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im 21 yrs old in college almost 22 im engaged to my soldier one of the best guys in the world getting married 11-3-10, i love singing, love to write poetry, ne thing else you wanna know ask me, and oh yea i forgot to mention, I'm a christian love God, want to know write me. Im pretty easy to get along with i wont add any one i dont know but if i get to know you and i can trust you ill add you, oh yea i forgot to tell yah im engaged 2 lol later.

  • How to go about getting a divorce in my state?

    i would have been married three years this november, but i am wanting a divorce i can not afford a lawyer and ive tried to download free divorce papers and no luck its frustrating and i dont know how to do it, i live in virginia im unemployed and i have no money is there any way i can do the divorce myself without paying anything i just want this over with. any help is appreciated.

    2 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 8 Jahren
  • Trying to have a baby but nothing is happening am i doing something wrong?

    Ok ive been married almost 2 years and i want a baby i dont know what is goin on every time me and my husband try nothing happens, i have prenatal vitamins should i start taking them what ideas can i get to be able to get pregnant i want a child and we have been trying but no luck yet. when is the best time to concieve not to sound gross or ne thing but ive already had my period about a week or two ago. when would be the best time to get pregnant i usually start my period near the end of the month or close to the first i have weird periods. ne advice is appreciated.

    2 AntwortenTrying to Conceivevor 9 Jahren
  • Am I pregnant or is it something else?

    Im having symptoms that make me think i am. im bloated my chest is sore im sleepier than normal sometimes i crave things but i already am on my time of the month so idk whats goin on am i pregnant im cramping bad in my lower abdomaman no sickness idk my back hurts but idk i need advice. cause theres been times where i thought i was pregnant before and it turned out i wasnt. is there ne way other than a pregnancy test i can tell if im pregnant or not

    2 AntwortenTrying to Conceivevor 9 Jahren
  • How to get over this divorce im so sad and so hurt.?

    well to make a long story short me and my husband are getting a divorce he decided he didn't want to be married any more im so hurt and so sad hes filing the papers today alot went on we couldn't work things out and i left one reason i had to leave was i had to work a shift all night long cause i was a waitress and the girl that works with us she wanted me to change shifts so she could go to the party my husband threw for his best friend who also worked with us his bday came and my husband wanted to throw him a big party and they changed where they were gonna throw it ne ways they did not bother mentioning it to me about having it at our home one our home is small and i had not had time to clean and i knew something bad was gonna happen and it did there was drinking and all sorts of things that went on and ever since my husband let his friend move in with us he changed he got meaner and we drifted apart all he seemed to want to do is hang out with his friends and party then me it went on for a long while all we seem to do is argue ne more and i said if things did not change i was going back to my moms and i gave him my rings back and i left but i intended on working things out but he decided he wanted a divorce said we were to different in our ways and how we should have never gotten married im so hurt and idk how to feel i loved him and he blames everything on me i just want this to be over with and i wish it didnt hurt so much i hope i never fall in love again if it hurts this much then i dont want it idk how to deal or cope with this i feel as though i lost my world and the one person i loved hurt me the most and left me. what should i do. He wants to be friends but i cant be with someone who divorced me i cant and i wont how or why would i want to when he wont even talk to me on the phone long enough 2 minutes then he hangs up im so done with him and this i just want this to be over. i need advice i feel so alone.

    7 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 9 Jahren
  • Idk what to do any more?

    I have a small problem to make a long story short my husband and me are not getting along much any more and ive been thinking it would be best if we separated for a while, well i started talkin to a guy hes a friend ok were not dating, i told him from the get go we are just friends that i was married, well we been talkin since the 23rd of december hes started getting feelings for me he says the nicest things to me we text mostly but we been talkin on fb, hes a good friend but hes getting more feelings for me he wants me to divorce my husband and date him, the way things are with my husband ive thought about it several times, my husband has changed alot he hangs out more with his friends from work than he does me, hes becoming more hatefuler meaner and hurtful, with things he says and does we argued yesterday and he gave me a choice whether to leave or stay idk its been getting worse over the past year weve been married he has changed so much since we got married he was not half as bad as after we got married hes a different person idk what to do ne more i told my guy friend that all we can be is friends hes really upset at me cause he thinks he can treat me better than my husband could idk what to do i only wanted a friend to talk to i didn't think it be like this how can i resolve this i dont want to hurt either of them all i want to be is happy i aint felt that way in a while i need help and asap, im out of solutions. my husband cusses me at times hes never ever hit me but hes getting to be verbally abusive. i just want my marriage to work ill be married 2 years in november, i need advice maybe i am a bad person after all. ne advice is appreciated.

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • really wanting to have a baby but maybe im planning it to soon?

    i will have been married in november a year and my husband and me has talked about having children, his mom wants grandchildren my mom wants me to wait a while. but every time i go in walmart and see the baby stuff i get so excited and i get in my head what i want the babys room to look like once i get pregnant, and my husband snapped at me saying that i should not obsess about it we just got jobs and that i dont need to worry about it. it really broke my heart that we planned to have a child and he acts like that i feel that i dont want to have a child for a while if this is how hes gonna be, i see other people with children and how happy they are, I want to feel like that to. i just feel hes cutting how i feel down and thats not fair im not trying to be selfish really, i want him to be happy and have descsions to but i want it to be some what about what i want not wat he wants, i could use some advise i dont know wat to do, ive prayed about it but i get no answer, i forgive him for what he says to me at times but its hard to forget it. ne advice on what i should do. hes in the army and he leaves for deployment in 2014 i just dont want to be alone while hes gone i wanted someone i could love and take care of while hes gone. you know.

    5 AntwortenTrying to Conceivevor 10 Jahren
  • I really want to have a baby but idk the economy is bad and idk what to do?

    well me and my husbands been married almost a year, and we've talked about having a child, i know the economy is bad but i really think we could make it work, it hurts me to see others having a child and im the only one not having one , i want to get pregnant but my husband has a hard time understanding this, i dont want to go in detail of my sex life but he said when he was younger a dr. messed him up which supposably damaged nerves and he cant do much as he wants to, and his back is not great either i want to have a baby but idk, seems like i will be an old woman before that happens. ne ideas wat to do. my mom thinks i should wait along time but id like to be a mom and take care of my child so when my husbands away on drills or has to go across seas i wont be alone. hes in the army by the way ;)

    6 AntwortenPregnancyvor 10 Jahren
  • DO you think the end of time is here or what and im having problems ne advice is needed.?

    I do and i want to be ready i know ive made mistakes and sinned but i want to go to heaven, not hell, when ever my husband plays that ps3 game dantes inferno and i see what hell looks like on there it scares me so much i dont want to end up there, i have night mares about it, where we live at is right beside a church and cemetary, sometimes at night i will get a feeling something is watching me and i dont sleep good idk whats going on idk whether its me, or what or my mind is messing with me sometimes i will hear things like deep talking in my ear and it wakes me up out of a good sleep and i cant go back idk i pray and get my bible out when this happens and it helps some what but it seems like it gets worse at night. what should i do, and how do i fight this thing if it is something or is it me idk i think im going crazy. ne advice is needed im worried.

    1 AntwortLanguagesvor 10 Jahren
  • I think i might be pregnant or is it stress?

    Im married but i aint been married long, i sometimes skip a month or so for periods when im under stress sometimes my period will not come or it comes really heavy, i really want to have a baby me and my husband have talked about it and he wants to wait till after he graduates college, i agree but what if im pregnant now id be happy but at the same time id feel like i let him down or broke a promise to him hes also in the us army national guard thats his job. i just got a job as a waitress in a restaurant first job in a long time and idk how things will work if im pregnant. i haven't started my period in a long while and idk whether i am i have not taken a pregnancy test yet. idk if its cause im stressed or if its almost time i usually can tell when its time but idk. im excited one minute then scared the next im starting to feel like a 16 year old girl wondering if shes pregnant or not and what will my mom say. My mom really wants me to wait a while before we have children and so did his mother but im wondering if im pregnant now. what do i do. im nervous and a little scared. im married though im 22 and my husbands 23..

    2 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Ladies and Guys Please?

    Do u think its ok for your bfs gfs or husbands or wives to look at other girls or men, while they are with you, and do u think its ok for them to say infront of you how hott they are. Is that right or fair im just wondering cause im married and my husband seems to think its ok. it hurts me and makes me feel worse about myself cause i dont look like the hott women he sees either on tv or in real life what should i do about it or how should i go about talking to him about it without ne arguments from him i just want to understand.

    12 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • i dont mean to but when my husband talks about how hott other girls are either on television or in real life ?

    it hurts me and it makes me feel im not good enough for him yes i am a little overweight but so is he. im trying to work out and loose weight. i dont want to come across as the jealous wife type but it hurts me so much when he does that, he will say things like dang or cuss words, and he usually dont say that stuff about me ever now and then he does but he dont drool over me like he does them girls, he tells me not to be jealous and that i need to quit feeling and acting like that I ask God what to do but idk. any ideas on how i can go about this.

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Ok change of plans instead of a december wedding im getting married in november ne ideas on flowers?

    ok my fiancee is in the army we had to change the date because of his drills were on the day of out wedding so we moved it up to nov 3rd, ok idk what flowers are in season that time of year or what color themes to use, and for invites what websites can i go to that are free and you can print the invitations out. ne help is appreciated.

    4 AntwortenWeddingsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Want to loose weight before December its my wedding and i wanna look good?

    is there any advice on how i can loose weight, like what can i drink and not eat things like that and is there a liquid diet i can go onto. cause i want to be able to be a knock out on my wedding day. i want my soon to be husband to be like daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang lol yah know ne advice would be great.

    8 AntwortenWeddingsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • My boyfriend talks about how hot other girls are and it really hurts me what should i do?

    ok to make a long story short me and my fiancee are getting married in december of this year, i love him with all my heart i do we have arguements and at times we hurt each others feelings, but lately hes been talking about how hot other girls are and all that and maybe it shouldn't bother me but it does i have no self esteem at all or ever thought i was pretty or beautiful he tells me i am but when he says things like that he dont know i think how much hes hurting me, i dont want to seem jealous or want him not to have friends, i know he is gonna look at other girls and thats fine but, saying how hot they are or how cute they are brings me down so much i want to crawl in a hole and die cause i dont think im good enough or pretty enough for him, what can i do to make him stop sayin that it really hurts me, i know im not small like other girls or have a awsome body but i am who i am he should like me for me not what i look like. ne advice is needed cause i dk what to do im so hurt and confused idk how to handle this.

    5 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do i or say when he says this to me? im so hurt words fail me right now?

    maybe im over reacting but i been out of work for 9 months and i went to look for a job at a day care center and come to find out my cousin works there, my fiancee said he still had feelings for her, from my last post we are not getting married for a long while, when he says things like that it hurts me specially since shes my cousin what should i do or say when he does that i really dont want to work there and him rubbing my face in the fact he still cares about it her it hurts me so bad and it makes me think hes stuck being with me cause he aint with her and that he dont want to be with me and when i try to tell him how i feel and how it hurts me he gets mad cause i keep bringing up he says he does want to be with me other than him trying to fix what happened b tween us and caused us to not be getting married for a while in a way it may be a blessin not getting married for a while until he can figure out who he loves and cares about me or her, sorry to be mean but im beyond hurt im crushed and hes not gonna keep hurting me and me taking it sorry i wont no more. i love him very much but hes not gonna do this and be mean to me ne more. then he wonders where my insecurities comes from him. i want to be with him, i made one mistake and now it seems like im not only disliked by his family and friend but as if the whole world hates me. im staying upset and depressed over this i didn't mean for what to happen with me and him to happen i love him very much but he and his family has got to treat me better or im gonna walk out and then maybe he will see what hes doing. i need advice what do i do im staying sick and depressed over this im not happy and i want to be.

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • idk what to do anymore im hurt and feel like im being judged and condemned?

    ok to make a long story short, me and mybf was engaged, we were suppose to go to one of his drills this weekend he got sick and was put in the hospital, for 3 days, he came home today ne ways me and him has been doing you know and i wanted to wait till we were married and for a while he was ok with it and then when we started further he said he was not going to wait, and he would beg and plead for me to at times i didn't want to i got tired of him asking me and i finally gave in, i felt so guilty cause we had done it, and it was eating me up i didn't really have ne one to talk to and i went to his bf and his stepsister to talk about it and i never knew it would be a problem until his stepsister went and told her step dad about it, i didn't realize the way i told it to them was wrong until all this stuff happened, they are now mad at me and hate me and dont think i need to marry my bf i love him so much and they said i need to go get physological help, i didn;t mean for it to turn out this way i thought if i told someone he could get the help he needs and he has anger issues i never meant to hurt ne one including him, he said some really hurtful things to me and so did his mom, his best friend said he was done being my friend, i could care less about it, but for now im not allowed over there for a while so i never meant for ne of this to happen i am sorry and i thought i could trust them but i was wrong i been crying for 2 days, idk wat to do this may be over between me and my bf, what should i do we were suppose to have a discussion about today but idk if thats gonna happen or not its like theyre condeming me and judging me for making one mistake. idk what to do anymore. I dont feel like i fit in with his family or they like me at all. so maybe this is for the best maybe God is helping me get out of this. idk what to do ne advice is good,

    2 AntwortenFriendsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how long does it take for the depo shot to get in ur system and when does it start to work?

    ok to make a long story short i got on the dep shot for the first time i april on the 27th i was wondering if im protected from getting pregnant, i did it so if something happened with me and my fiancee i couldn't get pregnant, we're getting married this year, and we want to have kids in 2 years but not now hes in the army national guard and im afraid if i got pregnant it would mess things up for him and financially were not ready to have a child yet i want to be able to have money to support my baby when i have it, but i want to wait at least a year or two after we're married, so is the shot working already or what, im getting really sick idk if its from the shot i also think im on my period, im having lower cramps and back pains and its making me kinda dizzy and nauseated, so ne help or advice is needed thanks.

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I want to loose at least 10-15 pounds before my wedding day whats a good weight loss plan to go by?

    i need to loose some weight so i can fit in my wedding dress the last time i tried it on i could barely move my arms and it was so tight round my stomach and back ne ideas what weight loss programs i can use to help me loose weight im getting married july 9th i dont have much time. i want to fous on my legs stomach arms and back.

    14 AntwortenWeddingsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how can i get over my cousin and what she said?

    ok to make a long story short the guy im marrying i really love maybe we aint dated each other long but i did go to school with him and i had a crush on him we started talking again last summer on the internet, i do care about him and i love him, i got engaged back in february i told my cousin last night about it and she hit the ceilin i was to nervous to call her in person and tell her so i wrote her an email i thought it would be easier, but instead it hurt her and she said some really mean things to me shes been there for me all my life her and her husband her mom was my aunt, ne ways she thinks im throwin my life away cause i dont know him and if we loved each other wed wait and how heartbroken she was and thought i was ashamed of her and afraid of her being part of my family and other silly things it really hurt me i thought shed be happy for me, i cant stop thinking about it i never had ne intentions on hurting her but it did and i dont know what to say to her, or tell her how i truly feel about my fiancee hes really sweet and hes so good to me and im not marryin him cause im pregnant or want his money hes in the national guard the army i love him and hes who i want to spend the rest of my life with but almost all my family seems like theyve turned their backs on me and are hurt and mad at me and i dont want them to be idk what to do ne more this is to much stress ne ideas on what to do? cause i love my family i do i just wish theyd understand and be happy for me.

    2 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what color theme would go good for a July wedding?

    ok im getting married july 7th and my original idea was baby blue, white, and lime green, im so excited im also tryin to save money up for the honeymoon and the dress lol ne ideas where i can go to get less exspensive ideas for my wedding, like for flowers, or a dress and things like that im getting married with in 4 months.

    6 AntwortenWeddingsvor 1 Jahrzehnt