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Favorisierte Antworten26%
  • Anyone have any suggestions on how to recondition a car that has been sitting for 3 years?

    It was driven regularly until the owner had no place to park it, so it ended up in my yard. It has been sitting for about 3 years, and I have been offered it. Besides changing the oil and getting a new battery, what more should I look at in regards to reconditioning it for regular use?

    6 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Future authors: Have you tried writing fiction without using cliches?

    Have you had trouble writing without using cliches at all? The English language is evolving at an astronomical pace with the internet and all, but what do you write if you want your piece to be timeless, and free of present-day cliches?

    1 AntwortBooks & Authorsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Would someone please explain to me why real estate salespeople believe that a house?

    is a house is a house. A car is a car is a car, but a house is usually your home, not a box where you sleep and keep your stuff. A 3 bed. 2 bath house is NOT interchangeable with all other 3 bed. 2 bath houses. Please explain this headset to me. Treat me like I'm dumb...

    3 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does anyone here think Mel Gibson is a bigot? Was he just going off emotionally?

    Do you think he really hates Jews and African-Americans and other minorities, or does he just have to put his anger at his girlfriend somewhere outside of himself? Should people who disagree with his rants boycott his films and personal appearances?

    6 AntwortenCelebritiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • If these Republicans get President Grant removed from the $50 bill and get Reagan's portrait on it instead?

    What's going to stop LIberals from drawing little Hitler mustaches on as many bills as they can?

    11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • When I bought my house in 2002, I was not required to purchase mortgage insurance. Now?

    that my house is worth substantially less than I owe on it (underwater), should I go back and buy mortgage insurance anyway? It seems like the prudent thing to do since it might be several years before I would make anything if I sold it.

    7 AntwortenInsurancevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is this occurence the result of having no health insurance or a case of blatant racism?

    Not mentioned in the story is that the woman is an attractive white woman, and the baby was black, implying that her boyfriend, the baby's father, is black.

    Is it racism that she and her boyfriend were refused care at Las Vegas' public hospital, and so sought help nearby at a private hospital, where they were not attended to, either? Or is it a result of lack of insurance that, had this baby been delivered in either of these hospitals, it would have run up more than half a million dollar hospital bill before dying.

    I mean, think of all the life-saving procedures that would have had to have been used trying to save a baby born 3 months premature. There have been cases of very premature babies recovering, and going home to their families, but at a great financial cost, even if the parents have excellent health insurance. What is your opinion?

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Has anyone on here found a satisfying personal relationship using a dating website like Y! Personals?

    My sister did about 3 years ago. She had dated several losers, then decided to close her account after one more date. The guy turned out to be someone I had gone to high school with, but about whom I don't remember a thing. They are still together, making plans.

    I would like to find someone to have a relationship with, but I don't get out much and only travel in circles where I am already welcome. Should I date online, or resign myself to random serendipity?

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Hey, Psychology and Mental Health experts on Y! Answers: Help me diagnose this person:?

    This person is a 45-year old woman who is the girlfriend of someone I know. She has some peculiar personality traits that I will name here:

    She inherited $250,000 from her father at age 25, and by 35, it was all spent, with nothing to show for it. She had bought a car with some of this money, and then admitted that she left it somewhere and walked away without regret, got on the Greyhound bus, and came here to my town to attempt to make a living as a stripper and a prostitute. She has a college degree in psychology (which I verified with her mother), and she never lets anyone forget it. She loses whatever bag she might be carrying, at any moment of distraction, and then refuses to spend any money to replace her IDs and licenses. She buys cell phones, and then just throws them away in the trash. She exhibits many behaviors that are common to prostitutes and call-girls. She spends ALL her money on her nails, hair, clothes, and general appearance. Physically, she is in very good shape for her age, but is only 5 ft. 5 in tall. Her face is hard and cold, developing “age spots”, and wrinkled from too much sun, I would guess. She spends a lot of time outdoors exercising. She provokes arguments with anyone who disagrees with her. She can’t listen to another opinion. She literally gets in someone’s face with her opinion, until they want to shove her away from them for violating their physical space. She is ALWAYS right about everything. She can’t have a rational 2-way discussion about any topic with anyone. She has been ticketed for jaywalking recently, and has court dates all scheduled. She was also recently arrested for indecent exposure for going out in public wearing only a thong and a scarf to cover her chest. If reminded about these social faux paus, she rants on “I have a degree! No one can tell me what to do!” Every conversation with her by anyone but her boyfriend ends in an argument about something. And every argument follows the same pattern: “I’m smarter than all you jerks because I have a degree!” Her boyfriend ignores her personality quirks, as he refers to these outbursts.

    My diagnosis: Passive/aggressive personality disorder. But what else is possibly wrong with this person? Does she belong in a mental health hospital, or what? I know she has a history of using mental health hospitals for wintertime refuge. Her problem will resolve itself when I move to another state, but what I really want to know from all you psychology buffs is: What is wrong with this gal?

    6 AntwortenMental Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why don't women's clothes have any pockets?

    The only kinds of women's clothes I wear anymore are blue jeans, because they almost all have decent-sized pockets. I would like to wear slacks and other styles, but I feel lost and vulnerable without pockets. When I was in college, I wore men's blue jeans just so I could have pockets.

    3 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is Haagen Dazs Ice Cream ever going to make a?

    no-sugar-added version of their premium ice cream? I am diabetic and love ice cream and I am tired of eating the watered-down flavorless versions of Breyer's and Dreyer's that they sell here in my neighborhood.

    6 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can there be any redemption if there is no forgiveness?

    Can redemption take place without forgiveness? Is forgiveness really necessary for redemption to take place? This question pertains to both interpersonal relationships as well as one's relationship with his/her god/redeemer.

    Your opinions, and a brief explanation of why you believe what you do.

    13 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Have you ever received true justice?

    Not in traffic court, or getting your money back for something you bought that was defective. I mean real, life-changing justice?

    1 AntwortPolls & Surveysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What should I expect from taking Lisinopril for high blood pressure?

    I have been prescribed one 40mg tablet once a day. I can hardly walk. I keep feeling like I'm going to pass out. My doctor said that he would write me a "letter of disability" if my body didn't adapt to this new drug. Am I that bad off?

    4 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How and where do we turn in counterfeit $20 bills?

    My son's girlfriend is a stripper and she got paid $250 for a private party. 8 of the bills were counterfeit. Even I could tell they were fake. We've called the FBI, Secret Service, and the local police. No one seems interested. WE ALL KNOW BETTER THAN TO TRY TO PASS IT ON! How do we get the correct authorities to reply?

    9 AntwortenLaw Enforcement & Policevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • The remote to my TV is broken. Someday, I will get a new one. In the meantime, why does the sports?

    announcer have to come on at least 10% louder than the rest of the news and weather? I know this isn't my imagination. I would really like a logical and rational explanation for my observation.

    1 AntwortOther - Sportsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is it with religous-right fanatics when they expect everyone else to obey the 10 Commandments?

    They themselves only observe some of the 10 Commandments, yet they expect the rest of us to obey them without question.

    They specifically make sure that they themselves obey the 4th and sometimes the 2nd, but the rest of us must obey all 10, or be consigned to "a scorching hot realm of eternal torment". We commoners must especially obey the 6th Commandment, or they will make our lives a living hell here on Earth, but they are exempt from it...

    Your comments?

    1. Do not worship other gods.

    2. Do not worship idols.

    3. Do not misuse God's name.

    4. Keep the Sabbath holy.

    5. Honor your father & mother.

    6. Do not murder.

    7. Do not commit adultery.

    8. Do not steal.

    9. Do not lie.

    10. Do not covet.

    10 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What if both Democrats and Republicans are wrong about the cause of this economic collapse?

    What if neither political party is to blame for this sudden economic collapse, and instead, it was really being caused my thousands of Bernie Madoff-types and their Ponzi schemes, stealing America's wealth and sending it to Switzerland and the Cayman Islands where no one, not even Interpol, can even find out where it is and how much has been stolen?

    The trouble with schemes like Ponzi's is that when the robbery is discovered, the perp and the loot are long gone. Your opinions, and please try to play nice in the electronic sandbox...

    6 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 1 Jahrzehnt