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i want to to find out if there are any Rest stops to Cornell Universay in highway from Central Jersey?
I may to pay a visit to Cornell U. but need to know what route is good. I live in Central Jersey .. near Kendall Park area. Any rest stops and/or gas stops along the way in the highway that I can find
1 AntwortNew York Cityvor 5 JahrenIs it law to put job opening on website before hiring?
When I tried to apply for a job, i was told that .. that job has to be posted internally for few days first before hiring. Is it legal to do so ? What if they don't do that, can they be sued
6 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 6 JahrenTraveling from Princeton NJ to Englewood Cliffs NJ without using Nj turnpike, is it possible?
(because now pulaski skyway is closed)? Please advise
using Route 1. i checked mapquest, but I am not sure route 1 local will go that far without hitting construction site.
1 AntwortOther - United Statesvor 7 JahrenIs it possible to ...... mirror your duel monitors (with extended display)?
into two projectors? to do presentation.
I have seen lots of presentation, but two projector with extended display which I have not seen it yet.
I am wondering if it is possible?!
The Video card I have is with one hdmi port, 2 dvi ports. (I have a hdmi splitter, but it does not seem to work)
If you have a source telling me that hdmi splitter only works for identical display, pls post the link. I couldn't find it from google....
If you have a way to do this, please give me your suggestion (please don't assume, make sure you have seen/done it it done before telling me) source/links are welcome...
Monitorsvor 8 JahrenDoes hdmi splitter work for multiple displays (extended) in projectors?
okay, here is what I want to accomplish, but it seems like it is not working. I am just wondering if this can be done. I want to duplicate two extended displays from monitors into projectors.
I got a video card, it has 2 dvi female ports, one hdmi, and one other (dont know what it is .. bigger then hdmi, can't plug that in). I have two monitors, and two projectors. (and I have a hdmi splitter for two projectors)
I am able to split the monitors into extended display.
but as soon as I plug the hdmi splitter, I won't be. I will see the following, one projector, 2 screens.
When I use some sort of way to do it, I will end up seeing one monitor, and still one projector.
but on the displays, the projectors show identical display.
My question is ... can hdmi splitter split into two projector display and be able to do a extended display instead of identical display?
3 AntwortenOther - Electronicsvor 8 JahrenSeverance pay ? Must the company honor that if they go bankrupt?
Or in this scenario
The company already honor you or give you a letter of agreement about severance pay because the company is relocating..
But the company decides to file bankruptcy, do you still get severance pay?
4 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 8 JahrenHow long does it take you to find a job?!?
Please the following
1. Are you experienced?
2. How Long.. # of weeks or months?
3. Get pay increase or pay cut?
4. Still employed before looking?
1 AntwortOther - Careers & Employmentvor 8 JahrenWould New employee signing an offer protect employer?
Actually, I want to know if I sign an offer and back out, would I be in some legal problem?
1 AntwortLaw & Legalvor 8 JahrenWould employer do background check without your permission before giving your offer?
If so, is it the reason why sometimes it takes long to offer you a job after decision making?
4 AntwortenLaw & Legalvor 8 JahrenHow many days normally you have to wait after 2nd interview if you are offered?
I know it varies, but what is the average?
1 AntwortOther - Careers & Employmentvor 8 JahrenHave this happened to you in Job Hunting - no 2.?
Okay, I applied for this job 2 months ago, this HR told me there are two job (same title) available at two locations, but was offered to take a shot at interview in one of the sites (while the upper manager is available) . So, I went site- A, and the upper manager decided to hire someone else, but recommended me for site-B which I originally applied for and I told HR. HR said site B manager will need to interview me first, but it is already 1 month after I met with the upper manager, still nothing from Site B manager...
I also checked online, neither jobs are posted online. Is the job filled or they decided not to hire anyone anymore.!?
2 AntwortenOther - Careers & Employmentvor 8 JahrenHave this happened to you in job hunting?!?
Okay, this job I applied and I got interview. The interview didn't go badly, nor well. Just interview, so at the end of the interview the manager said just prepare to have 2nd interview. (he said he has more people to see....) Anyhow, I don't like the job anyway, the manager, the pay and the company environment are major factors that I probably rejected, so I didn't bother to send thank you email.
After a month went by, I saw the ad again, i was like .. same company again!? Are they really hiring?! by the way, the job is not really difficult, i am sure there are lots of people applying for it. I have no idea why they couldn't anyone... hmmm maybe they are looking to pay cheaper labors!?
3 AntwortenOther - Careers & Employmentvor 8 JahrenWhat is the odd of getting the job?
Okay, applied this job through internet (also checked company website). The job is no longer there. I am not sure if they hired someone already. However, I did go to interview to the director one day and the director did give the job for other people, but referred me to other location. I okayed it and the HR said the site manager was reviewing the resumes.. Til now (It has been two weeks) , still no call. What is the odd of getting the job or even the job is still hiring.?
1 AntwortOther - Careers & Employmentvor 8 JahrenDo you have better chance if job postings not shown on job sites?
Okay, there are some jobs posted on company websites only and yet I don't see the jobs on or any job site. If I get called for interview that that job I applied, do you think I get better chance than going to apply (even got for interview) for those jobs already posted on job sites? I noticed many jobs repeatedly posted 30 days and post again.. And yet some job I went for never emailed me for rejection..
1 AntwortOther - Careers & Employmentvor 8 JahrenIgnore = Rejection?! After interviews, most companies don't bother to let you know.?
Have you had that sort of experience... ? Companies interview and didn't bother to tell you that you are not qualified.... You are simply ignored!
1 AntwortPsychologyvor 8 JahrenWishful thinking..How do you handle if 2 or more job offers, but not at the same time!?
I know, it is highly unlikely that it would happen... but let's say you applied jobs a,b,c,d,e,f,g
C, may call you back and offer you next week
D. will call you and offer you week after next week
E. it is the best job you want the most, but may make decision and offer you 4 weeks later..
G. also may be interview date lining up.
How do you deal with situation like that (just because you had so many potential interviews?)
2 AntwortenOther - Careers & Employmentvor 8 Jahrendoes it happen to you a lot? (after interview)?
All the interviewers will be on vacation for a week or two....
1 AntwortOther - Careers & Employmentvor 8 JahrenWasting time on interviews?!?
Okay, I have few interviews in a week. But then if one job interview requires 2 or 3 interviews (to go back), and if I still can't get the offer, am I wasting time. I am not wasting time if I don't have a job. But my vacation is running out.. pretty soon, I will be working without pay or risk of being fired for so many days going for interviews///
2 AntwortenOther - Careers & Employmentvor 8 JahrenHow many candidates are usually interviewed for One position? Any HR professional knows?
What I mean is how many does a company pick to choose from usually?
2 AntwortenLaw & Legalvor 8 Jahren