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Which casinos in Las Vegas still have the cartoon Price is Right video machines?
I have relatives visiting and the New York New York was the place they liked to play because they love playing those machines. But the machines are not there anymore. Need to find out if anybody still has them, thanks for those who answer! It's the one where the cartoon Grandma spins the wheel and jumps for joy......
4 AntwortenLas Vegasvor 9 JahrenPlaystation 3 controllers?
I just bought the game WIPEOUT for PS3, but on the cover it reads compatible with Playstation Move controllers. I do not have the Move controllers, will it still work with the regular controls that came with the Playstation 3? I don't want to unwrap the game from the plastic wrap unless it is going to work with what I have.......probably a dumb question, but I am an old fart, trying to figure this out, ha! Thanks!
Also, how much are the MOVE controllers? Do you use those with the Dance games?
3 AntwortenPlayStationvor 10 JahrenWhat are my best options to get from LAX to the Colisuem for a USC football game?
I'm flying into LAX on Sept. 10 to watch the UTES vs. USC football game. Do they have shuttles to the games from the airport, would a taxi cost me a small fortune? Any recommendations? What is the best way to get to the game? I will be going directly back to the airport after the game to catch a flight, what time frame can I expect. Thanks!
1 AntwortFootball (American)vor 10 JahrenStreaming video problems....?
I have Microsoft Vista and Internet Explorer 8. Since the middle of October when I go to play a streaming video, I get an internet connection message error, yet when I scan to see what the problem is, I am told the connection is great. I also downloaded a new version of Adobe and Active X controls and I am still not having any luck. If I stream the videos using Real Player it works, yet if I try to stream using Windows Media Player, this is when I get the message, it will not play on Windows Media Player, yet it used to work prior to October. Any suggestions?
1 AntwortOther - Internetvor 1 JahrzehntPrice Is Right Slot Machines in Las Vegas?
I need to know which casino's in Las Vegas still have the Price Is Right slot machines?
4 AntwortenGamblingvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is the temperature inside the Superdome for a football game?
I'm going to the Sugar Bowl for the first time, what will the temperature be like inside for the game? Do I wear a jacket or does a sweatshirt / t-shirt work?
6 AntwortenFootball (American)vor 1 JahrzehntSUGAR BOWL: Where is the best place to stay that is close to the stadium and french quarter?
I don't want to rent a car, would like a good hotel, does not need to be five star, at least 3 star, any help is appreciated, thanks!
4 AntwortenNew Orleansvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is name of that song that sports teams play just before kick-off and tip-off?
Lot's of whoah's and is instrumental. Whoah, whoah, whoa, whoa, whoah. Would love to know the name of the song and artist, thanks!
3 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 1 Jahrzehnt"Friends" television episode and season question?
Hi - I have Tivo -ed my top 10 Friends episodes and plan to save them to one disc. I am just missing one. Does anyone know the name of the episode, episode number, and/or the season number for the episode when a surprise birthday party was thrown for Phoebe. Chandler drops the cake, with my favorite line, when he says now the cake reads "happy birthday pee-hee"? I appreciate the help, thanks
1 AntwortTelevisionvor 1 JahrzehntXanax vs. Ativan dosage - are they the same?
Hi, I am currently taking 1mg of Ativan daily for anxiety panic disorder. Is taking 1 mg of Ativan the same as taking 1 mg of Xanax?
12 AntwortenMental Healthvor 1 JahrzehntDoes anyone know Kristina Malandro Wagner (Felicia) from General Hospital & married to Jack Wagner?
I miss her. I know she left upset about story lines and then decided to take college classes. Just want to know what she is up to and if she plans to return to TV. Also, are her and Jack still married? I heard they had split, again!
2 AntwortenTelevisionvor 1 JahrzehntWho sings the song on "So You Think You Can Dance" when they pay tribute to the girl who is leaving?
When the girl contestant is voted off they play a video clip with highlights from her time on the show. I love the song - something about a pretty girl or beautiful girl. Anybody know? I thank you if you do!
5 AntwortenTelevisionvor 1 JahrzehntWho do want in the Big Brother All-Star House?
I am voting for..Howie, Jase, Marcellas, Kaysar, Will, Allison, Danielle, Janelle, Lisa, and Monica. I hope so much that Nakomis, Cowboy, Ivette, and Chicken George do not make it!
10 AntwortenTelevisionvor 2 JahrzehntenWill I lose my Renter's/Car Insurance if.......?
My car has been broken into twice now while in my garage. The claim can go against either my Renter's or Car Insurance as the garage is attached. I filed a claim for the lost/stolen items in March. I woke this morning to another incident. I don't want to lose my insurance but need to have help with the goods stolen. Will I lose my insurance if I file a second claim within the same year?
2 AntwortenInsurance & Registrationvor 2 JahrzehntenCan I get a check instead of getting my car fixed?
A guy backed into my parked car at a restaurant - he originally wanted to just pay for the damages - I got estimates and it was more than he thought. He has decided to use his insurance instead. His insurance has contacted me and wants me to take it to this body shop to get fixed. I actually want a check from his insurance company and get it fixed cheaper than the estimate. Do I have that option or do I have to have the car fixed on his insurance company terms? Thanks for those who respond!!!
4 AntwortenInsurance & Registrationvor 2 JahrzehntenWhich is the better iPod to purchase?
The iPod PHOTO 60gb or the iPod VIDEO 60gb?
What is the real difference?
7 AntwortenMusic & Music Playersvor 2 JahrzehntenPain medication stolen - what happens now?
My pain medication was stolen. I have filed a police report, but do not have a suspect. I have chronic knee pain and have been on pain medication for about a year and a half after having three surgeries. I can't go just cold turkey - but I am worried that my pain doctor will not be able to refill. What do I do, or can anything be done?
7 AntwortenMedicinevor 2 JahrzehntenHow many days before the refill date can I refill a perscription for lortab?
6 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 2 Jahrzehnten