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Lv 2938 points


Favorisierte Antworten10%

Direct and to the point. And if I can help you luagh along the way, cool. I'm just a big kid with all kinds of stuff to say. I got lots of winsdom to share.

  • About the downloaded version of Virtual DJ?

    I have my music on an external hard drive but the Vitural DJ program on the laptop won't read some of the songs. It just says error. What adjustments can I do so that it reads all my songs on my hard drive?

    Softwarevor 10 Jahren
  • To Help Bring The Cost Down From The Vet?

    I need to take my dog to a Vet Specialist in San Antonio. My question is, are there any special programs, fund groups of an type that can help me w/ the cost of his surgery? He has an anal gland tumor that needs attention. Anybody with any ideas, please let me know A.S.A.P. Thank You

    2 AntwortenDogsvor 10 Jahren
  • Need advice for my dog and a growth?

    I have a chihuahua who is 15 yrs old. Recently I noticed a knot on his back left upper but cheek. I took him to my vet and they said it might be a little tumor. They cared for him for a weekend a 3 weeks ago and gave him amoxcicillan & the knot started to get smaller. In the past 10 days, I started to back off his medicine(every 12 hours) and I had stopped 4 days ago. The knot is now back. What do I do? Please Help.

    2 AntwortenDogsvor 10 Jahren
  • How do I get rid of Dog Congestion?

    I think my dog has allergies & until Monday that I can get him to the Vet, how do I help him with his congestion? I am giving him Allergy Pills for dogs from Petco but what else can I do? He is a chihuahua- 14yrs old (Human Yrs).

    3 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • 2 People were Missing from the Olympics.?

    Whatever happened to Bob & Doug McKenzie from the Great White North from SCTV? Kathrine O'Hara was there? And where was the group RUSH? Bottom line, Alanis Morrisett SUCKED and so did Simple Plan. Once again, Canada has dropped the ball. Can ANYONE explain this?

    7 AntwortenOlympicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Cheat Codes for the Nintendo Wii?

    Don't judge me! I just want to play to WIN. With THAT said, what is a good site to get FREE cheat codes other than for the Wii?

    2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • About A Guitar Player In A Movie.?

    In the Michael Jackson Movie- "This Is It!", What is the name of the female guitar player he has playing in his band?

    1 AntwortMoviesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • On Alanis Morissette's CD "Jagged Little Pill"...?

    What was the name of the song that was hidden as track 14? Not ALL Cd's had THAT song, It was only on certain limited editions.

    2 AntwortenRock and Popvor 1 Jahrzehnt