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Favorisierte Antworten13%
  • FFA approved booster car seat for toddler?

    im doing some research on booster seats right now. i need to get a new seat, since my sons isnt ffa certified and we are about to travel to germany. he is 27lbs and 35inch. i dont travel until oct and hoping that he gains 3lbs so we can move up to a booster by then ( dont wanna buy 2 seats). im looking for people with experience on a great cars seat thats SAVE, COMFY and FFA.

    2 AntwortenToddler & Preschoolervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • where to find cheap airline tickets to germany?

    im planning on flying to germany soon (next to weeks). prices are really high right now. does anybody know a cheap site i could check out? or maybe a coupon i could use? thanks in advance

    6 AntwortenAir Travelvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • weaning 15 month old son?

    im still breastfeeding my 15 month old son. i got it down to before nap time, bed time and night time. which means a lot, because he is very demanding. he used to pull on my shirt and cry if i didn't breastfeed. he is on solids and eating good. another problem is he wont sleep through the night and i think its, because of the breastfeeding. he goes to sleep in his bed and comes to sleep with us in the middle of the night.

    i think its time to completely wean him and need tips on how to do it. thanks

    8 AntwortenParentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • who used I 512 after visa overstay?

    i was wondering, if anybody ever used the travel document after a overstay?

    i give you some details about my case and hope somebody can help.

    i came to the us already married on a waiver visa I 94W, which i overstayed. the congress man gave us that advise after i found out that i was pregnant and my paperwork would never be finished by the time of my visa expiration. i filed for adjustment of status I 485 almost a year later. i got a ssn, license and work permit by now. my I 485 is still pending, but i got approved for the travel document. i read a million times that i shouldnt use it, bc it is not guaranteed that i gonna be allowed back in the us. uscis advised me to call us bordecontrolro; and they granted me that shouldn'tnt have problems. i called 2 offices and got the same answer both times. but does anybody actually used it? thanks

    2 AntwortenImmigrationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • who has experience with I 131 travel document / I 485? ?

    im german married for us citizen. we live in ohio for almost 2 years now. i came here on a waiver visa and applied for my K3 visa.we talked to the congressman, when my wv was about to expire. he advised my to overstay my wv and file for I485 adjustment of status.

    oh and my status on my I 485 says

    This case has been sent to another office for processing because it has jurisdiction over the case. what does that mean?

    which we did.......

    i wasnt home for almost 2 years and applied for the travel document which got approved. could i get in any trouble using it? how would they even know that i overstayed after i filled for adjustment of status? does anybody else have a similar experience? what happenes when i try to leave with my green I 94 slip?

    thanks in advance

    1 AntwortImmigrationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • question to form I131...... if i overstayed waiver visa?

    i have a question the the form I131. im german and married to an us citizen. we got married in the us and lived in germany for awhile. we moved to oh and i started my paperwork. i came here on a waiver visa and my green card is still not done. well, i called the congressman and asked for advice. he told me to overstay my visa and wait for my green card here in the us. i have been waiting for almost 2 years now and overstayed a little over a year. i filled all my papers from I485 and got my work permit and ssn. i really wanna see my family and wanna go home for xmas. so i applied for I131, but my question is............

    is it guaranteed that im allowed to enter the us, even if i overstayed?

    1 AntwortImmigrationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • i need help with I485 notice?

    i got a letter the other day saying that

    This case has been sent to another office for processing because it has jurisdiction over the case.

    what does that mean for me? how much longer until i get my gc?

    3 AntwortenImmigrationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • does a german citzizen need apassport to go to canada for a day?

    I'm a German citizen and came to the us on a waiver visa. I'm married to an us citizen and overstayed my visa. I applied for adjustment of status, but don't have my green card yet. what would happen, if i would use my passport to go to Canada? would i get in trouble? how do i still get to go to Canada? thanks for your help......

    5 AntwortenImmigrationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • medical exam vaccinations?

    i need to get my medical exam for my green card. im german and moved to ohio. i know that i should bring vaccination records, but i lost them. so my question is what i have to do now. i know i should have most of the shots. does anybody know a page where i can find prices on the shots i still need. how long does it take to get the results from the dr and what do they test for. thanks in advance

    2 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • german wants ohio license?

    i moved to ohio 1 1/2 ago and im still working on my K3 visa. im married to an us citizen and just got a message the my work permit got ordered. i found out that i could go and get a license with form I 797, I94, a passport and a visa. right now i only have the waiver visa which i over stayed for a whole year. does anybody know, if i still have a chance to get a license before i get my social and green card? is the german license convertiable in anoh drivers license? thanks for your help

    2 AntwortenImmigrationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what after biometrics appointment?

    i had my code 3 biometrics appointment today. i applied for I485 and I765 and was wondering what happens from here. how many more steps until i get my green card? thanks

    1 AntwortImmigrationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • sons baptism?

    i have a 5 month old son and im planning on getting him baptist. i wanna have cook out after it and was wondering where to find decoration and what i need. is there a baptism party guide? would love to hear your ideas. thanks in advance

    9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • ASC appointment notice?

    im working on my green card and just applied for I-485 and I-765. i got a receipt today and got scheduled for an appointment to get my biometrics taken. so i was wondering what they actually do and what happens after that. how much more until the whole process is done? thanks for your help.

    4 AntwortenImmigrationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • problem nach der schwangerschaft?

    ich habe vor 8 wochen meinen sohn entbunden und habe seit dem ein problem mit meinem rechten bein. ich wohne in amerika und habe waehrend der entbindung ein epidural ( bei uns in deutschland PDA) gelegt bekommen und hatte am naechsten tag schmerzen im rechten bein. die krankenschwester hatte aber gemeint das, das normal waere. bis heute bekomme ich aber einen starken schmerz im bein der wie ein krampf auftritt. hatte aber vor meiner schwangerschaft nie kreampfe.....weiss vielleicht jemand woran das liegt? vll sollte ich dazu sagen das ich bis heute noch blute was an der verhuettungsimpfung liegen soll.....

    danke, fuer eure hilfe!!

    8 AntwortenSchwangerschaftvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what do you guys think about......?

    im 19 weeks pregnant with a baby boy.

    what do you think about the names

    1. caden

    2. logan

    open for better ideas....


    18 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • was haltet ihr von dem namen.......?

    ich bin in der 19 woche schwanger und wohne in ohio. dadurch suche ich einen amerikanischen jungen namen. was haltet ihr von den namen....

    1. Caden

    2. Logan

    bin fuer weitere ideen offen. danke

    23 AntwortenKindernamenvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Ich wundere mich warum mein hund?


    ich habe einen 6 monat alten labrador. sie ist total anhaenglich.

    worueber ich mich gewundert hab ist:

    wenn sie ein tshirt oder aehnliches von mir findet traegt sie es in der wohnung herum aber von den sachen von meinem mann bleibt so fern.

    kann mir jemand sagen woran das liegt??

    16 AntwortenHundevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • wie erziehe ich mein kind 2 sprachig......??


    ich bin deutsche und mein mann ist amerikaner. wir leben in den usa aber ich will trotz allem das mein kind meine muttersprache lernt. da mein mann sehr wenig und seine familie kein deutsch spricht, bin ich etwas unsicher. ich denk mal das unser baby nach einer weile die 2 sprachen miteinander vermischt. hat jemand damit erfahrung und kann mir ein rat geben?! danke

    9 AntwortenErziehungvor 1 Jahrzehnt