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Favorisierte Antworten32%
  • Landlord revoking tenancy before move in date?

    Several weeks ago my friends paid the deposit & signed the tenancy agreement on a flat. They were due to move in on June 22nd but today got a call to say the current tenant is ill & will not be moving out, so the house will no longer be available for another year.

    They have said that, should they rent another flat through them, the deposit will be used towards this new flat, otherwise they will get it back.

    However, I was wondering if it is legal for them to revoke a tenancy 9 days before the move in date with (what I consider to be) a bit of a dogey reason?

    I've searched google but it's all a bit confusing & most information seems to be about tenants breaking the agreement rather than landlords, or eviction after having already moved in.


    8 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 9 Jahren
  • Shower / Heating Problems?

    Our shower is being a bit of a nightmare. Unless the heating is turned on the shower will take at least 15 minutes to get hot. Also I noticed this morning that when the shower is used the heating is cut off (or at least goes a lot cooler).

    We aree also having problems with the temperature, there being an exact spot the tap had to be in to be a useable temperature, a millimeter either side turning it really cold or really hot, but having taken the shower head off I believe it would be solved just by getting a new shower head.

    The only problem is that we are a student house & have had someone over to check to problems several times & they say it's been sorted but th problem is still on going!

    Any idea what the problem might be?

    7 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 10 Jahren
  • Facebook chat problems?

    Hey =)

    I'm wonding if anyone has been having any issues with facebook chat? I'm receiving messages from people but they're not recieving what I'm sending back. Anyone else having/had this problem? It happened to me once when I was chatting to someone & I didn't receive their messages (I asked them & they said they were replying).

    Thanks =)

    1 AntwortFacebookvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do I tell my university I've met the conditions of my offer?

    I was given a conditional offer by a university but it was not in UCAS points or grades so it will not show up on UCAS in my results for the university to see. How do I go about telling them I've met the conditions for my offer?

    2 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Receiving Messages With Skype?

    I got skype credits to send texts this summer. I set it to show my mobile number rather than my skype name. Will I receive replies to skype or to my mobile? & will I be charged for it? Skype FAQs weren't particularly helpful at explaining this.

    Thanks =)

    2 AntwortenOther - Internetvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Switching Types of Birth Control Pills?

    I was on Mycrogynon for 3 years & 2 months ago switched to Cerazette. I love being on Cerazette because I get no side effect (& no periods =) ). I'm in Spain now for 2-3 months & didn't get a chance to go to the doctor to get my prescription renewed before coming over. I have one month of Cerazette left. I emailed the doctor today to ask if there was any way I could get someone to pick up a prescription on my behalf but he decided not to re-prescrible because I'm in Spain for a while.

    I would rather carry on taking Cerazette but it's expensive to buy without prescription. If I switch back to Mycrogynon for a couple months would I get side effects due to switching & would it be possible that when I switch back to Cerazette I would start getting my periods again?

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wisdom Tooth Pain - Front of Gum?

    I'm having really bad gum pain because of one of my wisdom teeth today (top left of my mouth). It's not at the bottom of the gum where it's coming through that hurts though it's the front of the gum by my cheek. Is this normal? & is there anything I can do to ease the pain? Thanks x

    2 AntwortenDentalvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do I get over hurting someone?

    I just split up with my boyfriend & he has erased me from facebook/msn/etc. I love him but it was getting too serious & it just didn't feel right anymore. I know it was for the best because if we'd have stayed together I wouldn't have been happy & I would have probably ended up hurting him more but I know I've hurt him so much because he was pretty much revolving his life around me (his words). It hurts me so much to know I've hurt him, is there anything that can help me stop hurting/hurt less? (sorry I've used hurt/hurting so much).

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Bus Routes London - St Pancras Old Church to Southampton Row?

    I've finally figured out the train to St Pancras Domestic & I'm wondering if theres a bus from there to Southampton Row. I've tried various website but they only seem to be showing me night buses.

    I don't mind the 25 min walk but I would probably rather a bus at 9am.

    Also if there is a bus about how long would it take?

    Thanks =)

    2 AntwortenLondonvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • London St Pancras & Kings Cross Railway Stations?

    I'm totally unfamiliar with London.

    I need to get to Southampton Row (from Canterbury) & Google maps shows the nearest station being Kings Cross or St Pancras.

    I did a search on National Rail to Kings Cross & it says switch at St Pancras, & then from there to Kings Cross is about 16 mins.

    On Google maps the two stations look practically on top of each other so I don't understand how it would take 16 minutes but I don't want to just get off at St Pancras incase I end up in the wrong place.

    Could anyone help please? =)

    8 AntwortenLondonvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Getting from a London airport to Canterbury?

    Which of the London airports would be best to get to Canterbury & are there any coaches or trains direct from any of the airports to Canterbury?

    9 AntwortenLondonvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What type of spot is this? No whitehead just lump.?

    Sometimes i get a type of spot which isnt a usual whitehead. It's just a lump that usually skin coloured but can go red. Rather than going down in a couple days like a normal spot it lasts much longer, sometimes a couple weeks, & it seems to just go abit dry & peel off (skin) layer by later.

    Any idea what it is & how I can avoid it? They're so annoying ^ ^

    2 AntwortenSkin Conditionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does Paypal automatically convert currency?

    At the moment I only have dollars in my paypal account. If I were to buy something on ebay in pounds would paypal automatically convert the currency for me?

    5 AntwortenOther - Internetvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do Stansted have flights all night?

    I have a flight to Stansted which is supposed to arrive at about 01:40. It doesn't show this on the Stansted website (yet), it only shows up to 00:05.

    Do Stansted have flights all night or do they stop at a certain time?

    I have a connecting flight at 06:25 & would like to know how much time I have to pass. I know most shops through security open at 04:00 but I'm wondering how long the shops in arrivals which say 'open for all arriving flights' will be open for =)

    2 AntwortenLondonvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where to find other hairstyle pictures like these?

    Does anyone know where I can find other hairstyle/cut pictures like these two? In particular the first one.

    I've tried searching various website & google & celebrities but I cant find anyone with hair like either of these two =(

    The one of Britney Spears I have a few pictures from the same photoshoot but none of the other pictures show off the cut as well as this one.

    Thank you if you can help =)

    2 AntwortenHairvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why are there passport checks in England on arriving flights from EU countries?

    What is the point in these checks? And why is England the only country in the EU (as far as I know) to have them?

    From outside the EU I can understand, but since everyone within the EU is allowed to freely move and travel to any other EU country why are there passport checks upon arrival in English airports?

    Since you don't even even need a passport to travel within the EU, just proper identification, there wouldn't even be any point in faking documents since ID is available for everyone.

    Has anyone ever actually been stopped at these passport checks? All they seem to do is waste time.

    9 AntwortenAir Travelvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Best SLR camera for my type of photography?

    I want to save up for a digital SLR camera (preferably not too expensive though, maybe around the €500 mark).

    My main areas are landscapes, macro and outdoor.

    I need a camera which is best for these three types with at least 10 megapixels.

    If I had to narrow down to two categories I'd remove landscape since I have little opportunities for landscape shots. So macro and outdoor (daytime) are my main priorities =)

    What cameras would be best for these two areas?

    9 AntwortenCamerasvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What type of snake? Small, large head?

    In regards to the possibly not native I thought I'd point out that we live quite rurally and only have two neighbours but don't know if they have snakes as pets or not. The closest zoo type thing is about 15km away & I'm not sure if they have snakes, so I'm assuming there's a better chance of it being a native to Spain.

    2 AntwortenReptilesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wedding/Meeting The Parents Present?

    My boyfriends mum got married today and she's payed for me to fly over (they live in Germany) for the wedding party next week and because she said she really wants to meet me.

    What should I take as a gift for her, as a wedding gift, a first meeting gift, and a thank you for paying for my flights?

    It can't be too big or liquid because I'm only taking hand luggage on the plane. I suppose I could always buy liquid in the duty free though, if I have space in my bag. Also I live in Spain so it can't be anything typically English as I probably wouldn't be able to get it here. There are a few English food/household shops.

    Any suggestions will be really apprechiated.

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Lump at the side of my throat?

    When I swallow is feels like I have a lump in the side of my throat. I've had it for a few days. It doesn't hurt at all & I have no dificulty swallowing. I don't have an phlegm or anything else its just the lump on the right of my throat, near the top. My voice is normal as well. I have smoked for a few years & used to get throat infections very often but they were always quite severe. Any idea what it might be? I would go to the doctor but he hates me coz I live in Spain but don't speak Spanish very well ^ ^

    1 AntwortOther - General Health Carevor 1 Jahrzehnt