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Having problems with this equation?
Could someone please solve this problem and explain how you did it. Reduce to lowest terms: 2x2 - 3x - 2 / 10 + x - 3x2
The first number is supposed to be Two X squared. and the last one is Three X squared.
4 AntwortenMathematicsvor 1 JahrzehntSo what if Christians (We) are wrong....?
To those who ask the question of Christians..."what if you are wrong". I say even if we are wrong we are still the better off. How could it hurt believing that we should (1). treat others as we would like to be treated. (2). to honor our parents (3). to not give our bodies away (outside of marriage) taking chances of getting every disease imagineable. (4). for husbands to believe that they are supposed to love and cherish their wives. (5) for wives to believe that they are supposed to respect and love their husbands. (6) to believe that you should not keep the cycle of violence going by getting revenge on someone who has wronged us. (7). to have a hope that what we see in this messed up world is not all there is left in life. (8) to believe that we should forgive an offense against us (9) to believe that we should give to the poor and needy (10) and to believe that a creator greater than ourselves loves us and desires all good things for us? If we are wrong SO WHAT???
34 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntWhy is it that someone will believe...?
Why is it that someone that won't believe in God because you can't see him will believe a psychic when she says "Your dead loved one is standing right behind you" can't see them either....why would you believe their there just because she say they are?
14 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntSimplicity; Have you seen I Robot and Terminator (Christians)?
Though these are but movies they make a good point don't you think?
When the created think they are smarter than the creator therein lies the problem and ultimately the destruction of the creation.
3 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntConstantly drained battery?
I have a 1983 Ford E250 Van. The battery drained and I got a jump on it. It ran fine...but then after it sits for a little while the battery is drained again; what do you think the problem is...if there are any mechanics out there I would appreciate the input. I know that there are mechanics in my city that will attempt to take advantage of women as soon as they see them coming so I would like to get a little info on the possibilities before I take it to one.
14 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 JahrzehntChristians...What do you think???
Just want your opinion on what do you think was the situation where other Christians and one Nun that I know of won the Lottery?
6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntWhat would you do if you think someone stole from you but you had no proof?
If I find out this person stole my money I will put them out of my life forever. But what would you do if you strongly believe they took the money but you have no proof. You can't just put someone out of your life for suspiscion...but how can you live with them being in it if you think they did it?
5 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 1 JahrzehntDoes anyone know what an average commission rate is for a sales rep.?
3 AntwortenCareers & Employmentvor 1 JahrzehntWhat would you do if you were made supervisor on your job and someone under you refused to do what you say?
A new company took over and kept the old workers. When the new company took over they made me a supervisor instead of a person that worked there years before I did. The reason for this is that when the new company did an inspection they found that this person was half doing their job. Before the new company took over, the old supervisor was letting this person and others get away with half doing their job because they did not want anyone angry with them. This person expects me to let them get away with half doing their job because they and others have gotten away with it litterally for years (which is why the old company was gotten rid of and a contract was given to a new company). My employer gave me the choice to have this person fired but I said no and asked the employer to have a word with this person. They did but it still has not changed the persons lack of doing their work. I really don't want to give the word to fire someone: so what would you do if you were in this position?
9 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 1 JahrzehntWhat's wrong with my car?>?
When I drive my car makes this squeeling noise even if I don't apply the brakes. When I turn a corner or even sometimes when I am just driving on a straight road my car squeels every now and then...what could this be. The sound is coming from the drivers side of the car.
12 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 2 JahrzehntenTo None Christians....What would you think?
There is a female preacher in my city that says that God told her to sit on the roof of her church for 20 days in this very cold weather. As a none Christian would this draw you to God or away from God and why?
7 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 2 JahrzehntenCan you delete past automatic security updates when more are being downloaded?
If a security update for windows has been downloaded on 1/3/06, can you delete that one if another security update has been downloaded on 1/15/06 or are both of those needed?
1 AntwortOther - Computersvor 2 Jahrzehnten