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Favorisierte Antworten16%
  • Can I separate male guinea pigs from their mother at 5 weeks?

    I have 2 3 week old male guineas and need to separate them from their mother soon. Is 5 weeks an ok age to remove them (they already seem to be fairly well weaned) or should I do it earlier/later. The 2 boys will be moved into a cage together so they will not be alone.

    8 AntwortenRodentsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • When can male guinea pig babies be rehomed?

    My guinea pig is due to give birth in the next few weeks but I am a little confused about re-homing. Most reliable sources say that males should be seperated from the mother at about 3-4 weeks but can't be rehomed until 6-8 weeks.

    I will be keeping any females she has but males are going to my friend who already has 3 males (she keeps them in seperate cages) She uses the same feed as me and cares for her pigs well and only lives down the road. Would it be safe to let her have the boy's once they are weaned so they can begin bonding with her as soon as posible.

    6 AntwortenOther - Petsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • my dog has a cough?

    My dog developed a cough during the night. The cough has kind of a rasping sound and she has brought up a phlem like substance. I have an appointment for the vets this afternoon but am worried before hand so was wondering if anyone could suggest what it is as when you hear of dogs coughing you automatically think kennel cough which worries me.

    My dog has never been into kennels and does not often mix with other dogs, although she occationally meets some in the park she is kept on a lead and does not play for long. She is eating her moist food but will not touch her dried (she normally eats dried during the day with one tin of moist in the evening).

    I would be greatful for any advice or info anyone can give me on what may be affecting her or how I can ease her symtoms while we wait for my husband to get home to take us to the vet.

    9 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Has anyone used Stan Rawlinson for dog training?

    I have a 9 month old beagle with behavioural problems, My partner has suggested sending her on a dog training residentual course, I want to use a dog whisperer and was wondering if anyone has any experience with either, particularly the dog whisperer listed above.

    6 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • American themed Valantines?

    My fiance and are currently saving for our honeymoon and are planning to put the money we would normally spend on valantines towards it (gift, dinner money etc) and have decided to have a quiet valantines in but would like it to be Honeymoon themed. .

    For our honeymoon we are going to LA, Vegas and Hawaii.

    Can anyone suggest a meal, drinks etc around this theme?

    1 AntwortValentine's Dayvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • can I throw a fake bouquet?

    I like the tradition of throwing a bouquet at the weddinh but I want to try to have my bouquet preserved and don't want it to get damaged so was planning to but a cheap silk bouquet to throw.

    One of my friends says if I do this I should carry the silk flowers behind my real bouquet down the ailse and I don't want to as you will be able to see it.

    Do you think it will matter if I just throw the fake flowers for fun or do you think I should just forget it?

    37 AntwortenEngagements & Weddingsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Has anyone heard of a dog food called natures menu?

    My dog loves this food and from what I can tell from the packaging it seems good for her but I wanted to check if it had a good reputation as no one I know has heard of it before.

    12 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do you believe in bad luck?

    My mum has always said that keeping your christmas tree up past the 6th is bad luck but I never believed her. This year we decided to keep ours up an extra week as we were busy on the weekend of the 6th with guests. In the last week we have had our sink block, the graphics card go in our laptop, our dog chewed through our internet cable meaning we had to get a new one, I have had a bad stomach bug causing me to have 3 days off work, my partners car broke down costing nearly £200 and mine has broken down and may take up to £350 to repair.

    We have now taken the tree down and will never keep it up past the 6th again just in case my mum was right.

    Do you think this was bad luck or just a string of unfortunate coincidences?

    6 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What can I do?

    I love my 6 month old pup dearly but she can be a little cow. She bites and has chewed almost every piece of furniture. We have tried everything. We got home today to find she had damaged a cable for my fiances internet connection. Now he has said if she carries on as she has we may have to get rid of her.

    I couldn't bear that it would break my heart. She is very well behaved most of the time and her behaviour is slowly improving but I don't know what to do to improve it further.

    26 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What would you like on a buffet?

    We are having a buffet for my wedding but cant decide what to have on it. If you were going to eat at a buffet what would you like/expect?

    19 AntwortenEntertainingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is this because she is in season?

    My female dog was spayed just over a week ago but unfortunately was already in the first stages of her first season (she is 6 months) the vet has said the season will continue as normal although it will be the only one she will ever have.

    The problem is at the moment she has become very agressive with me, although not with my partner. Is this because of her season and will she return to normal after it?

    12 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • When can my dog start to play again?

    My pup has just been spayed (yesterday). The vet advised that she get rest and not have too much exercise but tonight she is full of energy and keeps brining us toys to throw for her. We are trying not to play with her but she is getting very restless and frustrated. She doesn't seem bothered by the operation at all.

    We are not back to the vet until monday and she is going to have a lot of pent up energy if she cant play until then. Can anyone who has been in this situations or any vets out there please advise on what I can do.

    8 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How to stop dogs fighting?

    My mother has two male dogs who get on wonderfully most of the time however they occationally fight. They have both been neutered however they weren't done until after their first fight. They are both treated the same at home.

    They were fine as one slept with my grandfather and one with my mother. However my grandfather passed away and so they now both have to sleep downstairs. Since then they seem to have gotten very jealous of each other.

    We have tried loud noises to stop them and water as well as a number of other things reccomended by the vet.

    We were wondering if a shock collar would work. Normally I am really against them as a form of training but we are running out of ideas and we don't want the dogs to get seriously injured. If anyone has experience of this please help.

    16 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Help buying a present please.?

    Every year at my partners work they do a 'secret santa' dip. They are supposed to spend between £5 and £10 on the gift. This year my partner has drawn a woman that works in his office and we cant decide what to get her. She is nice so we would like to get her something she would like.

    She is in her mid 20's

    Muslim - so no alcohol.

    She likes movies such as Pride and prejudice (but we don't know which ones she has)

    She doesn't wear much jewellry and my partner doesn't know if her ears are pierced.

    Any good suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    15 AntwortenOther - Holidaysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What age should I put my pup onto adult food?

    My beagle pup is almost 6 months old (just 1 week off) Up until now she has been on 3 meals a day with her main meal in the evening. over the last few weeks I have found that she is eating less of her food - whereas she used to wolf it down she will now eat a little of it and leave the rest (lunch usually) or ignore it for ages (dinner).

    She doesn't seem to be growing to much recently (collar hasn't needed adjusting in ages etc) and I am wondering if she is reaching her adult weight and should be switching to adult food.

    She is fed a mixture of moist and dry food.

    13 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How much is it to get my pup spayed?

    I have my girl booked in to be spayed soon and could probably ask the vet tomorrow but he is closed at the mo and my partner has asked me roughly how much it will be. If anyone can give me a rough estimate I would be grateful.

    9 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How easy is it to get from Anaheim into LA?

    I am planning a honeymoon to America next year. We are planning to spend a couple of days in Anaheim ( We have never been to Disneyland) we would also like to spend one day in LA - visiting a couple of the usual touristy things. I have been told that we would have to hire a car to get from Anaheim to LA but neither my fiance or I are keen on the idea of driving in another country with different road rules etc We have also been told taxis can be pretty expensive. Would it be possible to use public transport or should we give up on the idea and spend the extra time with Mickey?

    5 AntwortenLos Angelesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is it ok to send shop brought evening invitations?

    I have ordered printed wedding invitations for the day reception but have decided to invite a few collegues to just the evening reception. Do you think it is ok to send out shop brought evening invitations of should I order evening invitations to match the day time ones? I want people to feel their invite is special but budget is an issue.

    15 AntwortenEngagements & Weddingsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does anyone elses puppy get the hiccups?

    My beagle pup often gets the hiccups. It happens if she has a shock, drinks to much water and sometimes when she has just woken up or is laying on the sofa. I often have to sit and stroke her until they go away otherwise they can last for a while. I asked the vet about it when she had her jabs and he said it was normal in small pups and she would soon grow out of it but she's now nearly 5 months and it shows no signs of going away.

    19 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt