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Favorisierte Antworten13%
  • am i the only one here who wonders about some of the questions raised?

    i really don't want to be mean with this, but it seems to me that for every question posted that makes some sense and is structured well enough for someone else to give at least a somewhat cogent and applicable answer, there seem to be literally dozens posted that range from completely incomprehensible to mindless to just plain ignorant. i realize that not all here are equally grounded in the english language or age or experience, but you'd think that a simple phone call, for example, to the local courthouse would get the answer to 'how much does it cost to change a first and middle name?'...hey, even if that's a bit of an effort, it's a lot more likely to get a 'ballpark' answer from a local authority than it is from someone here who is likely a resident of a different state. and then there are the questions that seemed more aimed to be confrontational toward people who have differing views from the 'asker', which suggests that 'yahoo answers' is being used more for 'blogging' purposes than the community help it's designed to be. there are a lot of things i could bring up here, but the bottom line is that a lot of us come for information or to help where we might, and it's more than frustrating to fight through so much inane fodder. should yahoo make greater efforts to edit these questions? i think so.

    4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 9 Jahren