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Lv 612.554 points


Favorisierte Antworten52%

  • Frühzeitliche Siedlungen in Seen und Mooren?

    Vor etlichen Jahren gab es in der regionalen Presse (Schleswig-Holstein) Berichte über Siedlungsreste in Seen oder Mooren, wo wenige Häuser auf einer Art Plattform errichtet waren und nur über Knüppeldämme oder per Boot erreicht werden konnten. Wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, im östlichen Holstein.

    Ich würde gerne herausfinden, wo diese Funde gemacht worden sind, aus welcher Epoche diese Siedlungen stammen, und wo ich mehr darüber recherchieren kann.

    3 AntwortenGeschichtevor 9 Jahren
  • What can I do to have the Scientology picture associated with parts of my website removed?

    When was announced, I checked a couple of terms I have webpages about. One of those yielded several hits to one of my sites, but associated an image reading "My Success in Scientology" with the excerpt. Apparently not an isolated case.

    Are there any legal steps I can take (from Germany) to have this incriminating association removed? Over here, Scientology is ranked not as a (pseudo-) religious organisation, but as a commercial venture and potential enemy of the state. The people with whom I share the hobby are as strongly against scientology as I am, so this might result in bad image damage.

    2 AntwortenOther - Internetvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • XP drivers for HP Pavilion dv9530?

    Just another case of no support for XP on new hardware...

    I haven't opened the machine yet to find out the hardware components, and I hope someone can help me avoid doing so.

    The XP drivers for this model on the HP site don't support any audio, not the lan port, and no graphics.

    Any help greatly appreciated.

    1 AntwortLaptops & Notebooksvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Unterschied Altwasser (Fluss) und Altarm?

    Wikipedia gibt mehr oder weniger die gleiche Erläuterung für Altwasser (Fluss) und Altarm. Im Flächennutzungskataster werden diese beiden Typen aber unterschieden. Wo liegt der Unterschied?

    4 AntwortenGeographievor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Gas concentrations under PVC-Welding?

    A ventilation system for a hall for PVC welding is required, and in order to scale it, I need to know how much gas (and what: HCl, Phthalic ester, ...) is produced under PVC welding (ideally per length of weld), and what are the tolerable concentrations.

    1 AntwortEngineeringvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Mengen, MAK- und TRK-Werte für Gase beim Schweißen von PVC?

    Ich brauche Angaben über die beim PVC-Schweißen zulässigen Arbeitsplatzkonzentrationen für ausgasende Produkte.

    Erfahrungswerte, wieviel schädliches Material pro Nahtlänge freigesetzt wird, wären ebenfalls hilfreich.

    2 AntwortenIngenieurwesenvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can you get your older questions answered if nobody bothers to browse that far back?

    I have a couple of unanswered questions both of my own and in my watchlist which haven't received any attention except during the first few minutes. I suspect it is because nobody noticed them afterwards.

    3 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • What do you think about these feature suggestions for Yahoo Answers?

    Recent activity ought to be queriably for more than just the 8 or so entries.

    Even if you receive no reply, there a ought to be a way to learn how many people have clicked your questions.

    Navigation in My Q&A:

    After 200 answers, the navigation to older answers jumping just 3 pages ahead gets tedious. It would be nice to be able to search only your own replies by keyword (standard text search), browse them by category and subcategory, or order them differently (ascending date instead of descending date, deleted questions, number of replies, etc.).

    Same for questions you asked or watchlist items.

    A means to search for user identities?

    4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • Can you prove this theory? (decimal period of rational numbers)?

    Rational numbers as decimal fractions:

    Whenever you divide a whole number by a number that is not just a multiple of 2 or 5, you will receive a decimal fraction that never ends.

    For certain numbers there clearly is a period: one digit for 3 or 9, two digits for 11, 33 and 99, three digits for e.g. 27 and 31, six digits for 7 or 13, etc.

    Characteristic of the number of digits in the period is that there is a number which only consists of the digit 9 which is divisible by the number you divide through.

    I'd like to prove that there is a period for all rational numbers whose divisor isn't divisible by 2 or 5.

    Based on this observation, I can rephrase the theory as:

    For every whole number not divisible by 2 or 5 there exists a multiple with only the digit 9.

    I'm also interested whether this observation is true for other numeric systems, e.g. hexadecimal.

    For every whole number in a numeric system based on N not divisible by the prime numbers which N consists of there is a multiple

    4 AntwortenMathematicsvor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • Is it possible to vote a removed question back to activity?

    Ever so often, people take exception to a subject that isn't really on the forbidden list but clashes with their prejudices. It happens that questions which would be legitimate under the rules of this site are removed.

    Is there a way to protest?

    Also: is there a way to not remove but "quarantine" such questions into an adults-only section?

    2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • How can a non-USA resident participate in Yahoo Publisher Network?

    The registration form states:

    Participants of the program must have a valid U.S. Social Security or Tax ID number, and web site content that is predominantly in English and targeted at a U.S. user base.

    I do have a hobby site in English language whose target audience is to a great percentage, but far from exclusively US Americans. Like about half the users on here, I am not a US resident. Do I have to register a business in the US without ever having been there?

    1 AntwortOther - Yahoo Productsvor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • Would you report a wrong answer by literal christian as abuse?

    Ever so often, reactionary christians who take the (non-consistently different) reports on creation in Geneseis literally will spout factually wrong answers in the science section, spreading religious propaganda rather than giving knowledge.

    There is a right to free expession of opinion, even opinion based on basic hypothesis which are not appropriate to the category.

    However, there is no right to mislead honest questions about science with pseudo-science, be it literal interpretation of the bible, flat earth theory or wiccan mysticism.

    I refrained from reporting the last answer in;_ylt=Ap1QD...

    because the answer contained correct information in the first paragraph and a clear statement of the deviating basic hypothesis for the following non-scientific sermon, but it was a border case.

    How would other people react?

    2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • Should there be a "democratic" treatment of abuse notifications?

    Since the automatted process seems to be pretty straightforward and cruel, there ought to be some form of human control over complaints. Maybe complaints ought to be rated, too?

    1 AntwortYahoo Answersvor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • When will it be possible for non-American Yahoo Answers users to make money from it?

    I realize that the project still is in the beta (or in some regards even alpha) phase, but from my contacts with Yahoo I expect both international as well national subsystems to bloom up. I would guess that more than half of the participants are not residents of the USA, including some of the point leaders.

    2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • Should we be able to put a single question into several categories without having to post it twice?

    It would be useful to have e.g. scientific homework help questions listed under science as well as homework help without seeing the same question twice, once for each category.

    Some people browse questions or answers by the categories, and will miss useful replies hidden in categories they didn't think to look up.

    The current system doesn't allow this.

    1 AntwortYahoo Answersvor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • What php/mysql powered Wiki software with user account management would you choose?

    I have a private lexicalic project for which I want to have a moderated and user-rated participation. The Wikipedia software relies too much on self-healing for this kind of project. I want different levels of access and editing/moderation rights.

    Oh yeah - Open Source or Freeware preferred.

    2 AntwortenInternetvor 2 Jahrzehnten
  • How much context gets lost when oral tradition is written down?

    The four asterisks stand for the latin term for "by mouth". I wonder what other terms will get beeped out...

    1 AntwortHistoryvor 2 Jahrzehnten