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Lv 772.183 points

Memere RN/BA

Favorisierte Antworten54%

I'm just a simple person who expects honesty from people. I believe there is good in everyone and all are created equal. Don't like people to pretend with me. Just be honest with me. Don't judge me, because you have no idea what I've been through. Don't accuse me falsely either. I love the Lord and to me, He is the only true friend I will ever have. Lastly, never say you are a Christian only to find out you've been pretending with me all along. That makes a person like that, a liar. I don't tolerate liars If I make a mistake when I answer a question, please don't be rude and call me names. Just correct me, Tell me what I said that was wrong. There's no need for anyone to be crude and obnoxious. Lastly, I am a retired Geri-Psych nurse. I love nursing and wish I could still work. I keep up on all the latest things going on in medicine. I retired, but my brain didn't

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