are white. All the reasearch I did shows colored wheres to identify the wires. I didn't look at it throughly but are the letters by the wires? and if there not when I look again, could they be on the back? or what would i do?
8 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 10 JahrenWhy does house have 2 thermostats?
It is a 2 story house and the upstairs has a digital thermostat with heat/cool option. Downstairs has an old white rodgers model with a knob. Heater is the kind where water is heated and radiated out. There is also a thermostat in the master bedroom for some reason that is exactly like the one downstairs.
My guess would be although the upstairs has a heat/cool option, that it is only for air conditioning. We tried turning heat on with it but I don't think it ever came on. We adjusted downstairs one and heat come on.
I just want to get another point of view on this.
3 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 10 JahrenHelp with bathroom fan on 1st floor?
I got the motor and blower fan out but the housing seems stuck or attached. I don't see any screws left so I don't know how to get it out. Obviously there is no attic above since I live in a 2 story house. How would I get this out without damaging the ceiling?
3 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 10 JahrenHow do I remove a bathroom fan on 1st floor?
I got the motor and blower fan out but the housing seems stuck or attached. I don't see any screws left so I don't know how to get it out. Obviously there is no attic above since I live in a 2 story house. How would I get this out without damaging the ceiling?
1 AntwortDo It Yourself (DIY)vor 10 JahrenToilet is flushing slow, any help?
It is not pluged but for some reason it takes probably 8-10 sec to completly flush. Water just spins then goes down. What is wrong and would it be a easy fix?
6 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 10 JahrenToilet is flushing slow, any help?
It is not pluged but for some reason it takes probably 8-10 sec to completly flush. Water just spins then goes down. What is wrong and would it be a easy fix?
3 AntwortenDo It Yourself (DIY)vor 10 JahrenHelp with bathroom exhaust fan plz?
I am replacing the motor and blade in my first floor bathroom. I don't want to get in depth with it by replacing the whole thing. I am looking to replace the motor and blade only, problem is I have no clue what brand I currently have because it's so old. I believe it's a air king but I could be wrong. Main question is are there any universal motors/blade that will work with any brand, so I don't have to find a specific brand? I found some on amazon but I would like other input. Thanks.
4 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 10 JahrenHelp with bathroom exhaust fan plz?
I am replacing the motor and blade in my first floor bathroom. I don't want to get in depth with it by replacing the whole thing. I am looking to replace the motor and blade only, problem is I have no clue what brand I currently have because it's so old. I believe it's a air king but I could be wrong. Main question is are there any universal motors/blade that will work with any brand, so I don't have to find a specific brand? I found some on amazon but I would like other input. Thanks.
5 AntwortenDo It Yourself (DIY)vor 10 JahrenWhat is this movie title?
It's fairly new. Like within 5 years I think. There is like 3 girls and 2 guys who take a motor home somewhere. One of the girls is attracted to one of the guys who has a gf and constantly hits on him. They later hook up out in the woods. Another part has them all swimming in a small pond and the one guy loses his wallet which sinks to the bottom where I believe there was a body "or multiple bodies". Not sure if this is the same movie, but I believe the girls were inhertening an old motel or something.
1 AntwortMoviesvor 10 JahrenDid Jonah from Extreme Makeover Home Edition find a match?
I'm just wondering if they found a donor match for him?
1 AntwortReality Televisionvor 10 JahrenIn what ways does road construction indirectly influence people?
1 AntwortPhilosophyvor 10 Jahren