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Lv 55.010 points

Sandy B

Favorisierte Antworten7%
  • 2000 opel vectra B 100ps dash removal?

    does anyone know how to remove the dash in a 2000 opel vectra to replace a kilometer bulb? Is this difficult to do? a video would be helpful or any instructions. I'm thinking of attempting this myself since I cant find a honest mechanic here in Germany.

    4 AntwortenOpelvor 8 Jahren
  • 2000 opel vectra....?

    I have a noise thats getting louder between the motor and the catalytic converter...any idea what it could be? looks like the converter is coming straight out of the motor? can I drive with this loud noise?

    3 AntwortenOpelvor 9 Jahren
  • everyone says we should america what is your vote on iraq? please check yes or no!?

    I would like a 100% vote from the answers community. Do you support the war in Iraq or not? please let me know and I will forward them all to congress next Friday. my email is sandyb150102at

    10 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • security Kard string?

    What is the name of the little round thing that goes on a work card and is connected by a string that automatically rolls itself up and you can hook it on your belt loop? This is hard to explain....

    1 AntwortSecurityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wer ersetzt unsere Glocken?

    Meine Tochter hat in Religion eine Probe geschrieben, dabei geht es um Muslime und Christen. Eine der Fragen lautet nun 'Wer ersetzt unsere Glocken'. Kann mir vielleicht jemand schnellstmöglich eine Antwort geben. Danke schon mal!

    13 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualitätvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • GT-R Crunch subwoofer part two?

    a few more details these are apparently kinda new. it states GTR on the subwoofers and comes in a ported box I was thinking of hooking em up with a crunch amp monoblock one for each speaker...does anyone know or heard of these or are these only avaliable in germany where I live....they may have a different series number for the states. The subwoofers are silver with GTR embedded on the cone.. max is once again 1600 watts...any info is reccommended. it would be great.

    2 AntwortenCar Audiovor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does anyone know of a GT-R crunch subwoofer?

    Does anyone have any info on two 12'' Crunch Subwoofers 1600 watts...I cant seem to find any info. as far as ratings and reviews or if they are any good. can someone help me out? Will they sound good blocks away or are they junk that you can only hear 50 feet away? I want to know if they will crack windows ..Just kiddin. Or does someone maybe know of better ones around the 400 dollar range I am also looking at soundstream trantulas but I haven't decided yet. any help would be great and only honest answers please no bs

    1 AntwortCar Audiovor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • possible to put a turbo on an 02 opel corsa?

    The question speaks for itself...the car was made in germany. how much horsepwer will it increase and does anyone know the price and what modifications needs to be changed? I am just looking for information and would like to know if its possible and SAFE!

    4 AntwortenOpelvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • On a swarovski the necklace itself made of real silver?

    I know swarovski is crystal (duh!) but is the actual necklace that the crystal is embedded in real silver? they just have a swan on it and no number for the metal being used....does anyone have more info on this?

    2 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • my 8 month old is refusing the bottle at night?

    my child receives a full bottlein the morning and baby food during the day for lunch and supper, however she has started refusing the night this ok? is this normal? should she be receiving more formula? has anyone else experienced this problem? any help would be great thanks....oh and she is good weight for her size...thanks

    4 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • 9-11 Did you know this?

    there is proof and footage on the cameras that show the floors lower than the plane crash site were blown out...Even EOD experts have said this is true....Was it all a scam from Bush working with the terrorists? Sounds like an accessory and a huge scandel....But Americans were never shown this on ABC or any other news channel because they had the cameras set on a tripod and were not allowed to show the explosions taking place underneath....OH AMERICA, How could we be sooooo stupid to let that fool in office he said at the end of Fahrenheit 911......we americans WERE fooled him and his daddy...opinions?

    8 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • sprained ankle and swelling?

    Hi I sprained my ankle about 6 weeks ago and the swelling is not gone or the slight got better for awhile there but seems to still be nagging me? could something be wrong? anyone ever had anything similiar?

    1 AntwortInjuriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • greusome images on cigarette packages?

    I read this line from the article that is on the yahoo homepage and I would like your opinions....I thought it was a poor choice of words ....And kids will get the message too, potentially stopping them from ever lighting up. "You have 4-year-olds and 5-year-olds who can understand that picture," Hammond said.

    Does your 4 and 5 year old smoke where you live? Kids can see this on a package but not on a video game? I dont get it....Tell me what you think please of this topic here is the link

    8 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Oil prices raise to 70 dollars a barrel?

    The AP apparently says that consumption is up in the states? Is this a joke or something? Analyst say that U.S. crude inventories unexpectedly fell last week. How does something like this happen ''un-expectedly''? sounds kinda fishy. I know where I live the gas has not dropped ever below 2.50 a gallon. Why do we not protest this? We must love giving our money to the rich. We always say ''well what can I do about it''? Its easy if we just stop driving individually everywhere the oil will get backed up and be worthless...Are we really not that smart as americans? Its like simple math. No need to wine back to me with this question or statement rather, but if you have a logical explanation please let me know I would love to hear your opinions Thanks

    1 AntwortEconomicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I found a silver coin?

    I found a silver coin in germany while metal detecting and I was wondering if anyone knows how to get the black stuff off....I know I cant rub it off but is there something that works besides jewerly cleaner and or baking soda?

    1 AntwortHobbies & Craftsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • sprained ankle question...?

    well last week i finally did it un-intentially....I was playing soccer and sprained my ankle. darn it! so a week later I can walk and obviously my ankle hurts still but what is up with my lower calf muscle? sometimes it gets so tight and its becoming a nuciance when I walk...I think it from using muscles and stuff I generally dont use everyday...any thoughts or opinions on this?

    4 AntwortenInjuriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • bailout bill question 700,000,000,000?

    why in the world can we approve a bill for the financial companies and give raises but we cant give to where it matters most. The U.S. is full of idiots I understand but does the following article make sense to anyone? why this is happening at a time like this?

    1 AntwortOther - Politics & Governmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • online american sports games?

    Does anyone know of any online websites that I can watch free live nfl games or any american sports? I live in germany and I want to watch american sports. any help would be great. thanks

    1 AntwortOther - Sportsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Britney spears music question,,,opinions?

    I dont mind britney but does it seem to anyone else that all her music is the same? I heard this song on my radar and it sounds like the womanizer and circus....can she not come up with something new that requires actually singing a verse and not just repeating a few lines over and over throughout the whole song? I would like your thoughts and opinions on this. Why she cant sing a song that tells about her life that actually has a meaning? Thoughts are welcome and no I am not a hater....just her songs are getting boring and sounding like the same over and over.

    4 AntwortenCelebritiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • healthcare system in Germany?

    Why does it seem the healthcare in germany sux? I have a 6 month old daughter who has had green snot coming out of her nose and a cough (from the dripping i presume) thats so bad when i feed her and she goes to burp she coughs and all the milk comes back up....However she has been to two hospitals, several Dr's, and has not slept well or aten well in about 4 weeks but I can't seem to get any anti-biotics to help the poor child out? the only answer I get is a quick look in the ears and a hear of the chest and she is fine?...she is fine...thats an under-statement if I ever heard of one. Why are there no GOOD Doctors in the wurzburg kitzingen area? And another question...why is it the Dr's here dont take any tests? does it cost o much? no throat culturs no pee samples nothing seems they just look at you and they know what is magically wrong with you or what could be wrong with you....does that qualify me as a Dr as well? anyone else have this problem? seems kinda odd and neglectful. back in america when I had this problem with my other daughter I received tests and medicine after 4-5 days....the only answer I could come up with is its either a money problem, or the Dr's in this area are under-qualified. any thoughts or opinions? or help or recommendations would be great.

    7 AntwortenOther - Germanyvor 1 Jahrzehnt