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  • license suspended...?

    My son was arrested when he was 14 for marijuana. He had no drivers license OR learners permit at that time. He was put on probation and had to attend a 'drug court' program for 6 months. One of the rules of the probation was that their driver license or learner permit would be suspended during the probation period. He finished both the drug court and probation with no problems. Went to the final court hearing, paid all of the fines, court costs, etc. End of story....not exactly...

    Fast forward 3 years...He didn't go to get a drivers license until he was 17. (actually the learners permit) He took the test, passed without a single wrong answer and when the examiner was finishing up to give him the license, he informed me that there was a 'reinstatement' fee of 350.00 that had to be paid BEFORE he would be issued a permit. I told the man that my son had never HAD a license OR a permit so there shouldn't be any kind of reinstatement fee. He said it didn't tell him any details, only that it was in the next county over, which, incidentally was the county he was arrested in 3 years prior. So needless to say, he didn't get a permit that day. I called the juvenile center to ask his former probation officer about this and of course, she didn't work there anymore. So I then asked another person who told me that if he had a drug or alcohol charge the license was automatically suspended. I told her he never HAD a license OR permit and she said, "Well, a permit or license or FUTURE permit or license is automatically suspended."

    I said all of that to ask this LEGAL? I live in Alabama...go figure.

    7 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt