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Hi. I'm Ross, I'm from Austin, TX, and I'm 17.

  • The White Stripes Icky Thump?

    What does everyone else think about the White Stripes' newest album "Icky Thump?" I'm not going to display my opinion, I want many many honest ones from you.

    13 AntwortenRock and Popvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is everyone's opinion of Texas?

    I was born and raised an live in Texas, and I've always thought about how a lot of it is nothing like most people seem to think. For example, there is so much lush piney forests and beautiful costal areas and pretty hill country, yet people are convinced it is all either desert or plains.What do you think?

    14 AntwortenOther - United Statesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Will you answer?

    Thirty three? But there are none. So many of the gardeners in the elementary ways. Oblivious? Numbers mean not, only the ones that are near. Did they know? Yet inside it sits next to a house plant outside. Did it mean you?

    2 AntwortenOther - News & Eventsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do you relieve sinus pains?

    How do I relieve my head of searing sinus pains? I have that "stopped-up" feeling in my nose and my head hurts a lot from the pressure. Does anybody have any remedies to help "un-stop" my nose?

    10 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Self awareness.?

    Do you think that self awarness in computers is possible? When, how, ect. Please elaborate as much as possible.

    2 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Hapiness of the soul?

    Do you think it is or isn't possible that just as the body may desire another body, the soul may desire another soul?

    4 AntwortenSociologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Hapiness of the soul?

    Since material things are loathed by the flesh(the body), it is said that these aren't the desires of the soul, but that the soul desires more intimate and deep things, such as spiritual harmony(with God, if you are a Christian). Knowing this, do you think it is or isn't possible that just as the body may desire another body, the soul may desire another soul?

    1 AntwortOther - Social Sciencevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How is the featured question decided?

    Does anyone know how the featured question decided? Maybe it's Yahoo! employees? Or just people they liked the questions of?

    4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • Why does everyone think 5 or more years ago was a long time ago?

    Why does everyone in America nowadays think 20 or even 10 years ago was a long time ago? Like the "80s". The 80s was NOT long ago! And the "90s" kills me too. It was like 10 years ago!! WHY do you treat it like it was 100 years ago??? Next thing I know, people will reminisce about last week!

    4 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • Someone dies, do you get older than them?

    If someone is older than you but dies, do you get older than them over time? Does it not count since they're dead? Do you compare yourself to the corpse or the soul?

    12 AntwortenOther - Sciencevor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • Why does everyone want to grow up so fast?

    I am 16, and I appreciate it. I appreciated my age whatever it was. I have pretty much always been glad to be young. Why does it seem that eveyone that's 10 and 11 now wants to "date." And wants to do "older stuff." I mean, life comes at you fast enough, right?

    17 AntwortenGenealogyvor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • What is the best soft drink?

    What is the best soft drink? Coke, Pepsi....anything goes.

    29 AntwortenNon-Alcoholic Drinksvor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • What would a blind person think if they could suddenly see?

    Do you think that if a person who was blind all their life would be suprised if they could suddenly see? Do you think that maybe they imagine everything differently than we see them?

    7 AntwortenOther - Sciencevor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • Convenience makes life harder?

    Does anyone else think about how the more convienent things are, the harder life is for us? If suddenly eveything was taken away, like electricity does sometimes, we would find it hard to survive in elements that were common 100 years ago. With all these machines and everything, it's like we don't "survive" anymore.....

    5 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • Does anyone else get tired of the bad English?

    Does anyone else get tired of how no one seems to capitalize anyomore(and I know my name is not, but I had to, the capital one was taken)? Or how everyone uses stupid stuff like "u" instead of "you"? How can you be THAT lazy? And does anyone get tired of English that is so horrible that you can't understand it? I know "everyone's human", but it gets ridiculous sometimes.

    22 AntwortenLanguagesvor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • Beatles stuff?

    I am a Beatles fan. I have all their comerically released albums on record and CD, extra albums, figurines, tapes, other records, lots of books(guitar books, an actual old scrapbook, and others) all of the movies(some on VHS and DVD), the Anthology movies, even a little CD single of Hey Jude and more. Does anyone have as much or more interesting Beatle stuff?

    7 AntwortenMusicvor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • Picture instead of an avatar?

    How do you upload a picture instead of an avatar? Do you have to be a member?

    3 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • Who is the best Beatle?

    Who is the best Beatle-John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, or Ringo Starr?

    14 AntwortenMusicvor 2 Jahrzehnten