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Lv 748.972 points


Favorisierte Antworten20%
  • Trouble sending and receiving emails?

    I can't send or receive emails from certain people on my contact list. I have Cox Communications as my ISP, and Windows 7 as my OS. I use Windows Live for emails. I have spoken with the tech support at Cox, and they can't seem to come up with an answer. My computer is less than five years old, which is probably obsolete. However, I used to be able to get emails and send them to everyone, and for the past year or so, all I get is a lot of advertising. What the difference is, I don't know. I can send and receive emails from people overseas, but someone who lives less than a mile from me, our communication is blocked. Do any of you experts have any ideas?

    1 AntwortNotices and Errorsvor 9 Jahren
  • I have a question about income tax.?

    I was under the impression that fixed-rate annuities (non ira) that I do not take monthly distributions from are not taxable at the end of the year, especially if the taxes have been paid already up front. My non-ira annuities were taxed this year by my preparer. Is that a correct thing to do? This was never done in previous years.

    4 AntwortenUnited Statesvor 9 Jahren
  • How do I get rid of this on my computer?

    Every time I try to download something on my computer, a pop-up appears, telling me it's running a security scan. However, nothing is happening. I've waited as long as 30 minutes for the so-called security scan, but no progress at all was made in that direction. Meanwhile, I can't download anything. Can anyone tell me how to get rid of this thing? Normally, my computer always asks if I want to save or run a program, and when I would tell it to run, in the past it would do so after the usual warning. But now, I have no options. The pop-up is all in white with an orange border.and appears on the bottom of the screen. Weird, huh? Ten points and a virtual hug to anyone who can shed some light on this for me.

    4 AntwortenSecurityvor 9 Jahren
  • I downloaded pictures from my camera, and now I am unable to access any of them.?

    When I click on any of the thumbnail pictures in my picture file, I get the following error message: "An error is preventing picture from being displayedl" And then it says underneath: Error code Ox800736b1

    This occurs with all previously downloaded pictures, and I am totally clueless about how to fix it. Please help!

    3 AntwortenOther - Computersvor 10 Jahren
  • I am unable to receive emails from people who have as their email provider.?

    Although I can send emails to them, I can't receive them. It's important that I receive incoming messages from yahoo mail users. My ISP is Cox Communications and they indicated incoming mail from Yahoo has been filtered, and they are unable to correct the problem. They referred me to Microsoft which is expensive to just ask a question. Does anyone here know how to unfilter these emails?

    1 AntwortNotices and Errorsvor 10 Jahren
  • How do I get rid of BING, a search engine that installed itself on my computer,?

    overlaying my home page I had previously, which was Google Chrome. I resent the intrusion. Can BING be removed? I've tried getting rid of it to no avail.

    4 AntwortenSecurityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do I retrieve a document in Open Office when I forgot to save it in My Documents?

    I desperately need this because I'm a freelance writer, and the deadline is fast approaching. I don't want to have to do it over again. I know I saved it, but usually I put it in My Documents folder. This time, all I did was hit "save", but I can't find it. Ten points and a virtual hug to anyone who can help. Thanks!

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where have all my favorites gone?

    I stopped using Internet Explorer because it kept freezing up on me. Every time I tried to get off a page, it would freeze, and then I'd get an error message telling me that Internet Explorer was not working. So I switched to Yahoo Google Chrome, which is much easier to navigate and quicker. However, my list of favorites did not transfer over to the new search engine. How can I retrieve them? Also, I am not able to add new ones. They are still there in Internet Explorer, which for the most part is now disabled.

    2 AntwortenOther - Yahoo Productsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I have a computer problem. Every time I try to log out of a web page, it freezes up on me.?

    Then I get an error message saying that Internet Explorer is not responding. Then I click on the X in the upper right-hand corner of the page and a window pops up that says "Windows is trying to correct the problem". After a few seconds, I'm then able to get out of the web page. This happens frequently enough to be annoying. I have Windows Vista and my computer is only two years old. It is a Dell with Intel Celeron processor. I've tried deleting some of programs and other things that are slowing it down, but nothing seems to help. Any ideas, computer experts? Ten points to whomever can solve this distracting problem that's slowing me down.

    2 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Still no way to choose a best answer?

    I fully understand the mechanics (how to) choose a best answer, and I previously posted this question and got a number of very good answers. I'm also aware that it does take a minimum of four hours for the "best answer" bar to appear. The question was posted three days ago, and still there is no "blue bar" to choose the best answer.

    4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Having a computer problem when signing on.?

    My computer takes forever to boot up, even though I've deleted a lot of unnecessary files and other things I no longer need. I have Windows Vista Home Edition, and am plagued by a black screen that appears after I log on, and the "welcome" sign comes on. Formerly, I would then get the desk top. But in the past couple weeks, a black screen comes on after the welcome, and it lasts about a minute and a half before the desktop appears. Apparently, this has happened to a number of Vista users. Does anyone have a solution for that?

    3 AntwortenOther - Computersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • A friend asked me how to change the password in Yahoo Mail?

    I really didn't know how to find anything in Yahoo Mail with regard to changing her password. She has a suspicion that the person who helped her set up her Yahoo Account is reading her mail since he is the one who set up the password, and knows how to access her Yahoo Email account. I'd like to help, but I haven't a clue. Thought I'd ask the experts.

    4 AntwortenPassword and Sign Invor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Trouble with inbox list on Windows Vista?

    My inbox is generally alphabetized in either ascending or descending order, but every once in a while it gets all jumbled up where nothing is in alphabetical order, which makes it difficult to find specific messages. Sometimes it corrects itself, but when I try to do it, nothing happens. I usually go to view, sort and then to the drop-down menu which gives the option of subject, and sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't. Why is this so erratic, and what can I do to stabilize it so it stays the way I want it? I have Windows Vista home edition and Windows Mail.

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Question regarding Open Office?

    Whenever someone sends me something that needs to be viewed by Power Point, Open Office says I need to go to the Set Association Control Panel and set an association for it. Where is that located? I have Windows Vista Home Edition. Doesn't Open Office have a Power Point equivalent?

    3 AntwortenOther - Computersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Tree expert needed. How can I save my tree? ?

    I have a beautiful, majestic Austrian pine tree in my back yard. I planted it when it was just a sapling, and it has grown over the years to a height of 20 feet, and is perfectly symmetrical. This summer I've noticed that about a third of the tree has brown needles on its boughs, and someone told me it's dying. We've had a lot of storms in my area, and I read in the local newspaper that some pines are afflicted with a disease called pine wilt, and that spraying it doesn't really help much. I would hate to lose this tree. Is there any possibility that it will rebound and recover next spring? It is still producing pine cones, and the birds are still perching in it, which are positive signs.

    7 AntwortenGarden & Landscapevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Any bird watchers or ornithologists out there? I saw a most unusual bird the other day.?

    I'm wondering what it might be. It had white and black stripes like a zebra, and it was larger than a sparrow, but smaller than a robin. I live in the United States in the midwest, and this was undoubtedly a tropical bird, and not indigenous to the area. Has anyone ever seen a bird with this unusual coloration?

    3 AntwortenBirdsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Computer experts needed?

    I have Windows Vista, Home Edition, and Windows Mail which came installed with my new computer. My email messages were always alphabetized in either ascending or descending order, thus enabling me to find and keep track of them easier. Now, all of a sudden, they are all scrambled up, in no particular order. My solution was to click on the "view" option on the toolbar, where a drop-down menu gave a choice of either ascending or descending order, but when clicked on them, it didn't change anything. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • AVG-free 7.5 virus question?

    I've used AVG-free for the past several years, and currently using 7.5. My understanding is there is a free version 8.0, but I have not been notified of its availability, even though it says it should come out during the first quarter of 2008. My husband also has the same virus scan on his computer, and he has already gotten the free 8.00 version and is downloading it. Why have I not received mine? Any computer experts out there who use the free version, and could answer my question?

    6 AntwortenSecurityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does anyone know of a website where you can ask questions of the presidential candidates?

    their staff members or spokespersons on topics that have not been addressed by any of the candidates? Of particular interest to me is how Medicare will be affected by the proposed health plans, and also, what are the candidates' plans for preserving Social Security and Medicare Funds? Ten points to the one who can point me to the proper informational source.

    1 AntwortElectionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt