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Gnostic Christians?
The first Christians were gnostics including Paul.They believed in the 'Jesus story' as an allegory. Then at a later date the followers became literalists and started to destroy the gnostic gospels in an attempt to make the story true.They succeded. Today they believe in faith.What other reasons can christians give for believing in a man who has no historical reference and no proof of existance?
12 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntDyonysus also known as Bachus?
He was born to a vrgin mother
Born on December 25th
Placed in a manger and wrapped in swaddling clothes
He was a teacher who performed miracles
He turned water into wine
He rode in triumph on an ***
He was called the only begotten son,king of kings
He was hung and crucified on a tree
He rose from the dead on March 25th
Have I heard this story before? Ant comments?
BTW This story pre dates the Jesus story by a few hundred years!
6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntIf your local Preacher/Paster was a serial killer?
If your preacher,Paster etc. turned out to have killed hundreds of people because his God told him to because they were all worshiping false idols. Would his concregation forgive him? After all God is responable for MILLIONS of deaths for exactly the same reason! How can this be the one true God? Is the world in such a state because we worship a mass murderer?
13 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntGod or the Devil?
In the beginning God created Adam & Eve. He gave them the garden of Eden ,so far so good.One day the Devil shows up and tells them that if they eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge they will be as clever as God So they did and dicovered s3x.God got the hump and turned the Devil into a serpent and made him crawl on his belly for ever more.A rather harsh punishment! He also evicted Adam & eve and made them homeless!
A few years later he was not pleased with his people and decided that only Noah and his folks and pets should live and he drowned everyone else in the world! Not Nice!
And what about Soddom And Gomorra. He saw that everyone was having a bit of debauchery so decided to whipe them out.He allowed Lot and his wife to leave but warned them not to look over their shoulders as they left. He then nuked the cities! Unfortunately Lots wife,being inquisitive, could not resist a peep. So he turned her into salt!
Who is the baddie God the mass murderer or the s3x giver Devil?
17 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntAdobe Flash?
I used to have flash on my PC but now when I go to youtube it says that I either have to download the latest version of flash player or my Java script is turned off. I have tried to download Flash 9 from the Adobe site and it apears to download but I never see the completion film. Also when ever I go to any web site a pop up asks me if I want to download Flash but it won't let me which is very annoying. Can anyone help me please?
3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 JahrzehntAdobe Flash?
I used to have flash on my PC but now when I go to youtube it says that I either have to download the latest version of flash player or my Java script is turned off. I have triad to download Flash 9 and it apears to but I never see the completion film. Also when ever I go to any web site a pop up asks me if I want to download Flash. Can anyone help me please?
2 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 JahrzehntHave you ever fallen in love with somebody you shoud'nt have?
39 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 JahrzehntDescribe how the cells of the epidrmis become keratimised?
As they move from the lower layer to the upper most layer of the epidermis?
8 AntwortenBiologyvor 1 JahrzehntList the difference between human and bacterial cells?
12 AntwortenBiologyvor 1 JahrzehntDescribe the relationship between form and function of epithelial cells?
4 AntwortenBiologyvor 1 JahrzehntHow many goals will England put past Trinidad?
17 AntwortenFIFA World Cup (TM)vor 2 JahrzehntenIdentify the major types of chemical reactions important for studying the human body?
4 AntwortenChemistryvor 2 JahrzehntenIs it true that the Pope's bath has gold taps?
4 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 2 Jahrzehntencarol or suzie?
6 AntwortenTelevisionvor 2 Jahrzehntenwhich way is up in space? (see deatails)?
For example if 2 space crafts meet in space why would they be the same way up?
11 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 2 JahrzehntenIf there is so much space in an atom,why is it we can not walk through walls?
11 AntwortenPhysicsvor 2 Jahrzehntenhow many women in london?
10 AntwortenCommunity Servicevor 2 Jahrzehnten