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Lv 771.091 points

kleighs mommy

Favorisierte Antworten9%

if you are looking for sex then leave me alone im married and dont want you. but if your in need of parenting pregnancy or military wife advice i am your woman i am also able to give some video game and pc advice i have 2 kids a daughter deceased and a son age 5 i have been pregnant 5 times two miscarriages 1 chemical pregnancy

  • what can i do to stop a woman from banging on the door?

    note not my door its my across the hall neighbors. its almost 1pm. well before noise ordinance issues. shes been banging for close to an hour, and shes calling the girl. who is clearly not home.

    shes causing my dog to growl and is on my nerves. i just asked her for the second time to stop. what if anything else can i do. i cant believe some people are so rude and clueless. i can hear her though my wall complaining because i asked her to stop. aside for calling the cops. which would be pointless right now

    5 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how do i kiss boys is bully on xbox 360?

    i need to know how to get the boys to kiss me for the over the rainbow achievement

    6 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • i need lawyers now car repoed want it back asap?

    car company lied to me and repoed my car after promising they wouldnt i want to file suit now and get my car returned today.

    i am a little behind on payments due to this horrid economy. now it gets worse as i cant go to work, i need my car back now

    5 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • severe back pain as a result of being hit with a chair?

    need tips to relieve the pain. i was hit at a wrestling show last night. no im not a wrestler i was merely a fan who was trying to escape the insanity of the show. this was local not wwe.

    and in a bar with too much alcohol and not enough security

    4 AntwortenPain & Pain Managementvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what can i do about a cell phone stalker?

    aside from changing my number. i really dont want to. i have an idea as to who it is. hes my husbands former boss who was a great friend until i told him no i wouldnt sleep with him.

    the calls are listed as unknown tmobile wont investigate with out a supeona

    6 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • wondering what these signs could be?

    very sore swollen breasts pain is relieved by a supportive bra.

    they are heavy too

    and sensitive teeth. my teeth in the last week have become very sensitive to hot and cold.

    my period is due the end of the week around the 27ththrough the 30th.

    i last started march 29th.

    did not have either issue then. my breasts often get sore but not like this.

    yes i realize i could be pregnant. will test if my period is late

    2 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • wondering what these two signs mean?

    very sore swollen breasts pain is relieved by a supportive bra.

    they are heavy too

    and sensitive teeth. my teeth in the last week have become very sensitive to hot and cold.

    my period is due the end of the week around the 27ththrough the 30th.

    i last started march 29th.

    did not have either issue then. my breasts often get sore but not like this.

    yes i realize i could be pregnant. will test if my period is late

    3 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what type of law is this please?

    i may be forced to sue an exfriend for money i loaned to him and his husband. total is around a hundred bucks. i know not alot of money. but in this economy it is and i need it back.

    the agreement was verbal i know that was a mistake. he agreed o pay me back the following friday. the money was loaned on valentines day. so its been almost 2 months. since. he already owed me 20 from a past loan. i honestly thought he was good for it. the friendship fell apart the same weekend over something unrelated. which is a different legal matter. as a result i feel i need to get my money so i can sever all ties so what kind of lawyer do i need and how do i file.

    im in south carolina if it helps

    any info would be great charleston sc prefered

    7 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • when calling in for your sick spouse does his boss have the right to hang up and speak to you any old way?

    he feels.

    my husband was in the er yesterday. he has 2 kidney stones caused by this worthless piece of scum of a boss.making him work 4-6 hours in a retail store alone. you cant leave the store floor if your alone. this my husband couldnt go pee when he needed to.

    so while at the er my husband was off yesterday and yes things are tense between me and the boss we were really close friends up until 6 weeks ago.

    i call the store and try to tell him his employee is is and whats going on the rude assss little jerk says have a note and fine whatever then i hear a click. this sorry excuse for a human never asked whats going on or anything. i am pissed as you can imagine. and plan to file formal charges through this company. this was the icing on the cake needless to say

    my question is this was this acceptable. and am i overreacting.

    i feel that an employer should show enough concern to say give me a call later and let me know whats going on and feel better soon.

    this pig is a self centered jerk who is only out for whats in anything for him

    9 AntwortenEtiquettevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • violation notices how can i make them stop?

    and still get my point across. their all diet and fitness questions from little skinny behind girls who are 5'4 and up and weigh less than 120 lbs.

    they tick me off soo bad. they say things like omg i am sooooooooooooo fat or i am fat gross and disgusting when in trite they are tall and bone skinny. i have tried avoiding those questions but they keep appearing in womens health military pregnancy and many more

    how do you tell them their nuts without saying your stupid and shallow

    1 AntwortYahoo Answersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what to do when a so called good friend starts treating you very badly?

    this was at one time someone i would have called a best friend. i bent over backwards for. he also works with my husband. we bought countless meals and drinks for him while he worked. took food to his spouse when he wasnt feeling well his spouse is also male hes gay.

    gave him bathroom breaks when he was working alone and needed to go very badly to the point of dancing in the store like a moron.

    for the last 6 weeks he hasnt spoken to me and glares at me. he talks to my husband as if nothing is wrong well he was until my husband turned him in last week for being late and no show no call. hes the store manager gotta lead by example. im not sure what i did wrong 5-6 weeks ago to warrant this and he refuses to speak to me. hes acting like a lover scorned or scorned lover. the store is suffering and losing customers because of him. i have sent notes to him apologizing to no avail. he is rude mean and nasty to me now. what can i do to fix this when he wont speak to me. the company says personal issues should be handled outside the store

    what else can i do besides showing up at his home to fix this mess

    hes now trying to get my husband fired for any and everything since last week. my husband is one of the managers and has been cut to 8 hours a week yes a grievance on this issue has been filed

    7 AntwortenEtiquettevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • does this scare anyone else on here?

    there are soo many young girls on here asking how to lose weight when they are tall and clearly underweight already.

    why do you people consistently tell them how to lose weight to you realize your killing these kids

    46 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • is unisom safe to take with zithromax?

    we do not have a 24 hour nurse line here

    2 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • does it ever scare you as to how many teens are trying to lose weight?

    most of these girls are 12-15 and weigh barely or just over a hundred pounds and are under weight to begin with

    they also ask questions regarding why their period stopped

    it scares me and so do the people who give them ways to lose weight

    in my day which wasnt long ago losing weight wasnt on our minds or even an issue

    whats wrong with todays young teens

    i know my spelling is bad

    does it scare any of you

    44 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • why are you afraid of a public bathroom?

    just wondering why soo many people are so afraid of a public toilet

    im not talking porta potties those are horrible and gross

    10 AntwortenEtiquettevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • should you befriend all of your co workers or just some?

    heres the back story

    my husband works part time in a video game store. they have just hired in the last month 4 new staff members who wont remain after christmas.

    he said last night that he will not make any attempts to befriend or socialize outside of work aside from the company party. this offended the other guy who was working last night. hes not one of the 4 just hired either so hes safe. but it shocked him. that the manager of the store would say that.

    i agree that making friends with them will make it harder to end the contracts but still.

    the questions is this normal

    the store manager is a great guy and loyal to those he chooses as friends so hearing him say that was a bit of a shock

    5 AntwortenEtiquettevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what exactly is prop 8?

    i dont live in california

    i know it has to do with gay rights

    10 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • any tips on getting a very loose tooth out?

    its turned and barely hanging in there

    hes 5

    we have tried food and freezing it

    9 AntwortenGrade-Schoolervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how do you make a 5 year old listen and sit on the bus?

    he was taught better. he knows how to act but chooses to ignore every single word i say to him. i am in fear of his teenage years

    he is constantly pushed loss of toys timeouts even a few spankings nothing makes a difference.

    how do i get him to do what he knows hes supposed to. he hits kids at school wont listen to the teacher and wont listen to the bus driver. i am at my wits end hes an only child as well. help me before i kill this kid

    4 AntwortenGrade-Schoolervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • can you be gay but not have sex with men?

    this is not about me at all

    its my brothers best friend. he came out 4 months ago and said he was gay. well sunday night he announced that he doesnt want to have sex or perform certain sexual favors or have them done to him by a guy.

    so how can you be gay and be in a relationship with another guy and say im not having sex with you ever.

    am i missing something.

    24 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehnt