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Favorisierte Antworten15%
  • If Children are so important to the liberal left, why do they support Abortion?

    Throughout this discussion of gun control, Obama has claimed we must keep our children safe; yet he is in support of abortion; which is a child being killed- right?

    24 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 Jahren
  • With all the talent WWE has, what are they going to do?

    For the longest time, Dean Ambrose has been fighting dark matches and has issued a war of words with Mick Foley but they have not done anything with him. WWE has signed young talent like Marcus Anthony, which means another talent in FCW; where there are tons of talented, young wrestlers without a spot in WWE. Either WWE sets up another show or bring more titles and make Smackdown 3 hours.

    7 AntwortenWrestlingvor 9 Jahren
  • What is the safest way to invest a large amount of money?

    With today's economy floundering, where can one look to investing? The FDIC only insures up to $250,000 and foreign markets are in shambles, so where does one look to invest their potential nest egg?

    9 AntwortenInvestingvor 10 Jahren
  • Does anyone know if Dancer's is still open in Palatine Illinois?

    How much is it to get in? What are their hours? Is it worth it?

    2 AntwortenChicagovor 10 Jahren
  • I am in need of wrestling talent to start up a wrestling school, where can I find talent?

    I am starting a wrestling school and in need of talent, if anyone between the ages of 17-23 are willing to join, I will provide room/board and a scholarship to FCW. Does anyone know where I can find people willing to participate in this great opportunity.

    2 AntwortenWrestlingvor 10 Jahren
  • What is wrong with the US?

    Recently, after the election the world decided to partake in assessing the US after the election, which made me wonder why? United States has sliding down in power and strength for the past 18 yrs and I'm sure foreign nations are eyeing this as a possible way to "kill the giant, even though it protects us" philosophy.

    It all begins from home. After the elections, the US Black Caucus stated they will allow the 2 new African American congressmen to join their group, if they choose to. Stating the fact the Black Caucus is mostly Democratic and follow a liberal plan, this may lead to 'idealogical' clashing. So the US Black Caucus, isn't a representative of African American congress people but a liberal runned identity? Doesn't anyone see the flaw in this?

    Secondly, a poll was taken by a Democratic pollster group asking American's their future concerns. The group was mostly Democratic and a large number stated jobs with a close second immigration reform. Most of the Democrats state there should be a form of immigration reform with strict policies being made to protect the US border. Ironic, that Democrats want reform but support politicians who do not want reform. Can't have it both ways, yet it seems as if you can.

    Also reflective of Immigration Reform, many states have asked to have a similar policy as Arizona. Stating they want to protect borders and jobs, yet the federal government doesn't want this to move on?

    Thirdly, the job market has been the worst in ages. This is a result of many factors to which no one has addressed. Everyone claims jobs, jobs, and more jobs; but the fact people not buying American isn't dripping in their minds. Remember in any economic system, one cannot simply make things without selling things. There are many factors to why the US economic stability is falling and one of the biggest is the false representation of Unions to the workers. Most Unions are not helpful to the workers, most present more problems than solutions. Granted, Unions were developed to help the worker but have grown into a mafia-like system that collects money but doesn't pay out.

    Finally, the United States is slowly losing its identity. With several factors of killing the English language, dumbing down the education system, and not developing family values; United States is the new Roman Empire.

    Many nations are banking in the US failure, sadly how many Americans are following suite. I'm not an extremist but I do want my children have the same opportunities as me. My parents came to this country with nothing but worked hard to build themselves up, now these opportunities are dwindling and dwindling away. Sadly, the new generation doesn't realize that a little sacrifice makes for a large reward. Reading this, I don't want people to answer but actually do something to change it.

    Suggestions: Cut everyone's salary, so it would make for competitive pricing which leads to competitive purchases. Close the borders, create local working organizations which can form youth movements to work as farm labors; where the salaries are competitive and the people working realize that this isn't a final job for them. Lower minimum wage, again a lot of people don't like this but realize that cost effectiveness leads to lower product price which leads to more purchases. Government jobs should not be salaried but free, just imagine the money saved. Many politicians make a lot of money outside the office, why not globalize this concept and make politicians work for free. This would make the position honest and worthwhile. Finally, push for more family values. This concept is dying, if not dead. Look back at US history, when were we the strongest, when families meant something. If costs are down, then families can be central. This may sound sexist to many but with a mother at home, a child grew to a safer enviroment where stability lead to success.

    So what is Wrong with the US? Lack of identity? Lack of initiative? Lack of industrial identity? Lack of morals?

    Remember, the fall of all great empires have had the same formula: Loss in identity + Loss of initiative + Loss of morals.

    16 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • With his popularity falling and with it the United States falling, were the voters wrong to have voted Obama?

    America unemployment is in the range of 10%, poverty is at an all-time high, and nothing has really been done.

    When coming to office, Obama stated he will be different but unfortunately he is just a whole lot of puff with no stuff. When the chips are down, he goes on to blame the last administration. Well, that is fine and dandy but what is he doing to change things.

    He has an elitist complex, which he finds he is right and everyone else is wrong. Well, when will he admit to the mistakes and take responsibility for his actions? Never has there been a man in politics with as much self-centeredness as Mr. Obama.

    Running his campaign he stated he will add jobs and cut the US dependence on foreign oil, yet we rely more than ever on foreign oil and again no jobs.

    Running his campaign he stated he will tackle health care, yet he just made it a government runned organization with no true increase in the uninsured.

    So to all those who voted for Obama, I blame you. You placed one of the most prestigious jobs in the world to a person with very little experience. I don't care if your Democrat or Republican, one must become the bigger person and admit to the errors in our way.

    So to all those who like change, maybe you should look to what kind of change because not all change is good.

    4 AntwortenGovernmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How does Youtube regulate their content? Why are some things flagged and others are not?

    Recently, a funny skit was pulled from Youtube and I was just wondering why somethings get pulled off while others get to remain?

    4 AntwortenYouTubevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I noticed there is a new military vehicle and I was wondering if anyone new the name of this vehicle?

    It looks like a jeep but slightly smaller. I have seen pictures but not much has been mentioned in the name of this vehicle. I also noticed a picture of the vehicle in a military video game.

    Based on my description, I do not know if it will help. It seems like it only seats 2, the wheels are exposed, where you see the axel. It has a weird shape, where from the sides looks like a tear-drop.

    If anyone has any idea what i'm talking about, I would appreciate any help.

    1 AntwortOther - Cars & Transportationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why have I received an email from Barrister Steve Adams, is there some way to get this scam dealt with?

    I find it scary these scam artist get innocent people's emails and send them thousands and thousands of scam mails, is there something one can do to deal with these scam artists?

    3 AntwortenAbuse and Spamvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What does America stand for? Once our greatness is gone, what's next?

    Sadly, the America that everyone looked upon, is slowly being destroyed. Once a country loses its identity, then it doesn't exist. If anyone has noticed what is happening in Europe, isn't too far off what is going to happen in the United States of America. While our government, looks to make the US more vulnerable and weaken, there is an ongoing crisis that is destroying nations for centuries and nothing is being done.

    A country is a country by Definition of language, population of origin, products produced, and outlook at social standard. As of now, the United States can't state any of these claims. By 2028, the American Dynamic will be far different from the one that created this great nation. As politicians rant and rave, they are allowing for the further destruction of this country.

    When our forefathers came to this country and created this new world, they set a standard and tried to pushed it as much as possible, if they were here today, they would be disappointed.

    Americans take a stand, don't let the US lose its power. In the elections that are coming in the future, make your voice sound. We are a capitalist nation who speaks English and produce products that can improve nations; don't let this become a low iq nation where political lies overthrow the truth.

    Don't let the lies of hope and change actual create a 3rd world country. When we were promised change, there was no defination what exactly kind of change. So far the change has benn this: no jobs, lowered standards in education, lowered safety, lowered value of American's dreams, lowered appreciation to family value, increased dependance to foreign fuel, increase lowering of American concepts of social responsibility, and lowered value of beliefs.

    So what does America stand for? Too long, many Americans have taken advantage of this great nation. We are falling and who will do something about it? Not for us but for our children, shouldn't they have the opportunities like our forefathers?

    6 AntwortenGovernmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can a person ask a country not to censor but a part of the biggest censoring group of all time?

    President Obama has gone to China and asked them to stop censorship, stating "Freedom of thought allows for countries to prosper" while at the same time, his party wanted to censor Fox news and conservative radio reports.

    I'm sure it looks good on paper for the most liberal President to go into a communist country and shake their finger at them. It is sad, China has more conservative freedoms than what our president wants to dish out.

    China is expanding because it is following the economic concepts of the 1900's where the US become the powerhouse that helped create the biggest democracy. China is playing on concepts the were fostered by the US.

    So I do not think China will take the president seriously, its like a child with dirt on his hands and tells his parents he just washed his hands. China will only take this speech and use it in their propaganda.

    2 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where will the United States be in the next few years?

    Watching a comedy over the weekend and a lot of things were discussed in this witless movie. I watched Idiotocracy and sadly realized a lot of points discussed in the film are truthful. America and the world seems to praise the underachievers and cast out the hard workers. I can't account for the world but I can discuss what is happening in the United States. An officer in Chicago had to apologize for giving out tickets to non-english speaking drivers. This is the United States and the primary language is English, yet more and more it has been accepted to not learn the language. In Europe, if you don't speak the respective countries language then you are out of luck; yet in the United States there are more and more aids for the non-english speaking. I don't think a total neglect is ok either but there should be guidlines to have everyone speaking the English language. Next, stupidity is being rewarded. School systems are being lowered to get every student to be passed, yet the US has been dropping in the world education system. We are not the leaders in any of the major academic fields (math, science, and logic). As Americans are being denied basic educational rights, fellow students are being pushed along. Many officials state if you help everyone, then everyone benefits. The logic doesn't make sense, just because you pass everyone does not mean they learned the subject matter. Sadly, the American dream is being lost. Jobs are being lost in a fast matter where there really doesn't seem to be any relief in site but companies and workers don't seem to see the long term effect. This great country was built on the backs of labor but they have been neglected and strangly have been falsely lead by unions and the governement. Promises of higher pay sounds good in the short term but in the long term, these high paid jobs reflect higher consumer costs which leads to people buying foreign products. I feel the government and the American public has lost sight, sadly my kids will not have the advantages that I had.

    When will America wake up and smell the failure? We were all promised hope but have received more the same failed promises. Look back at when America was the greatest nation in the world, what were the factors that lead to this? Look to the the 1900's, when America started to built up into a supernation, what factors did Americans have? They believed in family values, they believed in hard work, and they all believed sacrifice leads to greatness; all these values have been lost.

    Our forefathers thought of a nation of workers and honest to goodness family values. Our forefathers worked to create a capitolist nation where everyone had a chance, a nation where there isn't royality or socialist belief system. Look at the nations that have embraced socialism, they are not better if not worst. Europe claims to be the culture advanced society but their lax in religion, there lax in culture control, and their lax in job guarding has lead to a nation of increased violence and economic system that is falling quicker than ever.

    Why have the failures of the past not been taken into consideration? There is a small window of opportunity, where American still has the chance to follow-up the American dream but when can we act on the dream not lose the dream.

    Can Americans recapture the lead in education? Can Americans recapture the work ethic that created this once great nation? Can Americans recapture what our forefathers believed in?

    3 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Michael Moore a bigger idiot than once thought?

    In an attempt to peddle to the world, Michael Moore has spewed another crappy documentary that the world will be forced to watch and confuse the already confused public.

    In his new documentary, "Capitalism: a love story" he looks at how capitalism is ruining the world and effecting our society development. Which everyone is entitled to an opinion but Michael Moore's approach to this film is questionable at best. And now he is going around the world pledging how capitalism is anti-religion or anti-jesus, which if Michael Moore really did any research, the true anti-religion system is communism; which he is defiantly teetering on. Again, I'm not against having personal opinions, which makes this country great but I'm against people who are going against what our forefathers created. If all these actors, actresses, and hollywood executives really hate this country so much, why don't they leave. That's why I respect Johnny Depp and George Cloney, they hate this country and they moved out. So all these winded fools who continue to attack this great country, just leave already. Capitalism is what helped make these idiots rich, so they are biting the hand that feeds them.

    I know this isn't really a question but more a confession on how Michael Moore should just stop making movies and run away from the US and if anyone wants proof of his idiotocracy, just rent out the movie Canadian Bacon.

    4 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • When did comedians become all knowing?

    It is a little bit frustrating watching television and comedy circuits. It appears as if comedians have become all-knowing demigods who have to point out how the world is wrong and only they are correct.

    I was watching Bill Mahar and wondered how a b-star comedian became such a political and news monger. Sadly a lot of people listen to his words and deem it as truth. Also, comedian Daily Show's Stewart has also become a major news contributor without really knowing anything about such topics, he just screams on and people listen to his crap.

    I know comedians pull a lot from politics and that makes sense but when they talk as if they are all knowing and the mindless masses watch and believe thats when the problems occur.

    1 AntwortCelebritiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I just did my taxes, I lost my job and I still have to pay over $1000, how can I pay this?

    Is there a bailout for the average joe's? I can't sleep at night knowing I'm about to lose everything. Who will help the little guy?

    5 AntwortenUnited Statesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Help me with this number theme?

    Three rules-

    No repeating numbers

    No sequences in the numbers

    No chronological number sequences

    Part one

    (1-39), pick a number between the following

    (1-59), pick a number between the following

    (1-59), pick a number between the following

    (1-59), pick a number between the following

    (1-59), pick a number between the following

    (1-59), pick a number between the following

    Part two:

    Now using the numbers, see if they follow the trend:

    10, 36, 24, ?

    12, 7, 17, ?

    15, 8, 22, ?

    26, 11, 24, ?

    31, 17, 38, ?

    43, 53, 55, ?

    Part three:

    Now give me the sequence for the number system that fit part 1 and part 2

    2 AntwortenAmusement Parksvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can anyone help me finish these sequences:?

    7 -> 14 -> 6 -> ?

    11 -> 26 -> 15 -> ?

    18 -> 28 -> 24 -> ?

    24 -> 31 -> 37 -> ?

    30 -> 40 -> 41 -> ?

    26 -> 13 -> 37 -> ?

    2 AntwortenMathematicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • The true way America can get out of this slump is to go back to the Capitalist ways.?

    Over the past few years, America has been going backwards instead of forwards and it is all the fault of the loss of the Capitalist way of life. Sadly, the United States have forgotten where we came from and in this loss of identity have lost their way.

    The once powerful America has fallen prey to special interest groups and slowly have been losing its identity.

    If America wants to be that once powerful nation, the time is now. End affirmative action and again allow for equal bearing. The US is the only nation that has affirmative action, work quality has declined.

    US should close its boarders for 5 years and rely solely on our products and work to improve energy by investing in American products and innovations.

    Obama states he will tax companies that send workers overseas, does he account the fact if they are taxed, what will make them remain in the US? What if he does tax and all these companies look to India and China? It may sound like a great solution but he doesn't know anything about the business world.

    2 AntwortenEconomicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why won't some universities invite Republican candidates to talk to students?

    Today at University of Wisconsin-Parkside, there are a field of 5 democrats talking to the students; yet no Republicans were invited?

    How can equal representation be offered if Universities refuse to allow Republicans to speak at events. I raised my hand asking why no Republicans were at the event, and I was told none were invited.

    Freedom of Speech only if you want to hear what you want to hear!!!

    7 AntwortenElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt