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Naz F
RE: Sea-monkey browser. My sea-monkey shows an odd kind of text on the menu. How do I fix it?
By 'odd text' I mean: Small boxes with 4 characters each, for example, 30 followed by C4 underneath. So, 2 questions:
1) What is this called? and
2) In seamonkey, how do I fix it? (Already have latest version, checked for viruses, malware.)
2 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 7 JahrenGood leftie Canadian newspaper?
The Star is now charging for online access, so is there is ANOTHER good national, 'leftie' newspaper in Canada?
1 AntwortMedia & Journalismvor 8 JahrenShould I put shorty BBK headers on my 2000 Mustang GT?
5 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 9 JahrenWould you want to see a play about Casanova?
I'm working on a play, and just want to see if people would be interested. What would be your first impression, if you heard it was about Casanova? What is the image you have of the man? And moreover, would you be interested in the "real" Casanova? See link:
1 AntwortTheater & Actingvor 9 JahrenTrivia Night: What usually happens, if a bar has a 'Trivia night?'?
I know what 'trivia' is, but if I go to 'trivia night' at a bar, what can I expect?
1 AntwortOther - Entertainmentvor 9 JahrenFirsthand accounts of Jesus...?
Some misinformed atheists have questioned the existence of Jesus because of, supposedly, no 'firsthand accounts' are out there. What a misunderstanding of how 'History' is written! More plainly--What nonsense!
We have no first-hand accounts of Julius Ceasar (besides what he 'allegedly' wrote himself), since the earliest primary source is Plutarch--born about 70 years after Ceasar died. Yet, we don't doubt Ceasar's existence.
We have no first-hand accounts exist of the Greco-Persian wars--our primary source is Herodutus, writing nearly a century later. Yet, we don't doubt they happened.
The point is, we trust historians to compile and evaluate first-hand accounts of pretty well ANYTHING in Ancient History. What they write then becomes trusted History, just as the Gospels (with the addition of Divine help) become a trusted History of Jesus.
11 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 JahrenWhich car has the lowest car insurance, new Civic or Sonic?
Both are 4-door sedan, automatic transmission, air.
1 AntwortInsurance & Registrationvor 9 Jahren2 down = best answer?
One of my answers got 2 'down' votes, worse than any other responses, yet it got chosen as 'best answer.' Why?
4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 9 JahrenFix cracks in walls that bulge outwards?
These are in an older home, circa 1930. Up to 4 feet long. The cracks are not open, but seem to bulge out...One suggestion to repair this is to cover with mesh tape and then apply drywall compound over it, the same way you would link two drywall boards. Will this work, or is there a better way?
4 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 10 JahrenCan WIND internet run on Linux?
I have the internet stick, which is supposed to install automatically via Autorun, on Windows. I can navigate to the drive icon for the internet stick, called HUAWEI SD Storage, but I click on it, and it will not open...This is on openSUSE, which is a Red-Hat-like version of Linux. Any suggestions?
2 AntwortenComputer Networkingvor 10 Jahren2000 Mustang GT starting problems?
My Mustang has highflow x pipe with cats, flowmaster exhaust, bbk cold-air induction. When I start it, the motor turns over for a second, then shuts off. I have to repeat this 2 or 3 times, till it finally turns over, while holding my foot on the gas. Then I can drive it with no problems, and if I start it an hour later, there is no problem. After it cools off (the next day), I have go thru all this again. This problem suddenly started in the fall, there was no problem in the summer....What could cause this?
3 AntwortenFordvor 10 JahrenWhy is "Arragon" spelled wrong, in the Merchant of Venice?
One of Portia's suitors is called the Prince of Arragon; the correct spelling for the prince from a part of Spain is 'Aragon.' You would think someone would have corrected the error, after 500 years.
5 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 1 JahrzehntCan you LOSE 'top contributor' status, in Answers?
I used to have it, but no longer do. What might have happened?
6 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 JahrzehntRE: 'Big Bang Theory', Sheldon + Leonard's mom?
What is the 'naughty thing' they do together at the end of this episode, that she, at first, doesn't feel appropriate about doing with her son's room-mate?
2 AntwortenComedyvor 1 JahrzehntWhat happened to the soldier who refused to follow Obama's orders?
- over Obama's birth certificate. His name is Scott Easterling, but can't find anything since early '09.
And BTW, I'm an Obama supporter.
4 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 JahrzehntKansas City Chiefs + Canada?
I'm watching the Cheifs/Chargers game right now, and during a celebration of a touchdown just before the end of the half, the fans celebrated by bringing a big Canadian flag onto the field. WHy?
3 AntwortenFootball (American)vor 1 JahrzehntHow many children did Casanova have?
Actually, I'm just writing to correct something on answers; someone asked this and the 'best answer' was 'none.' In fact, he had several illegitimate children. Ian Kelly's new book, "Casanova" notes that he even had one - unfortunately - with his own daughter.
1 AntwortHistoryvor 1 JahrzehntList of goals allowed, by the teams remaining in World Cup?
Just want to know who has best defence. BTW, here's a list/ranking of teams by goals scored:
2 AntwortenFIFA World Cup (TM)vor 1 JahrzehntHow many people were arrested in Canada's 1837 Rebellion, in York, Ontario?
This is for comparison to the protest at the G-8, where as of 11pm on Sat. June 26, 130 people had been arrested.
1 AntwortHistoryvor 1 JahrzehntAre 'underground cities' environmentally sound?
Many cities are built with large portions of the city underground, including large malls around subway stops. In Montreal, the entire Bell Centre, where the Canadiennes NHL hockey team plays is underground....Given that these take a lot of energy to construct, but reduce the use of surface land, would a typical environmentalist favor the building of cities underground?
1 AntwortGeographyvor 1 Jahrzehnt