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Favorisierte Antworten23%
  • How much does it cost to change spark plugs and wires?

    I have a Mazda 1997 Mazda mx-6, and the place I'm living at now won't let me change them in the parking lot. Any guestimates how much it'll cost at a regular repair shop (not a dealer one).

    1 AntwortMazdavor 8 Jahren
  • OK, how do you report a question in the new version of Y!A?

    I just saw one of those spam questions offering escorts in India or Bangladesh or where ever it was, and i can't find where to report it on my mobile device. Am I just totally overlooking it?

    2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 8 Jahren
  • Safe to disable power steering?

    The power steering pump on my Mazda mx-6 (1997, if it matters) is going. I can get a good used one, and I have a friends that's a reliable shade tree mechanic who can put it on for me, but to be honest, I prefer manual. I know, it's weird right? But I do.

    My question is, can I disable the power steering without messing up my rack and pistons? I get conflicting answers from Googling and Binging, and I was just wondering if I should nurse my pump for another 3 weeks till I can replace it, or just disable it.

    I won't see my friend for a couple of days, and the pump I'm looking at might be sold by then. Any opinions are welcome.

    3 AntwortenOther - Cars & Transportationvor 8 Jahren
  • A question about milk?

    So I was wondering, do you think the Westboro hate group drinks homogeneous milk? I mean, it look at the first 4 letters of the word. Do you think that hate group would risk it? I like milk, but maybe they don't? BTW, I refuse to call it a church. I go to church, and so I know the difference.

    4 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • Why do the political pundits on here hate on each other so much?

    First off, I'm unaffiliated, so there's no hidden agenda in this question.

    Second, why does it seem that only the extremes of both sides ask questions on this forum? If we want to move forward, wouldn't it make sense to look to the middle-to people more worried about getting things done than standing on their party's platform, beating their chests, and declaring that their side is the saving grace of America? Maybe I'm just too old, but I swear there was a time when the politicians worked for the people, and not for their party.

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 Jahren
  • What do I do about this rude person?

    A newish neighbor saw me bringing in some canning jars to my apartment, and asked me about it. I explained that I liked to do my own canning, that way I knew what went into my food and I could take advantage of the bulk rate/value pack deals since they really aren't designed for one person. When the person made a prepper comment, I laughed and said if was I trying to prep I'd be buying tons of toilet paper and soap to use as trade. Now everyone I see this person I get a prepper crack.

    I'm not saying you shouldn't be prepared. I was in eastern NC during Floyd. I most definitely understand the importance of being prepared, especially when you live in hurricane country.

    I'm getting tired of the cracks, but because nothing is actually being done, and it doesn't approach harassment, there's nothing the landlord can do. Any ideas?

    5 AntwortenEtiquettevor 8 Jahren
  • How do I find old military records of my father?

    My father died when I was young and I'm trying to find out as much as I can about him. I can find out about his civilian life, of course, but not his military records. How can I do that? It's been quite a few years since he was in the army, and I've tried looking, but I'm really not sure where the proper place to contact is, or even if records from the late 50s/early 60s can be pulled.

    5 AntwortenMilitaryvor 8 Jahren
  • Is the hokey-pokey the perfect metaphor for our government?

    It occurred to me that the song "the hokey-pokey" is the perfect metaphor for how we elect our government officials. We put the left side on, we take the left side out, we put the left side in and shake'em all about. And then we do the hokey pokey and turn ourselves about. And then what do we do? We put the right side in, we take the right side out, we put the right side in and shake'em all about. We do the hokey-pokey and turn ourselves about.

    See what I mean? Is it me, or did I work at a daycare a little too long?

    1 AntwortGovernmentvor 8 Jahren
  • Growing veggies in pots?

    I don't have a place where I can dig up a plot to plant veggies, and I have grown tomatoes in a pot, but what other things could i grow? Green onions seem likely, but what about lettuce? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    5 AntwortenOther - Home & Gardenvor 8 Jahren
  • How true is information on the internet?

    Some people asking seem to believe that of it's on the internet it has too be true, so if I put on the internet that I'm a 5'10" model/scientist who has 50 million in the bank and lives in a 5 bedroom mini-mansion will I wake up tomorrow 20 years younger, 9 inches taller, in a bedroom as big as my living room and kitchen combined, and ready to retire? I really don't know alot about the internet, so I was just hoping.

    2 AntwortenOther - Internetvor 8 Jahren
  • Real meaning of some assembly required.?

    Is it just me, or does some assembly required, as it pertains to furniture in a box,mean haul out the big toolbox and don't plan on going anywhere for the next 30 minutes?

    9 AntwortenDo It Yourself (DIY)vor 8 Jahren
  • Why do people ask questions on here that could be better answered by googling, binging, or using Yahoo search?

    I'm just curious. Some of the answers they get on here are pure b.s. Are they doing it for laughs, or does it just not occur to them?

    4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 8 Jahren
  • Why do so many people come on this site and expect strangers too do their homework for them?

    I've only been looking over the questions for one day, and I've seen people asking for detailed analysis-with citations-of various items. Are they incapable of doing their own research?

    5 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 8 Jahren