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How much is it to buy a stamp domestically IN THE NETHERLANDS?
I see that the stamps in the Netherlands now have a 1 on them, which is a weight category I know. If I was in the Netherlands and wanting to buy a stamp, how much would it cost? Please include any tax.
1 AntwortNetherlandsvor 8 JahrenHelp in Excel-- creating a financial sum?
I am creating a spreadsheet where I have column F and G being input as a number of people, and need column H to equal a dollar figure based on the numbers input.
For instance:
F has 1 person at $18
G has 2 people at $15 apiece.
I input 1 into column F and 2 into column G, and I need column H to automatically show $48
I also need this formula to carry down the whole sheet. Help please?
I used to know, and I think it's something to the effect of typing into column H: =F*18+G*15 but I'm missing an element because that isn't working.
Many thanks.
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 8 JahreniPad with 3G-- what's the difference?
Please pardon my ignorance, seriously. But aside from the obvious (one has it and one doesn't) what is the difference between an iPad that has WiFi, and an iPad that has WiFi and 3G? Is this about better signal, different apps... sorry, just looking for THE "REAL" difference?
2 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 8 JahrenFederal laws versus state laws regarding violence against women in the US?
Hi there
I'm researching laws about violence against women in the US, and there are federal laws, and there are state laws, but is there a resource anywhere that explains what is handled at the federal level versus what is left to the states to decide and deal with? Please lead me to your sites if possible!
1 AntwortLaw & Ethicsvor 8 JahrenCan UK PAL Nintendo DS games play on Australian DS Lites?
I want to buy a game that is only available in the UK (UK PAL) for my Nintendo DS Lite. I live in Australia, though, and am not sure if the PALs are compatible (e.g., I know for DVDs the PALs are different).
Please can someone tell me about this?
1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 8 JahrenExternal drives suddenly not recognized (Windows 7)?
Hi there
Husband has been using a couple of external drives on his computer which now when he plugs them in they are not recognized. Computer makes a noise to indicate it knows something has been plugged in, but it isn't showing up in the list of drives on "My Computer." It's not the USB port because I have plugged my external in and it works fine... but just about everything else has stopped being recognized.
They are fine on mine.
1 AntwortAdd-onsvor 9 JahrenInternet Explorer 9 suddenly not remembering passwords-- help?
Hi there
Until this morning didn't have any issues with my computer remembering my passwords for things like Y!mail, Facebook and a couple of other sites. all of a sudden it logs out all the time. In the Contents tab it saws they are being asked to save. Is there a cookies issue here? I haven't changed anything, what can I check? Thanks anyone! And please don't tell me to get another browser, this one is fine for my needs, thanks!
4 AntwortenOther - Internetvor 9 JahrenLooking for information on personal injury/ wrongful death cases in Massachusetts?
Hi there
Just doing some research for a book and I'm trying to be realistic (and relevant). I am interested in finding out if there is any place on line that I can find concise details about personal injury or wrongful death suit outcomes-- particularly if the person who was damaged/ killed was violating the law themselves, or ignoring things like fences and warning signs.
I know this is very broad but my work is open-ended and I need to continue based on what I find when I read these cases.
I am not a law student but have some understanding of what I'm reading... can someone please link me to a website/ sites that might be able to give me something to look at? I'm clearly searching in too broad a way as I'm not finding much of anything useful from a law perspective.
Any help is appreciated!
2 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 9 JahrenRegulation british Army haircut-- need to know quick!?
My son has been called to a film set and is getting his hair cut this morning... he must have regulation British Army haircut for soldiers... in the WW2 period. Please can someone tell me what that is??
Have looked on the net but the Queen's regulations don't seem to have anything that I can find, although I know it's there, but I can't put my finger on it. Help!
1 AntwortMilitaryvor 9 JahrenHow do you find out what shows are playing on Broadway?
For instance, I only recently found out that James Spader, an actor whom I admire, was playing in a David Mamet play, which I would have loved to see! Is there a list of the different theaters and shows and stars somewhere on the net in a comprehensive list? Musicals and straight plays?! Thanks.
2 AntwortenPerforming Artsvor 9 JahrenIs there a way to find out what Twitter looks like before you actually join it?
Interested in seeing if anyone Tweets that is worth following before I decide whether to bother... is there any way to search or see before I sign up?
I have avoided it for years... but admit I'm curious!
2 AntwortenOther - Internetvor 9 JahrenI am running Windows 7, 64 bit. Need it to "act" like a 32 bit. Help?
Hi all,
I have a new HP Laptop, Windows 7, 64-bit. I cannot run Yahoo toolbar, nor can I run DVD43. I have heard that is is possible for a 64-bit computer to "act like" it's on 32 bit. I have no idea how. And I'm not interested in getting new discs, etc...
Can you please tell me if there is anything easy to do? Alternately, does Yahoo now have a 64-bit toolbar? Or DVD43 (the plug-ins, etc., don't work).
Thanks for any help!
3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 9 JahrenDefault email... Windows 7... Microsoft Office 07... advice please~!?
Hi there
Oh PLEASE help... I have just gotten a new computer... Windows 7. Microsoft Office 2007. 64 Bit.
On my old computer, I could right-click and "send to" and it automatically opened a new email with the chosen item attached... from my email address on Outlook.
I can't figure out how to do that in this new OS. The old one was done 7 years ago, so I'm lost! Please help?
3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 9 JahrenNeed to convert .M4V video to something that will play in Windows Media Player. Help?
My son's agent has sent a workshop video of him that we need to see, however it has been sent in .M4V and we don't have a MAC or iTunes. Can someone tell me if there's a free converter on the net somewhere that might be able to work for me to see this? Must be soon, it's been sent via a special link only good for a few days. Help! Thanks.
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 9 JahrenAnyone who knows classical music in Australia-- help!?
Looking to know exactly what the classical music is that is played when you are put on hold by Centrelink or the Queensland Government. I had the opportunity to hear it for a LONG time the other day and it is beautiful. It's always played when you call either Centrelink or the QLD Government, and I know it's provided by Telstra, but neither the client nor the provider could help me. I would dearly love to own this music. If someone can even provide me with the composer, I'll work from there... Help!??
2 AntwortenClassicalvor 9 JahrenHow do you get the little music notes when you type-- when on a laptop? The Alt + 13 and Alt + 14 don't work?
Would love to make nice little icons... but the ALT + number ones don't do squat on my laptop. Thoughts?
1 AntwortOther - Computersvor 10 JahrenWhere can I HEAR sentences spoken in English with an Italian accent?
I have been given a role in a short film where I need to speak English with an Italian accent. I can see, where I can learn the speech patterns, but would love to HEAR the words I need to say. Does anyone know of a site where I can listen to English spoken that way... and SOON!? Cheers.
4 AntwortenLanguagesvor 10 JahrenLucretia borgia--more recent comparison?
A play I'm directing uses the line, "she's got a higher body count than lucretia Borgia." Is there a more modern equivalent that my audience may more readily understand? There's so much on the net about Lucretia that I'm having a hard time finding info with which to base a comparison. Anyone?
2 AntwortenTriviavor 10 JahrenWindows 7-- "Save Picture As" gets error message. Help?
Hi there--
Suddenly having issues when I try to right click and save a picture in Windows 7 off the net. When I click "Save Picture As", I get an error message that says "System cannot find specified file." Please help me figure out what that is and how to fix it?
If it needs a browser repair (I have heard this might be the issue?) please give me step-by-step, where to find, what to click, etc... I have no idea and am just trying to resolve this issue as quickly as possible without damaging anything!... thanks!
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 10 JahrenAdministrator rights: Windows 7 (part 2)?
A very helpful person (HuNNy) told me how to get Admin Rights in Windows 7 by typing in the command prompt/run as administrator "Net user administrator /active:yes" and restarting. Thank you, HuNNy, this worked! However, when restarting it actually now comes up with a log on screen, asking for a user name and password. I figured out that I could type "user" and get to the original profile, and "administrator" to get to another...
But now my husband (who is head injured so can't handle new things) hates this. How do I UNDO this?
Can I type in "net user administrator /active:no"? Or what else do I do?
I would rather go back to what I had!!!
Pleae help ASAP as head injured people get very uptight very quickly and I'm having trouble keeping him calm as he sees problems everywhere, especially where there are none! How do I undo this so there's only ONE log-on that automatically goes where it was before (his single profile)?
Many thanks!!!!
2 AntwortenSoftwarevor 10 Jahren