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Favorisierte Antworten20%
  • Warum ist die Kirche gegen Homos? Hat Jesus wirklich darüber gesprochen? Oder hat das die Kirche einfach später erfunden?

    Für mich hat das überhaupt keinen Sinn, dass die Kirche gegen Homosexualität ist, da Homosexualität ja niemanden schadet und Sex ja mit Liebe verbunden ist, und Liebe ist ja das Grundprinzip des Christentums. Hat Jesus wirklich gesagt, dass Homosexualität falsch ist oder ist das etwas das die Kirche im Mittelalter erfunden.

    Auch, dass man nicht Sex vor der Ehe haben soll. Total keinen Sinn wenn man mich fragt.

    19 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualitätvor 7 Jahren
  • I really like Asian girls and would like one as a girlfriend, but my mom hates them, she says they are so ugly.?

    Hi! I'm a 24 year old guy. My mother has already several times mentioned, how ugly she thinks Asian people are. She said that they are really ugly with their short legs. Last winter I was in love with an Asian girl and I didn't want to tell my mother, but then I thought that I don't want to have such a bad relationship with her and so I told her. All she said was basically how ugly Asian people are. Now recently she even mentioned that she is scared that Asians are taking over the world.

    It really hurts me to hear this as I like Asia, the Asian culture and the people, and I would really want to marry an Asian girl. I don't know if talking to my mother will help since talking to her about other things has never helped in the past.

    What should I do?

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • Wie kann es denn sein, dass ein Flug auf Webseiten wie Swoodoo nur halb soviel kostet als auf der Homepag der eigentlichen Fluggesellschaft?

    Ich habe gerade einen Flug über Swoodoo bei gebucht. Laut und anderen Seiten soll eine Seite sein, der man trauen kann. Jedenfalls habe ich einen Flug im Sommer nach Tokio für 530 Euro mit Air France gebucht. Ich hab mal auf der Homepage von Air France geguckt, und der gleiche Flug kostet dort 1100 Euro. Wie ist das denn möglich? Wie kann Tripsta mir das Ticket für so wenig verkaufen? Hat jemand von euch ähnliche Buchungen gemacht? Ist das bestimmt kein Reinfall?

    4 AntwortenFlugreisenvor 7 Jahren
  • für Österreicher: findet ihr auch, dass Österreichisch dem Englischen ähnlicher ist als Hochdeutsch? Hat jemand eine Erklärung dafür?

    Ich komm aus Südtirol und ich find, dass viele Wörter auf Südtirolerisch dem Englischen ähnlicher sind als die dementsprechenden deutschen Wörter. Das ist aber ziemlich komisch, da Südtirol von England weiter entfernt ist als Deutschland. Hier einige Beispiele:

    Deutsch --> Südtirolerisch --> Englisch

    ich --> i --> I

    zuhören --> losen --> listen

    klein --> letz --> little

    heim --> hoam --> home

    Man kann auf Südtirolerisch auch oft Fragen mit "tust du .." beginnen, so wie auf Englisch "do you..."

    "rutschig" sagt man auf Südtirolerisch "hal". Ich lerne gerade Schwedisch, und auf Schwedisch heißt "rutschig" auch "hal".

    Hat jemand irgendeine Erklärung warum zwei weiter entfernte Sprachen ähnlicher sind als zwei die geographisch näher sind?

    11 AntwortenSprachenvor 7 Jahren
  • What does it mean if after a love letter the girl says she hopes we can be friends?

    There is this girl in my class that I'm really in love with, but she has a boyfriend. After suffering for a few months, I finally wrote her a love letter. She told me that she appreciated it, but she has a boyfriend and therefore hopes that we can be friends. I saw it coming, but I thought better than nothing. Now I'd actually like to have a coffee with her every now and then, in order to talk a bit, but she really ignores me all the time, if I talk to her she answers quickly and then turns to someone else. Could it be that "let's be friends" is a polite way to say "I never wanna see you again"?. Btw she is Chinese and generally very shy, maybe it's a cultural thing as well?

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • Can I send this letter to a girl I love?

    There is a girl I have been in love with for a while, but she already has a boyfriend. But I love her so much and therefore I want to try my luck with her by sending her a love letter. We don't talk much as she is very shy and I am as well, so I thought to break the ice with this letter:

    It is another beautiful dawn.

    When I woke up this morning, the thought of you made me smile and shiver,

    For a while you have been occupying my thoughts, my heart and my mind.

    To see you in class every day poses a challenge to my feelings,

    You allowed me to sense the most divine feelings again. I decided to open my heart to let you in.

    I want to be near you. I want to spend my time with you alone and without a word, feeling you near me.

    You are as beautiful as an angel when you laugh. Seeing you in joy, seeing your eyes expressing happiness and comfort warms my heart.

    I want to glide my hand along your cheeks and feel your soft skin. I want to hold you in my hands and let you know that I will always protect you.

    I know that you are in a great relationship. The thought of it has poisoned my heart and has left me like a lonely soul in the ocean. But I want you to know that I respect your relationship and I apologise for my selfishness. I hope he treats you as you deserve it, I hope he makes you feel special.

    It has been very difficult for me to tell you this. My heart will always be open to you.

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • I love this girl in my class... but she has a boyfriend?

    Hello everyone,

    I'm 23 year old guy. I admit I have very little experience with dating and never really had a proper girlfriend. There is a girl in my class at university that I liked, but she rejected me. Now I tried to put my attention to other things. And there is one Chinese girl in my class, who I always liked, but now suddenly I think I love her. I'm listening to love songs and thinking of her. We talk every now and then, but the problem is that she has a boyfriend. Now I am in Sweden at university and her boyfriend is in the US, but still I feel bad trying to date her anyway. Because even if she did leave him for me, that would mean that she is not very loyal and that one day she might leave me for someone else. I really don't know what to do. Initially I thought of just telling her that I really like her, but then again that would put her into an awkward situation, because what should she answer?

    She seems so perfect to me, I could imagine living with her until the end. I feel so bad that she has this boyfriend, this is so unfortunate. What shall I do? Just simply forget about her?

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • Why do women want to date and everything to be romantic and all that bullshit?

    I'm 23 and have never had a girlfriend and I'm really getting tired about how women act. If I like a woman and could imagine to marry her, I tell her I like her. If she likes me, we agree we should marry and live together. Very simple. But is reality like this?? Nooo. You need to go through a huuge amount of bullshit. You need to date, to pretend to be another person. You need to ask her in the right moment. What's the logic of that?? The right moment? So if the moment is wrong she suddenly doesn't like you anymore?? I find these rituals to be such a nonsense and a waste of time. I don't know if other guys think like me, but I would certainly like to know what girls think about this.

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • Would you ask a girl in your class just like that if she'd like to sleep with you? What do you girls think?

    I'm 18 and I've not had a lot of experience in bed so far. I only slept once with a hooker, but that's it. I know very little about how to approach girls, it's not really one of my natural talents. But I'm asking myself: there are many girls in my class I'd like to sleep with, not having a relationship but just sleep with, so it must be true that also some girls would like to do that with me. I really can't be bothered to go to a bar and hook up with some girl, I tried it many times and it never worked out. Instead I'd like to ask just a girl in my class, probably on facebook, after having chatted for a while and by easing into it, if she'd like to have sex with me. I'm a very open person, I think it's the best to say what you think. Do you think this is a good idea? How would you girls react if someone asked you such a question?

    6 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • Wie nennt man jemanden, der sich über Sachen beschwert, die er aber selber auch tut?

    Wie nennt man jemanden, der sich über Sachen beschwert, die er aber selber auch tut. Z.B. jemand beschwert sich, dass ich ihn nie besuche. Er aber besucht mich auch nie. Gibt es ein Wort für eine solche Verhaltensweise? Ich dachte immer sowas würde man einen "Heuchler" nennen, aber ich habe gerade entdeckt, dass ein Heuchler jemand ist, der andere Gefühle zeigt als die die er besitzt.

    danke für die Hilfe

    7 AntwortenSprachenvor 7 Jahren
  • If you were raped by a person you found attractive, do you think you might even end up enjoying it?

    I'm a man and I frankly can't understand why men find pleasure in rape. For me it's like this: the more the woman enjoys it, the more I enjoy it. So raping a woman wouldn't really give me much pleasure.

    But if I were hypothetically raped, well if the woman were hot, I think I might even like it. I can understand that women get traumatized if the man was ugly and disgusting, but what about an attractive man? How can you get traumatized by that? I don't quite get this. After all, everyone wants to get laid I guess.

  • Why do all Indians speak English with the same accent despite having different mother tongues?

    I'm Italian and I'm actually quite surprised that all Indians have the same accent when they speak English, since in different regions of India people speak different languages, that are completely unrelated to each other, like Kannada and Hindi. As far as I know some of the people from the south don't even know Hindi, yet they speak English with a Hindi accent. Why is that? I also know a guy from Singapore who is ethnic Indian, but his mother tongue is English and it's the only language he knows. Yet he has quite a Hindi accent.

    11 AntwortenLanguagesvor 8 Jahren
  • Have you ever felt like you'd like to beat up somebody on the street?

    I'm a 23 year old male from Switzerland living in the UK. I've recently had this feeling of wanting to beat up just some random guy on the street in order to kinda purify myself, I think it would make me feel better. I have a guess what the source might be. I am generally opposed to mass immigration to Europe from 3rd world countries, and when I'm on the bus going to uni and the bus is full of immigrants, I try to just accept it. But after a while, I feel like I'd like to beat somebody up. Just anyone, even a local. Just a random person. Maybe I have too much anger in myself and I should get rid of it by other means, maybe practice sports or so. What do you think? Have you ever had a similar feeling?

    3 AntwortenPsychologyvor 8 Jahren
  • Die Lufthansa is ja extrem teuer, wie finden die überhaupt Fluggäste?

    Wenn immer ich nach Flügen suche mit Suchmaschinen, die mehrere Fluggesellschaften vergleichen, hat die Lufthansa immer die höchsten Preise. Ich befinde mich gerade in Stockholm, und als ich gestern einen Flug nach München suchte, sa ich, dass die Lufthansa täglich Direktflüge von Stockholm nach München anbietet, die zirka 870!!! Euro kosten. Wer bucht denn solche Flüge?? Mit dem Geld kann ich ja nach China fliegen. Wie schaffen die es nicht unterzugehen?

    2 AntwortenFlugzeugevor 8 Jahren
  • Why are people in the center of Detroit poorer than those in the suburbs?

    How is it possible that in the city center of Detroit people are poorer than in the suburbs? At least in Europe (I'm German) the city centers are usually the most expensive areas to live in and therefore they are inhabited by people with a high income. In Detroit however, the city itself is populated almost entirely by African Americans and their average income is rather low, while the suburbs are populated mostly by white people with high income. How did this happen? Why would wealthy people prefer to live far away from the city and have to commute to work every day?

    2 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 8 Jahren
  • Se penso all'attuale tasso di immigrazione mi deprimo. Cosa posso fare per accettare questa realtà?

    Se penso al fatto che con l'attuale tasso di immigrazione e il basso tasso di fertilità, tra 50 anni forse la metà degli europei sarà discendente di immigrati, divento depresso. So che non si può cambiare questa realtà e quindi vorrei riuscire ad accetarla, ma non ci riesco. Come posso fare ad accetare questa realtà?

    6 AntwortenPsicologiavor 8 Jahren
  • Wenn ich an die hohen Immigrationszahlen in Europa denke werde ich deprimiert. Wie kann ich damit umgehen?

    Wenn ich daran denke, dass wegen des stetigen Flusses von Einwanderern und der niedrigen Geburtenraten in 50 Jahren vielleicht die Hälfte der Europäer einen Migrationshintergrund haben wird, dann deprimiert mich das. Ich habe Angst, dass ich mich in meinem eigenen Land nicht mehr wohl finden werde. Ich wünschte man könnte diesen Prozess stoppen, aber ich sehe ein, dass das nicht passieren wird, und ich möchte daher imstande sein, diesen Prozess zu akzeptieren. Ich finde es aber sehr schwierig und wenn ich daran denke bin ich sehr deprimiert. Wie kann ich toleranter werden? Gibt es Möglichkeiten das zu ändern?

    13 AntwortenPsychevor 8 Jahren
  • Quelles sont les différences entre les mots gamin, gars, enfant, gosse, garçon?

    Salut à tous, je suis un Italien en train d'apprendre le français. J'ai remarqué qu'il y a vraiment beaucoup de mots pour dire "garçon", notamment les mots que j'ai écrit dans le titre. J'espère que vous pouvez me donnez une explication sur les différence entre ces mots en matière de l'âge quand on utilise ces mots et aussi quels mots sont les plus utilisés.

    Merci beaucoup!

    4 AntwortenLanguesvor 8 Jahren