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i am a young dentist i love to explore the world and people. i aim to become a good human being , i feel yahoo answers is the best medium to be in touch with millions of people and help them out in their day to day basis and get myself helped too
Good breakfast idea ?
Which one should I prefer ? 1 wheat biscuit with a cup of milk. Or
1 slice of bread ( whole meal ) and a slice of cheese/ or olive spread and a cup of coffee ??
7 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 6 JahrenRemove makeup. How?
What's the best way to remove makeup ( maskara) I forgot my makeup remover at home and I am outside.
I tried using facewash around my eyes but still my eye lashes are feeling very rough and tight. Please help thanks
4 AntwortenMakeupvor 6 JahrenI went to my fav beach but it was smelling bad, and I fkunf this on sea shore?
Please tell me what's this ?
Is this some kind of algae or fungus ?
3 AntwortenFishvor 6 JahrenWill drinking lots of warm water help me to reduce weight ?
I am planning weight loss. Just need to know if drinking lots of warm water will help me in any way??
Also I have cut down my food portion
2 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 6 JahrenMe and best friend used to hate people who cheat their partners, but now she is cheating too. Should I hate her ?
For many years me n my best buddy disliked such people who cheat their husbands and boyfriend. Now she s married for about 5 years and his husband is a very good friend of mine too. Just recently she told me that texts n meets another guy from her past. I was shocked to know that, I got so upset and stopped talking to her for few days. But I was so sad for those few days ( because I love her so much and I can't be angry with her). I made her explain that she s not going on a right track. But she disclosed to me that she has lost interest in her husband and she s bored of this marriage. She has no kids but is planning for one. What should I do? How to convince her ? Is what she s doing acceptable ? Not even in my dream can I think of disclosing this news to her husband as I know he will be disheartened. Pls pls help
4 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 6 JahrenIs is good be dependent on others to be happy ?
Why do I always need my family and friends to make me happy. Why can't I can be happy just by myself ? ??
1 AntwortPsychologyvor 6 JahrenFrom where can I learn hypnotherapy in Australia ?
1 AntwortOther - Healthvor 6 JahrenWhich phone should I buy I phone 5S or Samsung note3?
I use phone mainly for games, clicking photos, Facebook and mails and watsapp
Can any1 tell me which would be a better option ,? Also I ve been using apple phones since last 4 years
2 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 7 Jahrenokay friends just tell me one thing.... why this happened , its related to EGGS 10 points forsure?
My husband told me he wants to eat boiled eggs in dinner.. i kept 6 eggs in a pot to boil, meanwhile made some noodles and we ate that. i turned off the pan after 15-20 minutes. and we went to sleep after that. What i find next morning is my kitchen smelling and the egg yolks turned black... i was scared and threw all of them.. the white part was not affected... why this happened?? becuase i didnt open the shell in night itself... or i kept them in water only??
2 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 9 JahrenPlease help me to solve this puzzle?
Please tell me a 6 letter word which should have the following alphabets T H U R C C
Help me to jumble this please 10 points immediately
3 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 10 JahrenFrends pls help me and guide me step by step how to transfer movies and songs from my laptop to my applephone ?
I wod be thankful i have apple 4 s phone also I have both dell n apple laptop, so which laptop should be preference for the transfer. Pls reply thanks
4 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 10 JahrenGuys I was born on 1985 30 th november Ajmer ( India) at 12 o clock noon Pm?
I just want to know how would be my life and when will I start earning money. Do I have a foreign settlement. Please reply astrologers
1 AntwortHoroscopesvor 10 JahrenMy dil (heart) goes hmmmm everytime I see him. Is it love?
We have been married for 2 years and I feel I am getting more and more addicted to my husband. I thought I will get bored of him but opposite is happening to me .??? Why
4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 10 JahrenNeed to remove pubic hair. What should I do?
I tried this hair remover cream but I got rashes and it's hurting. Tell me some safe treatment pls. No non sense answes or I ll report you so BEWARE
6 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 10 JahrenBetting on horse please guide?
Hi friends. I want to bet on horses on melboune day in Australia but no idea which horse to bet on. Please please guide me if you have any experience
3 AntwortenHorse Racingvor 10 JahrenHow to make fridge Refrigerator cooler?
Just need to confirm we do this by increasing or decreasing the temperature?
1 AntwortCooking & Recipesvor 10 Jahrenguys i need to increase my stamina to increase exercise. Please guide me?
i get tired very easily while exercising and i need to increase my stamina for it.. please guide me through natural ways because i am not much in favor of food suppliments or tablets
3 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 10 Jahren