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Lv 1235 points


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  • what a good laptop?

    what a good laptop for high perfomace games like half life 2 and oblivian and i want it at a good price and it to have good music and pic storage and want it to be really fast.

    u could give website that sell the one i want i want it to be legit thought


    3 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • eragon questions?

    on the book eragon, What is the Elvish name for the tailbone/

    What is the Elvish name for the Burning Plains?

    Just before the bird Blagden arrives in Eragon's residence with perplexing riddles, Eragon is trying to calm his restless nerves by reading an Elvish epic. Who is the author of this epic?

    if u answer all of there right i will give u 10 ponts thank

    1 AntwortTriviavor 1 Jahrzehnt