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Where can I get a copy of the 1995 'Odd Man out' CD?
My husband used to own a copy of it but it is so scratched he can't play it anymore. It's the CD soundtrack to the snowboarding film of the same name. The first song is by Reef.
Ebay don't have any copies of it.........and no CD sites do either.
Your help is needed!!!!!!!
2 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 1 JahrzehntWhich type of pet mouse is better?
My 10 year old son wants to get himself a pet mouse (worryingly we have 2 cats), but I wondered if there is a particular type he should get ?
9 AntwortenRodentsvor 1 Jahrzehntfacebook friend list question?
How can I remove someone from my limited profile friends over to my friends list? I have clicked on remove friend but it just says that this cannot be undone. If I remove her will I be able to re-add her after I have done this? I don't want to lose her!
3 AntwortenFacebookvor 1 JahrzehntRadio 2 playlist for 7.4.08?
Anyone have any ideas what songs Sarah Kennedy played on 7.4.08? Your help PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 AntwortRadiovor 1 JahrzehntWhy does my cat love to sit on paper?
Anything my kids leave lying around, pictures, magazines etc, our cat immediately walks over to it and sits on it. Why does she do this, when our other cat never has?
16 AntwortenCatsvor 1 JahrzehntNintendo DS cheats???
Does anyone know any DECENT cheats for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix DS game? My son is really stuck at the part where you have to fight the death eaters, he cannot get past them..... HELP!!! :)
2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 JahrzehntTop of the pops magazine crossword....... help!!!?
My daughter is stuck on her Top of the pops magazine crossword (issue 160)
The answer to the crossword is the letters in the pink squares, and they will make up a pop star.... the letters are:- c i a e a.
As her Mum I am too old and crusty to get the answer for her... can anyone help????????
3 AntwortenMagazinesvor 1 JahrzehntIs laser eye surgery the way to go?
I am seriously considering saving up for laser eye surgery. Could those of you that have had this done share your experience of this. plus how much you ended up spending.
I have worn glasses/contacts (depending on my mood) for 26 years now......
13 AntwortenOpticalvor 1 JahrzehntCan anyone help me with my self-conscious teenage daughter??
She needs an outfit for a family wedding, but is so self-conscious she is now doing the 'Kevin the teenager' bit whenever I take her shopping to get something. The wedding is in a month and time is running out to find her anything to wear. Everything we look at is 'too tight' or 'too flowery' or 'gross'...................... etc etc......... HELP!!!!!!!!
How can I get it through to her that she is a beautiful young lady and will look knockout in anything !!
23 AntwortenFamilyvor 1 JahrzehntThe name of a building?
How can I find out what my In-Law's house used to be called before the previous owners re-named it when they moved in? It is a listed building, and was apparently used by Henry VIII for his horses and grooms etc when he was staying In Hunsdon House in Hertfordshire.
Any help would be appreciated.
5 AntwortenHistoryvor 1 JahrzehntWhere can I find what time the sun sets & rises in the UK?
13 AntwortenWeathervor 1 JahrzehntRAF servicemen ..........?
Where can I find out which area of the RAF my Grandfather served in in WW2? Is there a general list of men where I can look for his name ? I would love to be able to share our family history wih my children but have no idea where to start looking. Thanks !
6 AntwortenFamilyvor 1 JahrzehntWhat are the things that REALLY annoy you?
Most of mine are to do with driving, people not using roundabouts properly etc......... come on, have a good moan!
31 AntwortenMental Healthvor 1 JahrzehntWhy ???????
Whay don't some people on here bother to rate the best answer for their questions?
1 AntwortYahoo Answersvor 1 JahrzehntAnnoying mail?????
Can anyone tell me how to block/stop mail I keep getting in my bulk mail box? I get a least 3 a day, all from different people but working for the same company, but if I reply saying 'stop sending mail' it just bounces back saying it's not a mail address.
19 AntwortenSecurityvor 1 JahrzehntWhat causes restless legs?
And how can I stop it? I have been driven mad by this every evening for weeks and nothing seems to help. Has anyone found a cure for this?
17 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 1 JahrzehntWhat's this film called.............?
It's a recent make about a woman with quite a lot of kids, but all of her sons are autistic. Would be very interested in seeing it.
Thanks :)
7 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 JahrzehntYet another quiz question...............?
Moulding with double curve............... begins with O................
16 AntwortenTriviavor 1 JahrzehntAnother quiz question.................?
Outer casing of an aeroplane's engine? Begins with N.................
10 AntwortenTriviavor 1 Jahrzehnt