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  • Tranduisez en Francais s'il vous plait - euthanasie?


    Pouvez vous tranduisez cela en francais s'il vous plait. merci beaucoup pour votre aide.

    We should not legalise euthanasia because its legalisation would compromise the care of those that are at the end of their lives. People fear death just like the young fear the dark, and the fear increases as the horrible tales do.

    Euthanasia undermines patient integrity. At the end of life, good communication and improved pain management facilitates adjustment to the times ahead.

    Euthanasia makes it acceptable that death is an alternative outcome to palliative care and psychosocial care of the vulnerable in our society. Euthanasia goes against the moral ethos and the goal of medicine. Without this ethos there would be a compromise in the care of the patient. In the Netherlands it has shown that doctors that specialise in euthanasia do not have training in the psychological or palliative care of the patient. Suffering should be addressed in an appropriate manner rather than resorting to death. Euthanasia reinforces that the old and the sick are less valued in our society than the young and healthy. If we legalise euthanasia or physician assisted suicide, whose rights are we actually supporting? Traditionally a suicidal person is looked upon as in need of psychological and medical care. A study carried out showed that in general patients with terminal illnesses do not want an early death. Of those that do 70% are shown to have a depressive illness. It is seen in our society as noble to help the young overcome their desire to end their lives; therefore it is inconsistent to view the suicide in the elderly and sick as a right.

    Autonomy implies that the decision is made on rational life long beliefs and is not influenced by other nor any psychological problems. This is clearly not the case in most end of life situations.

    A study in the Netherlands in 2002 showed that only 21% of the patients that were killed by euthanasia were competent to make the decision. And the majority of those killed where in fact women and were killed by the request of others.

    I feel for those who are suffering unbelievably and want to end their lives, however I do not believe that legalising euthanasia and killing these people is the correct thing to do. Caring for them in a loving manner would help them overcome some of their pain and help to nurture a more caring society. So I say give them love and not death. This is our obligation as human beings. And let’s not make bad laws based on a few hard cases.

    It is ethically and morally unacceptable to murder someone. However it is completely contradictory to believe that it is acceptable for a certain group of people to end their lives with the help of others.

    And I don’t believe that will never be a time, where the economic situation would not come to play in deciding whether someone should die or not.


    4 AntwortenLanguesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Molecular assymetery?


    Could someone please translate the following into French.

    Pasteur’s scientific career presents a remarkable consistent and logical development. With Pasteur a single thread may be discerned running through all his research. From the study of crystals he is led to attack the subject of pasteurisation and then successively the problem of spontaneous generation, the diseases of the silkworm and the production of vaccines.

    In 1849 Pasteur resolved a problem concerning the nature of tartaric acid. A solution of this compound derived from living things rotated the plane of polarization of light passing through it. The mystery was that tartaric acid derived by chemical synthesis had no such effect, even though its chemical reactions were identical and its elemental composition was the same. Pasteur noticed that the crystals came in two asymmetric forms that were mirror images of one another.

    Thank you in advance.

    1 AntwortLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Louis Pastuer - Career?


    Could someone please translate the following into French.

    Pasteur even considered visiting Germany with his friend Chappuis during one summer vacation. This was an extraordinary perception of the future ways of communicating in a scientific world where Latin no longer played its former role. In the end however Pasteur did not make this trip as he was short of money.

    Unlike his classmates, he liked to spend his hours of leisure alone, in the library. Reserved almost shy, he lived apart, almost constantly working. Even Sunday afternoons were devoted to work, for he spent them in the laboratory.

    Pasteur did love teaching but not to the point of sacrificing his scientific ambitions to it. He was exasperated by the energy it took to explain simple notions to the pupils who never understood.

    Pasteur gave up his teaching post and was offered a position as acting professor of chemistry at the university of Strasbourg. Pasteur was not sorry to leave Dijon

    Thank you

    2 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Louis Pasteur French translation?


    Could someone please translate the following into French

    During the start of his career, Pasteur’s mother died. Pasteur shaken by his mother’s death was unsure about where to turn his ambition. Pasteur soon found out that there wasn’t a single vacancy in his field in any university, whether in Paris or in the provinces. So his first regular appointment took him to the lycee of Dijon. Since there was no alternative, Pasteur faced the prospect of devoting all his time to teaching in a secondary school. He had to contend with the overcrowding, sometimes having as many as eighty in one classroom., and his daily concerns which took him very far indeed from scientific research, reflect a teaching situation that unfortunately still exists in many places today.

    In this experience with teaching, the young scientist realises that research counted for absolutely nothing in the educational system of France.

    Thank you in advance.

    8 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Louis Pasteur - Early career?


    Could someone please translate into french:

    The first experiment carried out by Pasteur was quite a splash. It was a matter of verifying a proposition taught in class. He obtained some bones from a neighbouring butcher, reduced them to ashes and then added sulphuric acid to them. Having set them aside for 24 hours, the mixture produced a precipitate that after filtering yielded a kind of heavy syrup. Then this substance in turn had to be heated to make it give off a vapour of phosphorus that was condensable in water. In conclusion Pasteur obtained a few grams of a transparent, yellow substance. It was his first victory and he proudly put the residue into a splendid flask with a big blue label to publicise his exploit. Pasteur’s somewhat naïve pleasure might make us smile.

    In October 1844, Pasteur was flattered when a professor at the lycee of besancon told him that he would be pleased to have him as his successor and promised to support him.

    Thank you

    3 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Louis Pasteur- death and career?


    Could someone please translate into french.

    In October 1843, Pasteur had to put up with humid dormitories. Yet unlike many of the students he did not look for a room in town; on the contrary, he asked and was granted permission to move into the school even before the start of classes. He regularly spent 12 hours a day studying, with lectures at the Ecole normale. However not everything was strictly focused on scientific disciplines, to produce scientists capable of communicating their findings, the students were offered free courses in German and English.

    In early 1892, Pasteur’s health suddenly deteriorated, and he became confined to his room.

    The government immediately order a state funeral. An immense funeral procession moved from institute Pasteur to Notre-dame.

    Pasteur died but pasteurian science was more alive than ever and continues to live.

    Thank you in advance.

    2 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Hello - louis pasteur translation to french?


    Could someone please translate into french.

    His children and his grandchildren moved into the apartments at the institute Pasteur. Shifts for sitting with him were set up. By the end of December there was a slight improvement. On 1 January 1895, Pasteur received all his students and collaborators to wish him a happy new year. In the following days, Pasteur gradually improved. In April he insisted that everyone from the ecole normale be invited to his home. That day Pasteur had himself carried to the laboratory to see some bacteria. This was his last observation at the microscope.

    On the 13th June Pasteur left the institute, and headed to villeneuve-l’etang, where he was to spend his summer days. But he became increasingly weak and had little chance to enjoy the park. Soon he could no longer leave his room. He died on the 28th September 1895, at twenty minutes past four in the afternoon.

    Thank you in advance.

    4 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • French translation about Pasteur?


    Could someone please translate the following into french:

    Pasteur wanted another chance to go to a famous school. In 1841, louis Pasteur went to Dijon to take the examination for the bacculureat in science. He was sure of himself, however this proved to be wrong. Pasteur did not pass. His hopes for a preparatory course in paris evaporated and he had to do a second year of advanced maths in besancon.

    But this time he was on his own, and he had to face the family’s shaken confidence.

    Pasteur was still determined to pass the baccalaureate in science examination. He succeeded in obtaining the degree of bachelor science. Pasteur did not even return to arbois to receive the congratulations of his family but returned to besancon, where he faced the competitive entrance to the ecole normale. This was his main ambition he had to fight migraine and fatigue.

    Thank you in advance.

    7 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • French translation about Louis Pasteur?


    Could someone please translate the following into french?

    Pasteur took courses at the college sanit-louis, located at foot of the school of medicine. However these glorious names meant nothing to the young Pasteur who was not used to obeying the roll of the drum.In mid November, louis Pasteur decided that he no longer wanted to stay and went back home. Pastuer sat in silence I the coach that made him turn back a rare thing indeed in his life. But a failure of this kind was not easy to forget, it would take time for this wound to heal.

    When Pasteur returned to arbois, he needed to come to terms with himself. He therefore devoted his time to drawing and painting as if he felt that the face-to face relation between the artist and his model would bring back his confidence. Many of the portraits Pasteur drew of his friends and family still exist today. Pasteur however showed himself to be as conservative in painting as he was to be in revolutionary science.

    Thank you

    5 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Louis Pasteur Translation?


    Could someone please translate this for me?

    Pasteur would evoke these childhood years with pride and depict the family group in an idealized picture.

    The man whose influence of the destiny of Pasteur was to be decisive was the principal of the college of arbois, m.romaner, who took great pleasure in developing enthusiasm in his young pupil. It was from him that Pasteur fisrt heard about the place of prestige and learning, where the best students of France are made into elite teachers.

    Pasteur dreamt of going to one of those schools and he was granted an opportunity in 1838. His father sent him to an institution which prepared students for the school of polytechnique.

    On one of the last days of October 1838, Pasteur left home and headed for Paris. On his arrival in Paris, Louis Pasteur could barely hold back tears. He was almost 16 years old and it was the first time he had left his family.

    Thank you in advance.

    4 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • French translation about louis pasteur?


    Could someone please translate the following:

    On 26th of august he was notified that he was eligible to the second set of tests. However Pasteur was not happy. He was ranked 15th out of a group of 22 candidates. He decided not to take the second set of tests and to re apply the next year.

    Pasteur then started doing his prepatory, in besancon. On the eve of his departure, he executed one last pastel, a portrait of his father, before he left his family, his eyes returned to the future. At almost twenty, Pasteur was no longer the fearful child who had been undone by leaving his family and his home.

    Life was harsh for Pasteur but he was determined. During his time Pasteur took up singing lessons. He wanted to gain more self confidence. However Pasteur then had to give up the lessons because he could no longer afford them.

    Thank you in advance.

    6 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • French translation about louis pasteur's childhood?

    Hello/ Bonjour

    Could someone please translate this from English to French?

    Pasteur did not stay in dole for long because in the early 1827, jean-joseph decided to move with his family to arbois. This is where Pasteur spent his childhood. In the winter the children went sliding o the ice, and in the summer they would go swimming and fishing. But the most anticipated moment was the wine harvesting in the autumn. It is evident that his childhood shaped his later life, fishing made him more patient and his work on wine, reminded him of his childhood.

    Pasteur’s father, Jean-joseph was deeply involved in his son’s education and acted as his private tutor at every turn. As well as being his private tutor, Jean-Joseph had real conversations with his son. On Sundays, he would wear his old military coat and take louis for long walks though the hilly vineyards.

    Thank you in advance

    11 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • French translation about louis pasteur's death?


    Could someone please translate the following into French?

    On Thursday 1 November 1894, as he was about to leave for his daily visit to his grandchildren, he became violently ill and fainted. He as carried to his bedroom. He did not regain consciousness until that evening, when he requested someone to stay with him. He remained in bed for 3 months. He was treated for albuminuria and placed on a milk diet.

    Pasteur had become a living symbol, embodying both science and France. French speaking countries in particular considered him a special ambassador. The Canadian government gave his name to a county on the main border. A few months later thr Algerian government also decided to honour the scientist by naming a town “Pasteur”.

    Kind regards,

    4 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • French translation about louis pasteur?

    Bonjour/ Hello

    Could someone please translate the following passage into french?

    Pasteur had the passion of becoming an engineer however his friend chappuis warned him that it would not be the way to happiness. Pasteur therefore decided not to pursue this career. He was coming up to the age that made him liable to conscription. Pasteur was dreading this. The son of a Napoleonic veteran had no desire to serve under the colours and would do whatever he could, even write to the minister, to obtain an exemption. This he actually achieved in 1843.

    Kind regards,

    1 AntwortLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • German help please?


    i don't know how to say these in german. could you please translate this into german please.

    thank you

    My dream town would be a town with little pollution. I hate pollution. The town would have a lot of nice flowers and trees to help people relax. In my dream town you cannot travel by car. You have to travel by horse and chariot. I think that would be really fun!!

    My dream house would be a very big house in Dubai. I love Dubai because the weather is really hot there. My house would have 365 rooms, a room for each day of the year. Life would be really relaxing!!

    My dream weekend would be a weekend with lots of things to do. I would go abroad in my dream weekend. I love going abroad especially somewhere hot.

    My dream room would be extremely big. It would have lot of things to do. It would have a big restaurant and a big swimming pool. My bed would be made out of gold and the mirrors would be made from diamond.

    thank you


    4 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • german help please?


    i don't know how to say these in german. could you please translate this into german please.

    thank you

    I think school should start earlier and end earlier because then you can do much more in the day. I would probably start school at 7 o clock instead of 8.30.

    and translate this : What is different about German eating habits and English eating habits?

    also how do you say "that's an interesting question" in german.

    thank you


    11 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • french help please?


    i don't know how to say these in french. could you please translate this into french please.

    thank you

    The last film I saw was “the pursuit of happiness”. It was a really good film. I went to see it with my friends. The actors in the film are really good especially will smith.

    I like mostly comedy shows because they make me laugh. One example is “bremner, bird and fortune”. I love that show.

    I don’t have a favourite group or a favourite singer. I like a wide range of singers and groups.

    and i wrote but i don't know if it is right. could you check it please:

    Il y a 2 anne je suis alle au musee sciene a londre. Nous avons voir becuacoup de chose par exemple dinasours. Il etait tres utile parce que j’ai apprendre beacoup. Il etait aussi tres drole.

    thank you


    6 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • could you please translate this into french?


    could you please translate this into french please.

    thank you

    I like haywards heath because it’s a nice quiet area but the problem is that there aren’t many activities for young people!

    In the town there are lots of facilities for everyone. Public transport is really good which is very practical. There are lots of people usually in the town so you can have lots of friends.

    In the countryside the air is fresh and healthy. It is really quiet and clean. The people are really nice and you usually know everyone in the countryside.

    thank you


    11 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • german help please?


    can anyone help me with german?

    thank you

    2 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Übersetzungsbitte von englisch auf deutsch bittteeee?


    could you translate this into german pleasee?

    Christmas shopping

    Last weekend I went to Brighton to go Christmas shopping. First I went to Debenhams, which is a department store because it is a big shop and therefore there is a lot to choose from. First I went to the women’s section to but a present for my sister. Last year I bought her jewellery set because she loves jewellery. This year I bought her a bag. Also in the women’s section I bought my friends all jewellery. Women in general love jewellery. I couldn’t find anything nice for my mother so then I went to the male’s section.

    I bought my dad some shoes and my 2 brothers a tie each. For my little brother is was blue and for my older brother it was green.

    I then went to Wallis and I bought my mum a bag. It was a black leather bag.

    Then I went to Thorntons to buy lots of chocolates for myself. I love chocolate. After I had bought everything for Christmas I went back home. It was a good day.

    viele danke

    12 AntwortenHausaufgabenhilfevor 1 Jahrzehnt