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Lv 43.145 points


Favorisierte Antworten41%

I am married to a wonderful man since "01. We can't have kids and have been hopeing to adopt for years. We have a Blonde bombshell cocker who is such an attention hound. I like scary movies that involve vamps or ghosts. I love to read romance novels that involve time travel, ghost, vamps, Indians, that kind of stuff. I also like sci-fi novels like The hobbit, eragon. etc. I also chrochet, I am a master baby blanket maker and always have a few put away for everyone elses baby showers. I love kids and watch my cousins and friends as much as I can. Anything else you want to know ask.

  • I can't find it anywhere!!!!?

    I've been watching the Saiunkoku Monogatari anime. I made it through season 1 and was on the 2nd season but could only find eng. sub up to ep.5. Does anyone know for sure where I can find ep. 6 and up with eng subs that I can watch. I hate to be left hanging on something I'm loving this much. Please help me!!!!!

    2 AntwortenComics & Animationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is your #1 Manga or comic and why? ?

    The one who can best explain what, why, and how about their fav. wins. My fav. that I have read so far is fruits basket, I loved the whole story the plot and storyline, I laughed and cried. I couldn't stop reading once I started on it until I had finished the entire thing. If you haven't read it you can find it on The reason I am asking is because I'm looking for a new fantastic story to read. Please just list one and explain about that one. Anyone putting more than their #1 fav. will not even be read sorry.

    7 AntwortenComics & Animationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Adoption Law question!?

    I can't get a straight answer from any attorney I have called. Here's the situation. We were chosen by birth parents in Penn. to adopt their twins who were born on the 29th. The fathers family is contesting the adoption because they are bigots who think adoption is a sin and have told this couple they will burn in hell if they go through with it. They have a court date the end of this mth. to go before the judge and appeal to him for it to go ahead. Now My husband and I don't want to have to wait til the last min to know. They have a lawyer there who they had draw up the adoption papers already to meet all penn. law and requirements. I need to know if we have to have a lawyer from here or do we have to hire one in Penn. to go over everything and make sure that it also meets our states law and requirements? And what are we going to have to do when the times comes for the adoption to become final here? If you know we'd be grateful if not don't reply thanks!

    3 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do you think cell phone companies should be held accountable for cell phone related accidents?

    Should they be required to make phones that will not work while in motion over 5 miles an hour?

    14 AntwortenSafetyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • DO you think driving with a cell phone glued to your ear should be illegal?

    I'm personally sick of seeing people driving without all their focus and attention behind the wheel. I have seen way too many people have accidents and be the cause of the accident because they were talking on a cell. or texting.

    What do you think?

    16 AntwortenSafetyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Who else feels the same?

    How many of you have been to a mall lately and just looked around? I was walking around when out of the corner of my eye I see 3 girls. These children could not have been more than 11-12 years old. They were wearing micro minis and tops that were way too tight and low cut with heels. And all I could think was my god what is the matter with their parents letting them go out in public like that or for even letting them own clothes like that? My parents would never have allowed me to even own anything like that at that age. I even read an article at the first of the school year where a kindergardener got sent home because the first day of shcool she came wearing a pair of pants that had the word sexy on her butt. What in the world is going on?

    2 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is your Christmas eve tradition as children?

    For us it was spreading magic reindeer food ( dry oats coated with glitter) in the yard, having hot choc. with a cin. stick in it while listening to a tape of the Christmas story, and then getting to open one present before we went to bed. Of course it was a small one lol.

    5 AntwortenChristmasvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is your favorite Holiday movie of all time?

    I'm not talking about new ones I'm talking about the one you had to watch as a kid every single year. For me it was Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.

    14 AntwortenChristmasvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do you feel is a better option?

    Which do you feel is a better way to adopt? Fostering into adoption, Private adoption, or Overseas adoption?

    6 AntwortenAdoptionvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is your very favorite Christmas traditon?

    Just list one please and it has to be one you have done every year for as long as you can remember. Mine is putting candy canes on our christmas tree. The trees and decorations have changed over the last 27 years but adding candy canes never has.

    9 AntwortenChristmasvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do you feel?

    I has asked a question the other day and got a ton of hateful answers when I was simply tring to connect with others who have gone through the same thing and ment no disrespect to anyone. Do you think that those who have not gone through the same experiance should even say anything? Or leave it to the ones with knowledge to answer?

    2 AntwortenOther - Social Sciencevor 1 Jahrzehnt