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Favorisierte Antworten23%
  • I was given a NOOK HD+ for Christmas; and I have a question.?

    The Nook has a capacitance coupled touch screen. I purchased a stylus / pen combination. The one I bought was on the inexpensive side, around $6.00. Making selections with it is a very "IFFY" proposition. Probably 60% of the time it either fails completely or I get some sort of unintended action. My question is simply: Is there a difference i.e. would spending four times as much get a stylus that would work better or do I have a Nook problem?

    1 AntwortOther - Computersvor 8 Jahren
  • Add-ons, Plug-ins, Widgets... HELP ? ! ? ! ?

    I use Firefox and a Yahoo toolbar optimized for Firefox. I like the toolbar, possibly because I'm used to it but regardless of why, I want to keep it. The problem is, "bookmarks" are not as easily edited as I would like.

    I would like to be able to "Drag and Drop" bookmarks from one place to another, including being able to change the Bookmark's position within a folder. I would like to be able to "Right Click" and have a "Delete" option in the menu. In other words I want more editing capability without opening some convoluted editor.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on an Add-on, Plug-in or Widget that might provide me with the flexibility I am seeking?

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Fellow suffers; will you help an old man find something?

    I feel certain there is a Internet site with printable forms for us diabetics to record our testing but I can't seem to locate it. My supply of diaries has dried up and I need something organized to keep me straight. I tried to use a couple pieces of software to create my own but I don't think "chart making" is my long suit. So if anyone has a source I would surely appreciate them pointing me toward if. Thanks.

    1 AntwortDiabetesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Looking for suggestions on my Ryobi table saw?

    I have a Ryobi 10" table saw. It does two things I don't particularly like and was wondering if anyone had found a cure for either or both conditions.

    1. The saw table is an aluminum alloy of some sort. It will leave marks on wood that is sawed on the saw. They are the typical black aluminum marks and are something of a nuisance as they have to be sanded off. Additionally the raw aluminum imparts more drag to the stock than I like. I am looking for something to correct these annoyances without damaging the stock.

    2. The auger that controls the blade height gets saw dust on it making raising the blade more difficult. I don't mind cleaning the saw or any other tool but the frequency required is a bit more than I consider reasonable. I have tried to run it dry, I have tried Lock Ease, moly-di, teflon dry lube and silicon all to no avail. Any suggestions on this situation would be appreciated as well.

    Thanks in advance.

    5 AntwortenDo It Yourself (DIY)vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Will someone please help this old man with computer backup problems?

    I have read hundreds of answers and scores of reviews as well as countless publishers’ descriptions. I am at a loss; I seem to be going in circles. Can anyone of you software gurus help me.

    I was burnt using the Vista Backup and Restore software. I did a complete backup and Recovery but when I tried to reload my data the disks were unreadable. I managed to finely get them copied but it did no good. In short I lost so much irreplaceable data that I am now very gun shy.

    I have plenty of computer:

    Duo Core

    3 GB of Memory

    2 HDs; a TB and a 400 GB. The TB is my unpartitioned C:\ drive. The 400 GB has the D:\ partition, where I want the Image/Clone of the C:\ drive as well as a 10 GB E:\ partition for Vista Recovery files that I want to leave unmolested.

    USB 2.0 ports where I plan to dock and designate, with a fixed drive letter, one fairly large flash drive. Either 32 GB or 64 GB as the need dictates.

    I am looking for a piece of backup software that will do the following:

    1. First, above all else; IT MUST WORK!!!

    2. It must allow me to create a bootable recovery DVD/s.

    3. It must be able to make an exact copy of my C: drive on my D: drive nightly, while unattended. When the process is complete this drive must be bootable with little or no reconfiguration. This copying, cloning or updating process must be done in conjunction with other scheduled events; updates, disc defrag etc.

    4. It must sense and backup to a flash drive any data the moment it is created/stored. That would include documents, spreadsheets, music, photos, graphics and any other newly created data. This process must take place in the background without disturbing operator. Minor slowing is acceptable.

    5. It must allow a manual full backup to RW DVDs on the demand of the operator.

    6. There must be no compression or proprietary formats, strictly readable formatting is all I am willing to deal with.

    While cost is always a factor I would gladly pay up to $100 for the prefect program. Of course, I would consider a less expensive piece of commercial, shareware or even freeware.

    Please any help is appreciated.

    3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Will someone help me with Vista Home Premium Backup problems?

    I am having untold trouble with the Backup in Vista Home Premium.

    After about a year of fooling around my system was clogged with a bunch of nonsense and I decided to do a full Recovery and return everything to factory settings. I did a full system backup at that time (Sept 19, 2008). I tried to make a set of Recovery disks but the OS would not allow it (I still don’t know why).

    I formatted and proceeded with the Recovery. That much was successful. When I tried to restore my files the OS wouldn’t cooperate (I thought maybe I needed an upgrade to Vista but people at Best Buy have tried to access the backup without success). At this time I was allowed to make the one set of Recovery disks allowed by my OS. I have them available but they remain untested. Now the OS will not allow me to do a backup. All attempts, before and after the Recovery, have been made through the Backup and Restore Center of Vista Home Premium.

    Do you have any idea what I am doing wrong? I would really like to get those data files back from the backup I made in Sept. I have retained them in hopes that some time or some how I might be able to get it back. Currently I am running without any sort of backup and that makes me very uncomfortable.

    2 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • 1996 Buick Park Ave multiple problems. Can I get some experienced help please?

    My Park Avenue has developed problems. It began with some odd A/C activity. It would blow hot air but not every time it was started. Some times it was hot on both sides sometimes only on the passenger side. Now I have a check engine light accompanied by the traction control light staying on longer than normal. In the morning it stays on until I move the car. When the check engine and traction control lights started I noted the voltage was low, about 11.5 on the dash meter. I put a real meter on it and found the static battery voltage to be 12.7 vdc and the charging voltage 13.8 vdc. Battery is staying charged. That's OK so the problem is in the indication. I scanned the codes and found a P0171 System too lean (Bank 1). I have seen coincidental problems but not four at a time. Something is common to all this and I have no idea where to start. I am a fair shade tree mechanic but really need some experienced help. Please offer any thoughts you might have. Thanks to all.

    4 AntwortenGMCvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can I have a word added to the Yahoo Answers dictionary?

    "Neuropathy" is a nerve condition bothering many diabetics. I would like to add it to the spell checker. Has anyone accomplished this before and if so how did you do it?

    2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Chevrolet Tracker (2001) serious water leak!?

    I have a 2001 Tracker with just over 100K miles on it. It has developed a serious water leak (fresh water, not coolant). It occurred suddenly. We had some fairly heavy rains the last few days and it is puddling water in the drivers foot well. After a rainy night there was nearly an inch of standing water. No other parts of the car's interior are getting wet. Careful inspection of the drivers door didn't show anything suspicious. The weather stripping is in tact with no indication of water past the stripping. The threshold is dry also. I think it is coming through the firewall but so far I haven't been able to isolate the source.

    Has anyone experienced something like this?

    Were you able to stop the leak?

    If so, what did you do?

    Is this a common Tracker problem?

    6 AntwortenChevroletvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Chevrolet Tracker (2001) serious water leak!?

    I have a 2001 Tracker with just over 100K miles on it. It has developed a serious water leak (fresh water, not coolant). It occurred suddenly. We had some fairly heavy rains the last few days and it is puddling water in the drivers foot well. After a rainy night there was nearly an inch of standing water. No other parts of the car's interior are getting wet. Careful inspection of the drivers door didn't show anything suspicious. The weather stripping is in tact with no indication of water past the stripping. The threshold is dry also. I think it is coming through the firewall but so far I haven't been able to isolate the source.

    Has anyone experienced something like this?

    Were you able to stop the leak?

    If so, what did you do?

    Is this a common Tracker problem?

    9 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • 84 Goldwing Interstate luggage damage. Does anyone make a glue to fuse this type of plastic? See detail.?

    The trunk on my Wing is cracked. I would like to find a glue that will disolve the plastic and weld it together the same way ABS and PVC glues work on plastic plumbing pipe. I have tried both types of glue mentioned and they don't fuse the base material. As far as I can tell both ABS and PVC glues are acetone based. The plastic Honda uses seem to be impervious to acetone. I hesitate trying to weld it with hot air as I don't know the composition of the plastic, and without that information I can't add comparable material to the weld. Does anybody have any ideas?

    7 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 2 Jahrzehnten