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Hawk Eye
22 years military (Active Air Force/Air National Guard/Army National Guard) 11 years Civil Air Patrol Other Links of interest: Coast Guard Auxiliary About.Com US Military
Flood water drainage baffles?
Not sure what this product is called. Basically, it's a drain "port" that installs in the lower floor of a house. If the house floods, these "ports" open and drain the water after the flood waters recede. Supposedly, it can result in lower insurance premiums, too.
Anyone know what these are officially called?
1 AntwortMaintenance & Repairsvor 8 JahrenWhere can I find a good calzone in Barnegat, NJ?
Looking for good calzones in Barnegat New Jersey. Haven't had any in awhile wondering if anybody can tell me where I can find some .
Within 15 miles would be good too.
1 AntwortOther - US Dining Outvor 8 JahrenAnyone been to Army Basic Training lately?
After 22 years of service, the Army has decided that my Air Force basic doesn't meet standard. So, I am off to Army Basic (At Jackson, most likely) probably next summer. Anyone been lately that can tell me what to expect? Looking to get in shape for it, I know that just passing the APFT is probably not going to be sufficient.
5 AntwortenMilitaryvor 10 JahrenHow would most people feel if every thing they ever said or did was broadcast to the world?
I'm talking essentially having no privacy, completely open on a personal level.
5 AntwortenSociologyvor 1 JahrzehntAR15 build: looking for an M4 type collapsible stock?
Building my own AR15, looking for the collapsible stock used with the standard M4. Planning on building this first one to essentially duplicate an M4 (the only difference being mine is semi auto, rather than being three round burst capable), and hopefully improve my marksmanship.
Does anyone know a company that produces the M4 stock, or one that is virtually identical? Any fellow military guys (potentially armorers) have any idea? Not looking to spend a mint, either.
2 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt