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I am convinced, that if ALL mankind could only gather together in ONE circle, arms on each other's shoulders & dance, laugh & cry together, then much of the tension & burden of life would fall away in the knowledge, that we are ALL CHILDREN needing and wanting each other's comfort and understanding. WE ARE ALL CHILDREN SEARCHING FOR LOVE! To live in LOVE is life's greatest challenge & I AM a LOVER ! Real love always creates, it never destroys! To love others you must love yourself. You can only give to others, what you have yourself & I have so much love to give, knowledge to share, etc. This is why I want to share my experience to the benefit of all the "Yahoo-people". The function of education is to help him/her discover the uniqueness & aid towards him/her development. The most human thing we have to do in life is to learn to speak our honest convictions and feelings, & live with the consequences. This is the first requirement of love & it makes us vulnerable. All my LOVE.