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  • New Vegas DLC: Is there a book?

    I've got the Fallout NV walkthough book and have recently got the DLC. Is there a single book that covers just the DLC or do I need to buy a further full copy

    1 AntwortXboxvor 9 Jahren
  • Helium balloon and spinning earth question!?

    Pop question that for some reason jumped into my head in bed last night and I can't quite figure out the answer to;

    If I stood on the equator and filled up a Helium balloon, weighted it perfectly at 6ft so it was neither going up nor down, why would the balloon not stay in that one spot over the course of 24hrs whilst I rotated with the planet to meet it again from the other side(assuming no wind, mountains, etc getting in the way)........or would it?

    1 AntwortPhysicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Tax Year: Why is it such?

    Just out of idle interest why is the UK tax year April 1st-April 1st? Why not, say Jan 1st-Jan 1st, or any other date?

    If it was anyone else I'd have said it was supposed to be an April Fools but HMRC isn't exactly famous for it's sense of humour!

    3 AntwortenUnited Kingdomvor 9 Jahren
  • Protocol: Funeral or Coronation?

    When Betty Two finally shuffles off this mortal coil is there a protocol over what comes first, the funeral or the coronation of Charlie Three? Or is it just whatever makes practical sense based on the circumstances?

    14 AntwortenRoyaltyvor 10 Jahren
  • English translation of song/chant?

    Every time that one of the miners comes to the surface and at various points over the past few weeks people have started singing/chanting something. It sounds like a football(soccer) chant and I 'think' it may be at the end of the national anthem. I can't actually even make out the Spanish words they are singing to help you but within a minute-or-so of the miners coming up it's sang.


    5 AntwortenChilevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Weegie in need of help from the far East?

    Anyone know if there's a pick-up/drop-off charge from Embra airport?

    1 AntwortEdinburghvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Totting-up procedure!?

    When does the totting-up of yellows get cancelled? Is it after the groups or later on?

    3 AntwortenFIFA World Cup (TM)vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Goals in extra time!?

    Anybody know what's happening with extra-time goals this year? Is it the same silver goal/golden goal as last time or have they tinkered with it again?

    6 AntwortenFIFA World Cup (TM)vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What are they and where do the come from?

    Why when I leave a glass of water out for any length of time why do wee bubbles begin to form on the side and what are they made of? I understand the whole CO2 bubbles(in Coke, Champagne, etc) being caused by imperfections on the glass, but why in still water do they still appear? And if it works on the same principle are the bubbles Hydrogen or Oxygen?

    It's been annoying me for years this!

    2 AntwortenChemistryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wireless x-box controller?

    Long story short. I've just bought a new controller from an Amazon retailer. As is the way they never sent it in a box, but they also never sent the instructions and I've totally forgotten how to 'tune in' a controller to the x-box. Any help will be appreciated!

    4 AntwortenXboxvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What's the building next to 'oor wee parly'?

    I was watching an interview with wee Eck today and he was wandering about the Holyrood Parly garden with the interviewer. Anyways, in the background(~1 mile away I'd guess) there was a building that looked a bit like the millenium dome. What is it?

    1 AntwortEdinburghvor 1 Jahrzehnt