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I love to read and listen to music. I have been following the Pagan path for about as long as I can remember. I now consider myself a Celtic Pagan. I am a 45 year old mother of three. People who travel the main road of life and never bother to see where the side roads may lead really get on my nerves. I think people's ideas and choices in life should be respected even though they are not the same as my own.

  • My father past away over a year ago and his will has not been probated.?

    I know that my father had a will, he gave me a copy of it years ago. I have moved so many times since then that I am not sure where it is. My brother was also showed the will by my father a while back. After my father passed away, my brother, sister and myself decided to give our dads wife time to heal a little before deciding anything about his "estate" . No over a year later, we find out that she has taken the house out of Daddy's name and put it in her and her sons name. The will that I know exist was never probated and she is claiming there was no will. My sister spoke to an attorney and they said without the actual will we could not do anything. We are all adults so there is no minors involved. Its not that we don't want her taken care of but our dad worked hard all his life and he intended to leave us somethings and is doesn't seem right that everything now will go to her children. Is there anything we can do? This is in the state of Tennessee.

    2 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Blinkers in 2001 Ford Expidition wont work?

    I changed the bulbs, there was one that was burnt out and I thought that would fix them. But they still dont work. Sometimes if I am sitting still with the brake pushed, and move the blinker arm up and down it works. Any suggestions? Could it be in the wiring?

    2 AntwortenFordvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I have a 18 year old daughter that is out of control?

    We have had a difficult year, so I understand part of it. I found out last year that my husband was sexually abusing her and our two other children. Now she is blaming me for everything, claiming I never do anything for her and its all my fault. She curses me and calls me everything but my name, in front of my two younger kids. She throws temper tantrums like a child and threatens to move out and never have anything to do with me again. She is in counseling but uses it against me. She says the counselor agrees with her on most things. I am not a bad parent. As soon as I found out about the abuse I got my kids out of there as soon as possible. I never doubted them once, we are still having to go to hearings and the big trial in not until June if they don't put it of again. I love my kids dearly and show them all the time that I do. I would do anything for my children. But according to her, I am terrible and everything is my fault. She doesn't like the guy that I am seeing who was abused himself when he was younger and loves me and my kids very much. He would do anything for us including my daughter, who has cussed him and hit him. I don't know what to do. She threatened to leave the other night and after the hurt passed I was angry for all the things she said. I was ready for her to go. Any suggestions??

    20 AntwortenFamilyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I have a 18 year old daughter that is out of control.?

    We have had a difficult year, so I understand part of it. I found out last year that my husband was sexually abusing her and our two other children. Now she is blaming me for everything, claiming I never do anything for her and its all my fault. She curses me and calls me everything but my name, in front of my two younger kids. She throws temper tantrums like a child and threatens to move out and never have anything to do with me again. She is in counseling but uses it against me. She says the counselor agrees with her on most things. I am not a bad parent. As soon as I found out about the abuse I got my kids out of there as soon as possible. I never doubted them once, we are still having to go to hearings and the big trial in not until June if they don't put it of again. I love my kids dearly and show them all the time that I do. I would do anything for my children. But according to her, I am terrible and everything is my fault. She doesn't like the guy that I am seeing who was abused himself when he was younger and loves me and my kids very much. He would do anything for us including my daughter, who has cussed him and hit him. I don't know what to do. She threatened to leave the other night and after the hurt passed I was angry for all the things she said. I was ready for her to go. Any suggestions??

    10 AntwortenParentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Right to a speedy trail?

    I have a friend that has been in jail now for four months on Probation Revocation. Over 8 years ago he made some mistakes when he was 21 and served 18 months for his crime. He was on probation when he got out and after a year into it moved and didn't go back. Now he is trying to right the wrongs in his life but after four months, we still don't know whats going on or where we stand. The lawyer says the probation officer wants him to do another four months in state jail to teach him a lesson. Does the Probation officer have a say in his punishment? How can they just keep him in the county jail this long without going before the judge? Is this just all about money? The not know is the hardest part of the waiting. Does anyone have any advice on this?

    2 AntwortenLaw Enforcement & Policevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does anyone know how to get children put on the Walmart Angel tree at Christmas?

    I found out in March that my husband had been abusing my kids for several years. We are going through a lot of stuff emotionally and financially because of this. He refuses to pay his child support and no body can seem to make him. I am afraid that I have no money this year for Christmas. Any suggestions? How do you get kids on the Angel tree at Walmart? Thanks for your help.

    7 AntwortenChristmasvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What to do if you find out hubby of 10 years might e a child molester?

    Husbands stepson from his first marriage is staying with us. He is 27. I only met him about a month ago. From my understanding Husband always thought of him as his son and wanted to keep him when they got divorced. He did stay for nine months after the split up until his grand mother came and got him, he was eight years old at that time. Husband had told me that after the divorce his ex tried to say that he had messed with stepson in a "bad" way. He had to go to child services and prove that he never did anything. I really never thought about it again because I knew that his ex was a crack head. Stepson broke down last night and cried and told me that it was all true and that Husbands parents paid his way out of it. I don't know what to do. I feel that stepson is telling me the truth. Why would a 27 year old man lie about something like that and be so emotional about it. He brought it up to me, I did not question him about it. I only remembered it when he started talking about it. What if he has done this to my kids??? I don't know what to do. I am going to talk to my kids a little and see if I can get something out of them. Stepson doesn't want Husband to know that he told me until we find out if he has messed with my kids. He said that he has forgiven him because he thought that is what he should do, but he hates being alone with him. How can I find any documents on this? I tried to search online but could not find anything. I am going to ask if his grandmother if she still has any paper work on the case and mail me copies. This is something I never would have dreamed would have happened. But thinking about little things over the last ten years, its like a puzzle coming together. Advice please!!!!!

    10 AntwortenFamilyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Has anyone read "Goddess Alive!: Inviting Celtic & Norse Goddesses into Your Life"?

    I have ordered this book that has had great reviews. I can't wait to get it. Just wondering if anyone here has read it and what your opinion is.

    7 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do you know if you have a spirit Guide, Gaurdian Angel, etc...?

    If so, do you just "feel" them or have you had dreams or have you actually seen them.

    I have three guardians, all female. I have not ever "seen" them but I have felt their presence all me life. Its just something I have always known.

    27 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • When you go to Heaven, Summerland, Otherworlds, etc....?

    What do you imagine you do all day every day for eternity? Do you have a task or job that we do? What and how do we spend eternity? Is it like life only on another realm of existence? Or do we just exist and do nothing?

    Just curious to thought and beliefs from different religions.

    8 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Has anybody been associated with or know anything about the organization "The Eastern Star"?

    I would like to find out more about this organization. My Grandmother was a member and my Grandfather was a Mason.

    9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I just found this information on the site

    Polling data from the 2001 ARIS study, described below, indicate that:

    *81% of American adults identify themselves with a specific religion:

    *76.5% (159 million) of Americans identify themselves as Christian.

    This is a major slide from 86.2% in 1990. Identification with Christianity has suffered a loss of 9.7 percentage points in 11 years -- about 0.9 percentage points per year. If this trend has continued, then:

    *(2007-MAY), only 71% of American adults consider themselves Christians

    *The percentage will dip below 70% in 2008

    *By about the year 2042, non-Christians will outnumber the Christians in the U.S.

    I am not trying to bash Christianity in any way. My question is, why do you think there is a decline in the Christian population? Why are people leaving Christianity to go to another religion or not having a religion at all?

    9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • If my computer at work is on a network?

    Can I access a program that is loaded on another computer on that network? If so how do I do that?

    6 AntwortenComputer Networkingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do other religions besides your own frighten you with thier beliefs?

    Or are you interested in learning about other religions and their beliefs. If frightens you, what is about others that scares you? Do you think that you have Religious Tolerance?

    28 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt