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Why does Ted Cruz think we're all stupid?
He keeps saying that he was against the government shutdown several months ago, but he was in reality the majority cause of it. Why does he think he can rewrite history? Does he not realize that we live in a world with cameras and internet? Does he think he can get away with this because his supporters are so insipid and so he just assumes the rest of us are just as incompetent?
9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 JahrenIs the Tea Party really the Illuminati's unwitting foot soldiers?
I really don't think the Illuminati exists. I tend to think that people that put that much faith in conspiracy theories or shadowy cabals are losers who think they are a lot smarter than they really are and use them as a convenient excuse for why they aren't more successful.
But, if there is such a group, surely powerful billionaires are members... guys like the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson, who donate millions of dollars every election cycle to Tea Party candidates and causes. So my question is this: if there is an organization that secretly controls EVERYTHING, wouldn't they be using the Tea Party to destabilize the government, ensuring that they have increasing control.
7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 JahrenWhen did Texas add the phrase "Under God" to it's pledge?
Just like the Pledge of Allegiance, Texas has a pledge to its flag and both are said at most public schools in Texas every day. Everyone knows that the phrase "Under God" was added to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954 under pressure from McCarthy and his followers as a means of proving a difference between us and the Russians. Did Texas follow suit? Or was the phrase in there the whole time?
3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 JahrenAnn Coulter claims that Ed Shulz and Rachel Maddow refuse to debate smart conservatives...?
Is it because they refuse to have anyone as vapid as she is on their shows?
21 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 JahrenWhy are conservatives suddenly so enamored with
It seems like only last week that any time you fact-checked some asinine thing that Sarah Palin or Ted Cruz said, they'd chalk politifact up to "liberal media bias." All of a sudden, they cite the site like it's Fox News.
7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 JahrenWould the "affluenza" kid have gotten jail time if he were black?
You know, the kid in Texas that killed 4 people and crippled his friend for life because he was more than three times the legal limit for adults? If he were just as rich but African American, would the judge still have let him go without any jail time?
8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 JahrenWhy did conservatives wait until there was a (D) in the White House to create the term real unemployment?
What was the "real unemployment" under Bush? Does that include the under employed? I had to leave the country to get a job that payed well after college (and I came back with this nifty Korean name).
13 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 JahrenWhy do people insist on believing that Rome fell because of a lack of morals?
In reality, the Roman Empire reached its height during a period of paganism, decadent excesses, and questionable morals. After the Roman Empire embraced Christianity, it fell. I'm not suggesting that there was a correlation between the two, but why do people rewrite history by suggesting that the end of Rome was rife with orgies and moral decay when it's really the other way around?
12 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 JahrenDid the fact that the Obama's dog attacked a little white girl proof that they're racist?
Just kidding. But seriously, how long do you think it will be before some conservative pundit or web site tries to present this as a real story? After all, Bo is a black dog.
11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 JahrenHow long will Christan conservatives ignore the teachings of Christ?
Pope Francis is restating Jesus' teachings about wealth and the need for helping the poor and Christian Conservatives like Rush Limbaugh are running around with their fingers in their ears and their tongues out. Are they really too stupid to understand why you can't reconcile the teachings of Ayn Rand with those of Jesus?
And how dare Mr. Limbaugh accuse Pope Francis of not understanding trickle down economics. Like most people that don't have their heads shoved wholly up their own posterior, Pope Francis can see much better than Rush that trickle down economics is a ruse only accepted by the wealthy and the dumbest ten percent of poor conservative sheeple.
18 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 JahrenIs Sarah Palin's comparison of the national debt to slavery as hyperbolic as:?
A) Comparing a mosquito bite to the Holocaust?
B) Comparing being grounded for two weeks to a decade in a Russian gulag?
C) Comparing hearing a bad song to having dental surgery without anesthesia?
D) All of the above.
22 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 JahrenWould Ronald Reagan win the Republican nomination if he ran in 2016?
After all, he granted amnesty to illegal aliens, opposed a bill that would have banned homosexuals from teaching in schools and spent us into untold debt. He raised the debt ceiling 18 times, oversaw the largest peace-time tax increase in American history and supported a $3.3 billion increase in gasoline taxes.
Wouldn't just one of these stances, let alone all of them be too extreme for him to remain in the party that seemingly worships at altars dedicated to perverting his memory?
Given how much Republicans have changed the history of one man over the course of 20 years, does it make you doubt how much the story of Jesus has changed over the past 2000?
8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 JahrenWhy does the Tea Party hate being compared to the KKK when they spend all day comparing Obama to Hitler?
One would think that if they are going to engage in debate in such a dishonest, emotional and fear-mongering manner, that they would have to expect some comeuppance. Did they really think that they were the proverbial "rubber" to others' "glue."
16 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 JahrenIs Ted Cruz the new Joe McCarthy?
Both were senators. Both rose to prominence by inciting weak-minded masses against a target that isn't quite what they say it is. Neither seems to have any real understanding of the Christian faith they both claim to adhere to. Can you think of any other similarities?
8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 JahrenDo moderates like Ted Cruz or use terms like "RINO?"?
I heard a couple talking yesterday and they were claiming that they were moderates, but they seemed incredibly fundamentalist. Every Republican that acted like a reasonable adult they labelled as a RINO and they were extolling the virtues of Ted Cruz. How can someone be so enamored of a hardliner (petulant child) and still be a moderate?
4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 JahrenIs the Tea Party really that dumb?
First, they shut down the government, then they hijack a protest of the shutdown that was supposed to be a gathering of veterans. Then, several of Tea Party members show up waving Confederate Flags. Don't they realize that 1) you can't protest a mess you caused in the first place, 2) not everyone likes you or thinks that you are a patriotic American just because a few of your members dress like Paul Revere, and 3) waving a Confederate flag in front of veterans is incredibly disrespectful since the Confederacy fought and killed American soldiers?
Can they really be that stupid? How can they not understand the irony/walking contradiction/immense hypocrisy that is their movement?
15 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 JahrenDo you really think that Republicans in Congress are negotiating in good faith?
If I went to a Republican president and said that in order to avoid a government shutdown, he had to:
1) Institute a mandatory seizure of all AR15s,
2) Allow girls as young as 13 get abortions without question or parental consent that the government pays for,
3) Grant immediate amnesty to every person in this country, regardless of nationality,
4) Pay every African American in this country six firgures in reparations for slavery, and
5) Cut the military's budget in half...
would you think that I was actually trying to get something done or that I was just trying to get the government to shut down so that I can later blame the president for allowing it to happen? Because that's pretty much what Republicans have done; their positions are equally ludicrous on the right as these are on the left.
10 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 JahrenIf American-born citizens had to pass a history test to vote, which side would lose more voters?
Recent tests have shown that Americans can't name the second president, as many as one in four don't know which nation we gained our independence from, and most can't tell the Preamble to the Constitution from the Declaration of Independence. If we were to enforce civics/history testing to qualify one to vote, would the left or the right lose more of it's voters? Or would it be a wash?
11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 JahrenCould a seven-day waiting period have saved lives in Washington DC?
Aaron Alexis was refused the sale of an AR-15 and instead bought a shotgun which he used to kill twelve innocent bystanders. If he had had to wait a week, do you think he still would have committed the crime? Would a "cooling off" period be constructive in stopping future tragedies like this one?
Homer Simpson explains it best...
"Five days, but I'm mad now!"
5 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 8 Jahren