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What questions can be answered through biological anthropology?
1 AntwortAnthropologyvor 8 JahrenHow do I take care of a belly piercing?
I got my belly button pierced, but the guy at the tattoo shop where I got it done gave me no care instructions. So how do I take care of the piercing?
3 AntwortenOther - Skin & Bodyvor 9 JahrenWhat is the standard or average size of a laptop?
4 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 9 JahrenMacBook Air or MacBook Pro?
My dad wants to purchase me a new MacBook laptop as a high school graduation present, but I don't know which MacBook to choose. He says I can have any one I want, so the sky is the limit I guess. I don't anything about computers though. So which should I choose: MacBook Air or MacBook Pro?
3 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 9 JahrenWhat does s&m stand for?
1 AntwortWords & Wordplayvor 1 JahrzehntHow do I setup an iTunes account?
I'm sharing a computer and need a separate iTunes account.
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 JahrzehntWhat should I wear to a black-and-white theme party?
My dad and I are taking a road trip to Wisconsin this weekend, and I'll be attending my fifteen-year-old cousin's black-and-white theme party. I think it's her Sweet 16. I know I have to wear something black and white, but I have no idea what.
3 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 JahrzehntGirls, what's the best way to forget about a boy?
I'm finding it hard to move on from a crush who doesn't want me. I need to let him go ASAP. I need help! Suggestions?
4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 JahrzehntWhat does it mean when I guy says he likes you but he's not really looking for a girlfriend?
my crush admitted that he liked me, but he also added that he really wasn't looking for a girlfriend. besides the obvious, is there something underlying that he was trying to say?
23 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 JahrzehntWhat are the do's and don't for movie dates?
I'm going on my first date to the movies, and I don't know how I should act and what to eat and what not to eat and how to act while I'm sitting next to my crush in the theater. I need advice. Thank you.
5 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 JahrzehntWhat should I wear on a movie date?
I am a sixteen-year-old female, and I'm going on my first date to the movies this Saturday evening with my crush. I don't know what to wear. Help! Thank you.
9 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 JahrzehntIs he a flirt or does he really like me?
I like a guy in my English class who is super cute and super funny. We joke around a lot, and he likes to touch me and play with me where it's subtle flirting. Then he messaged me with his number, and we started texting for a short while. He always gives me a smile and hug when he sees me.
6 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 JahrzehntI think my girl is cheating. How do I tell for sure?
She doesn't seem to have time for me anymore, yet I see posts on her Facebook page like "hanging with you-know-who" or "getting some loving." She's not with me, so who else could she be referring to? She HAS to be cheating, right? I mean, I asked her, and she got totally offended, but the posts continue to happen.
7 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 JahrzehntAm I a man whore because I want a girl without the commitment attached?
It's recently been brought to my attention that I'm a "man whore," the male version of a slut or a whore. Well, I beg to differ. Sure I haven't had a girlfriend in three months, and I've been with a few girls. I just don't feel like being tied down right now. The chicks I've been through don't care. How does that make me a so-called man whore?
6 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 JahrzehntHow do I break it off nicely?
I've been dating this chick for three and a half weeks, and it's already going down hill. She's always in my space, calling me every five minutes and complaining about everything. She's annoying but extremely sensitive. I don't wanna hurt her, but I can't take another day of her. What do I do?
3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 JahrzehntAm I another stereotype?
There's this chick in my math class who totally called me out today. She said I'm the typical popular boy stereotype. I never thought about that before, but some of the things she said kinda hit hard. We're both high school seniors, by the way. I'm quarterback of the football team, and my girl is a cheerleader. I care a lot about my hair, clothes, and appearances. I have a lot of friends, and everyone loves me--especially the ladies. My grades aren't so hot. I have a C average overall. I love to party and drink. I guess I'm pretty well off where money is concerned because both my parents are doctors. I'm an only child, too, so I pretty much get my way. But does all that really make me a "popular boy" stereotype?
22 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 1 JahrzehntWhat do you think of the name Bryce?
My girl's seven months pregnant with our son, and we've been debating names since day one. I'm into the name Bryce, but she hates it. What's your opinion on the name?
10 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 1 JahrzehntFootball is the world's best sport. What do you think?
Hands down, football is the greatest sport alive. It's my passion, too. I've been in the game since I was five. I've got a football scolarship to University of Georgia and everything. What's your opinion on the sport?
3 AntwortenOther - Sportsvor 1 JahrzehntMy girlfriend is pregnant. Where do I go from now?
We've been together for only five months. She told me she was on birth control, but she forgot to take it a few days. Now she knocked up with my kid, and she wants to keep it. She's already told her parents and everything. Surprisingly they're not as pissed as I thought they'd be. Anyway, I'm only 16. What the hell am I going to do with a kid? This is seriously gonna jeopardize my football career. What do I do? I need some serious advice.
8 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 JahrzehntWhat do I do about this chick?
So I met this chick at a party. We were drunk and had sex. Then it turns out we go to the same school. She actually wants to have a relationship with me, but I don't like her that way. What do I do?
9 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt