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Is there an Indian name for fennel candy?
You know, the little pastel candy coated seeds in a dish near the door?
I am making a quilt and the fabrics remind me of the candies, so I wanted to name my quilt accordingly.
4 AntwortenEthnic Cuisinevor 8 JahrenHow do you cook purple sticky rice?
I picked some up from a bulk foods bin at Whole Foods, so of course there are no instructions that come with it. I've done a little research online, and everything I find seems to indicate using a rice cooker (which I do not have) or a rice steamer (which I also do not have).
Can someone please suggest a way to cook my small quantity (probably less than a cup) of purple sticky rice that doesn't involve going out to buy new kitchen equipment?
Please do NOT give me instructions on how to cook regular brown or white rice. I know how to do that. Two parts water to one part rice, bring water to a boil, add rice, cover it and reduce heat, simmer on low for 20 minutes (white rice) or 45-60 minutes (brown rice).
It's clear from what I've seen online that this purple stuff requires soaking and steaming. I'm asking if someone has found a method which doesn't require me to buy more equipment. Would a sieve over a pan of boiling water work?
2 AntwortenEthnic Cuisinevor 10 JahrenHow do you cook purple sticky rice?
I picked some up from a bulk foods bin at Whole Foods last night, so of course there are no instructions that come with it. I've done a little research online, and everything I find seems to indicate using a rice cooker (which I do not have) or a rice steamer (which I also do not have).
Can someone please suggest a way to cook my small quantity (probably less than a cup) of purple sticky rice that doesn't involve going out to buy new kitchen equipment?
3 AntwortenEthnic Cuisinevor 10 Jahren