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what is the Welsh for Royal wedding?
1 AntwortRoyaltyvor 1 JahrHow do you milk a horse?
5 AntwortenHorsesvor 3 JahrenWould the world be a better or worse place without abnormality?
1 AntwortHairvor 4 JahrenHas he been round again?
4 AntwortenEnglish Footballvor 4 JahrenWhat is the best way to breathe for optimum health?
2 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 4 JahrenWhy are natural disasters known as "acts of God"?
If God is all-merciful and compassionate, then why would He let such disasters happen, given the huge death tolls involved. Some say that as Satan is the real god of this world, then he makes such things happen. If so why does our God-inspired judicial system refer to them as "Acts of God"
10 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 JahrenCan the sun be seen in outer space?
Is it true that the sun is not visible to the naked eye in space? Why is this so?
19 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 7 JahrenWhat is the best way to arrest a cat?
I want to perform a citizen's arrest on my neighbour's cat on the following grounds:
(1) it is annoying me
(2) it keeps coming in my garden and soiling my flower-beds
(3) espionage - I am convinced it is spying on me and my property
I need to know the following:
(1) Method of capture - how to restrain it
(2) What do I say to it upon arrest?
(3) Should I take it directly to my neighbour or to the police station?
(4) Can a cat appear in a court of law and be tried there?
7 AntwortenLaw Enforcement & Policevor 7 JahrenWhy does my five dollar bill have the word "weng" printed on it?
Why does my five dollar bill have the word "weng" printed on it?
1 AntwortOther - Society & Culturevor 7 JahrenWhy does my five dollar bill have the word "weng" printed on it?
I just exchanged some pound sterling for US dollars and the five dollars has the word "weng" printed on it. Why is this?
1 AntwortEconomicsvor 7 JahrenIs English really "the language of the world"?
I mean like, if you were in China and approached a Chinese person saying: "Don't you know, English is the language of the entire world, so speak it!"
How would they respond, or are monolingual English speakers just being arrogant/ignorant when they claim that "English is the best language to speak"?
4 AntwortenLanguagesvor 7 JahrenShould Welsh be made the national language of Britain?
I mean when you consider the fact that Welsh (cymraeg) was being spoken all across Britain
centuries before English even existed, it also sounds more beautiful than modern-day English, (Chavlish), which sounds like a guttural, obscenity-laden gibberish, where the speaker is necessitated
to discharge copious amounts of saliva upon the ground every thirty seconds or so.
And just think about all the wonderful possibilities our new national tongue could open up: the "English
Not" could be introduced in schools, where thick-headed chavs-in-the-making could be beaten about the head for being too stupid to learn the complex grammar and mutations of the beautiful "iaith cymraeg".
Yes, let's get back to our roots and make Cymraeg the new national language.
5 AntwortenLanguagesvor 7 JahrenWhat is the best way to widen a loft hatch, and how easy a job is it?
I want to gain access to my loft for storage use, but the hatch is too tiny for me to fit through it.
I want to know the best way to widen it, also if I had the job done by a professional, how much would it cost?
2 AntwortenOther - Home & Gardenvor 7 JahrenWhy does Japanese have no words for simple everyday things?
I mean, considering they are supposed to be a highly developed society:
door - ドア
glass- ガラス
Can't they think up their own words instead of stealing them from English?
3 AntwortenLanguagesvor 7 JahrenWhat is wrong with my parrot?
He hasn't moved or squawked for five days now. The man in the shop said he was just exhausted from a long journey, but I think he might have psittacosis.(I mean the parrot, not the man in the shop) What do you think is wrong with him?
5 AntwortenComedyvor 8 Jahren