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Favorisierte Antworten14%
  • how do i wipe the hard drive of my dell mini?

    my friend has 3 dell mini notebooks and two of them wont work at all like they go to the blue screen and no i dont know what error message it gives me. and the third one works but is slow. i want to reformat the hard drives and i have successfully done it on two other computers but i can not figure out how to do this on the dell mini computers because when i start the computer i cant press f11 or f8 wont do anything and all the options i have are to press 0 or 2 and one is settings i think and the other is boot options and i do have a external cd drive with a reinstallation cd. if anyone can help me out or that has done it before i would greatly appreciate it. and when i go through my computer and go to manage and storage i cant delete the OP ive been trying this all day and nothing is working please help and that is all the information i can give you off the top of my head right now.

    please and thank you

    2 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • where can i find other gay teens in florida?

    hai im michael and im moving to florida during the beginning of the summer and im staying with my aunt and i dont think im goin to be moving back home. so i want to meet other gay teens in florida. preferebly in the northern part of florida like from pensacola to panama area. i dont have many friends there. and i have been meeting people from online for a while and im not scared to. so dont be all thats not a good idea. i can take care of myself in that area. i just want a website or if you know any friends or anything i would love to get to know them or know some sites to where i can meet someone. i would really appreciate all the help and if at all possible i only want places that do like teen chat or whatnot like 14-19 i dont wanna meet anyone thats not a teen. be kinda weird to me. k thanks so much =)))


    2 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • people that have skype = )?

    hey im a dude who is 19 and i live in louisiana. i would love to meet new people which im already doing online but i wanna find people i can talk to on skype. if you have any places i can look at or if you have one urself i would love to talk to you on there = )) im bi to and age doesnt matter cuz i dont really think it should .... but yea any help would be amazing thanks

    2 AntwortenComputer Networkingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • joining myspace groups ....?

    i wanna join this myspace group on someones profile but it says invalid group id. try a different id. how do i join this group. cuz i dont understand why i can join other groups but this one. can anyone please help me = )) thank you

    2 AntwortenMySpacevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • blackberry curve 8310 wont load?

    my blackberry 8310 wont load entirely. it turns on and goes to the hour glass and starts to load but then it goes to a white screen where it has a picture of a box with three things in it with a circle and the line through it. i have no clue what to do. i already tried taking the battery out and tried hittin those three buttons but nothing is working. please help thanks

    2 AntwortenPDAs & Handheldsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • does anyone have a skype?

    anybody have a skype and wanna talk im all ears and looking for people to talk to

    2 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • im 18 years old and in college i wanna meet some new people?

    im 18 and in college and i know it sounds bad but i wanna get to know more people... particularly girls. i know plenty here but i want to get to know some new ones that i can be myself around. i have a skype and feel free to look me up my skype name is bowlen09

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • help with xbox live for the weekend?

    all i need is a xbox live redeem code for the weekend like a 48 hour code until i get paid next week cuz my silver membership will start back up after the weekend. plz anybody who has a code that works and is not generated cuz i have been goin through codes all day and its not fun. plz help anybody

    1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt