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Andrea L
Pukeing while on Period? Is this normal?
Everytime i have my period i constantly can not keep anything down. I get sharp stabbing pains that most of the time leave me crying. I constantly throw up. Ive tried midol and i just throw that up to. Does anybody else have these symphtoms? Is this normal for a teenager?
3 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 JahrzehntMake Up Brushs/applying questions!?
Well first of all merry christmas everyone! i hope everyone had a good one. I got a makeup kit from my brother. Its pretty neat but its got alot of brushs and extra stuff and i only know a bit. When im older i plan on becomeing a beauty stylest. Soo it was a pretty great present! Anyways what my question was does anybody have maybe a site that shows and tells about all the makeup brushs and gives tips on how to use them?? I'll list the makeup brushs if you know how to use any of them or have any tips on how to use them please tell! It will be greatly apreciated! Merry Christmas everyone!
-Makeup Brushs-
Power Brush
Angle Blusher
eyeliner brush
Angle Eyeshadow
Fluff Brush
Applicator Brush
Eyebrow Brush
Fan Brush
Blusher Brush
Angle powder brush
Retractable Powder Brush
Latex Sponge
2 AntwortenMakeupvor 1 JahrzehntWhats a good way to get rid of black heads fast?
I dont have alot. Just a few. But they are VERY annoying has anybody found anything that WORKS and is fast?
17 AntwortenSkin & Bodyvor 1 Jahrzehnt