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  • trying to find the name of a tv show?

    Having a blonde day. What is the name of the television show where the 2 detectives have to go to couples therapy, and is it still on?


    4 AntwortenComedyvor 8 Jahren
  • Why can't both sides be happy about gun laws?

    Had a thought and wanted opinions from both sides, or all sides, of the fence.

    I know the talk about registering weapons, assault weapons, large capacity mags. And completely agree that laws are only made for law abiding citizens and won't affect criminals. Well, what if we make it affect them? If you are convicted of armed robbery you get say 20 years, if you used an assault weapon, if you didn't have a concealed carry permit, if it had a high capacity mag, you would get life. Like the three strike rule. If you fired it... death penalty? Appeal process after the hanging.

    9 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 8 Jahren
  • Do you think drug testing would help the current political situation?

    Before any politician votes or gets in front of a camera they should be drug screened. Think it would help?

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 Jahren
  • Army identity theft. Is it possible for a wife to steal her husband’s identity?

    OK, here is the situation. Military married to military. The husband gets removed from quarters. The wife gets a STAR card online with her soon to be ex-husband. Maxs the card out $4000.00 with online purchases, delivered to her house. They are in different companies. The company commanders are both saying they can't do anything because she didn't do anything wrong. Evidently, it isn't illegal for a soldier (without a power of attorney) to steal their spouses identity. Any thoughts or advise, regulations.

    2 AntwortenMilitaryvor 9 Jahren
  • Is there a place to take swing dancing or two step lessons for free in San Antonio?

    Just looking for a place for a group of people to go learn to dance a little. For free or cheap.

    2 AntwortenSan Antoniovor 9 Jahren
  • Need some help with a dual military BAH question. Who gets what and how come?

    I have a Soldier who is married to a Soldier. They live in post housing with two children and are getting ready to get a divorce. He receives full BAH with Dependents (and they take it back for their housing) and she gets BAH dif and gets to keep it. Now he has had to move off post since he has one of the children he can't live in the barracks. His full BAH is still being taken for the housing she lives in and she still gets BAH dif and gets to keep it. Anyone know how to fix this or is it right? Form? Regs?

    5 AntwortenMilitaryvor 9 Jahren
  • Any help for a mistress that is going to get hurt by her lover in the end?

    One of my best friends is shooting herself in the foot... again.. Dating a married man, sure he is going to leave his wife a kid. He is telling her he would leave except for the kid. I told her she was crazy. He is living the best of both worlds, so why would he quit? Since my wife cheated and left she just says that my opinion is jaded. Thought? Any good references, stats or books on the subject I could get for her would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AntwortenGender Studiesvor 10 Jahren
  • Any help for a mistress that is going to get hurt by her lover in the end?

    One of my best friends is shooting herself in the foot... again.. Dating a married man, sure he is going to leave his wife a kid. He is telling her he would leave except for the kid. I told her she was crazy. He is living the best of both worlds, so why would he quit? Since my wife cheated and left she just says that my opinion is jaded. Thought? Any good references, stats or books on the subject I could get for her would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AntwortPsychologyvor 10 Jahren
  • What are the odds of a mistress actually marrying her lover?

    One of my best friends is shooting herself in the foot... again.. Dating a married man, sure he is going to leave his wife a kid. He is telling her he would leave except for the kid. I told her she was crazy. He is living the best of both worlds, so why would he quit? Since my wife cheated and left she just says that my opinion is jaded. Thought? Any good references, stats or books on the subject I could get for her would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 10 Jahren
  • What are the odds of a mistress actually marrying her lover?

    One of my best friends is shooting herself in the foot... again.. Dating a married man, sure he is going to leave his wife a kid. He is telling her he would leave except for the kid. I told her she was crazy. He is living the best of both worlds, so why would he quit? Since my wife cheated and left she just says that my opinion is jaded. Thought? Any good references, stats or books on the subject I could get for her would be greatly appreciated.

    7 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 10 Jahren
  • Is it hard to get someone deported?

    Is it hard to get someone deported?

    Over the past couple months our neighborhood, San Antonio, TX, has started having a problem with illegal mexican males between the ages of 18-25. They don't seem to be in a gang but are always together. They follow and harass the girls, intimidate the boys. No real fights have happened but a group of mean kids taking over the neighborhood. The cops say as long as they aren't really breaking any laws or hurting anyone or anyone's property there is nothing they can really do. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 10 Jahren
  • Is it hard to get someone deported?

    Is it hard to get someone deported?

    Over the past couple months our neighborhood, San Antonio, TX, has started having a problem with illegal mexican males between the ages of 18-25. They don't seem to be in a gang but are always together. They follow and harass the girls, intimidate the boys. No real fights have happened but a group of mean kids taking over the neighborhood. The cops say as long as they aren't really breaking any laws or hurting anyone or anyone's property there is nothing they can really do. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    5 AntwortenLaw Enforcement & Policevor 10 Jahren
  • Is it hard to get someone deported?

    Over the past couple months our neighborhood, San Antonio, TX, has started having a problem with illegal mexican males between the ages of 18-25. They don't seem to be in a gang but are always together. They follow and harass the girls, intimidate the boys. No real fights have happened but a group of mean kids taking over the neighborhood. The cops say as long as they aren't really breaking any laws or hurting anyone or anyone's property there is nothing they can really do. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    5 AntwortenImmigrationvor 10 Jahren
  • Where do all the "frozen assets" go?

    Does anyone know where Libya's frozen assets go or end up? What about the billions seized in drug raids? There is a lot of money out there somewhere, anyone know, or have any ideas?

    2 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do you think the Army's Senior Enlisted Promotion process is fair?

    I never will figure out how they make the decisions they make. I understand the point system but there is still way to much "buddy buddy" going on.

    I think they should fuzz out the face and name plate on the DA photo?

    All names should be electronically removed off the everything in the file and a control number should be used.

    I think if they did this there would be a lot different results.

    One of my SSGs dropped his retirement today. five deployments, one as a CPL, one as a SGT and three as a SSG. two Bronze stars, two Purple Hearts, and one ARCOM with a "V" devise. 300 APFT, always. Airborne, just got his BA degree, 1 / 1 on every NCOER, with great bullets, Sergeant Audie Murphy and couldn't get picked up.

    The Army is losing a lot of great people because of the buddy buddy promotion system we currently have.

    Any thought?

    2 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Army Regulation or just "but we have always done it that way" thing?

    Through out my military career I have always heard the statement. "An Army Regulation can be added to but not taken away from." Is that statement in an Army Regulation or just one of those Army sayings that get used when someone doesn't really know what else to say?

    2 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • WOW! Another close call for Texas?

    Good thing they left McCoy in the game up to half way through the 3rd quarter. Those Miner might have caught up, I mean Texas was only 43 points ahead?

    You can't compare strength of schedule to how bad you crush a weaker team.

    Just play dumb.

    4 AntwortenFootball (American)vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Tim Tebow hurt in the 3rd quarter?

    He was already sick. Why was he even playing in the 3rd quarter? They were 31 points ahead in the first. I know stats are important for getting looked at for the pros but come on. You can't compare strength of schedule to how bad you crush a weaker team.

    Just play dumb.

    5 AntwortenFootball (American)vor 1 Jahrzehnt