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Lv 43.153 points

Dispenser of Truth

Favorisierte Antworten8%
  • After Obama is gone, and the Economy doesn't improve, the Deficit gets worse, what will you do?

    Since the country can't improve until everybody steps up, rich and poor alike, what will you do after Obama is gone and its gets worse?

    18 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren
  • Could we admit defeat in the Middle East to get out from under the Deficit?

    What it really powering the Deficit is military spending, including money wasted on contractors nobody really knows what they do. If we concede to the Taliban, cut a deal with the Islamic extremist to just walk away we could save billions on military spending, and thousands of lives that would killed in battle. Could we just pick up our guns and go home?

    11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Given the damage done to all of the US by Nature is a Muslim cleric right that Allah is punishing the US?

    A Muslim cleric has been preaching that the proof that Americans are not good people is that God is punishing them with unending floods, tornadoes, droughts, and overwhelming winter storms throughout the entire country. A logical argument is we are paying the price for damaging the environment.

    Climate Change or God is Angry? What say you?

    11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why aren't Conservatives willing to fight for Oil and low fuel prices?

    I think we all know military action in Libya is about securing the Oil. Conservatives love oil, love big oil companies, and they also love their guns so why the hesitation to use them? As a bonus it is an opportunity to wipe out Muslims, so how can they not what to jump in with both feet? If this military adventure meant the difference between $5 a gallon gasoline and $2.50 a gallon gasoline shouldn't Conservatives be right out in front of this?

    10 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • if withdrawing from the Middle East militarily would solve the Deficit would you support it?

    We are pouring good money after bad on defense contractors, overpriced equipment, and military operations. If we cease all hostilities the spending would drop dramatically, enough to slow and maybe stop the Deficit.

    If the Muslims just want to be left alone. Why not leave them alone? They don't need our food, they have Allah. They don't need our technology, they have Allah. Granted we do need their oil but we can get from the Nigerians and Venezuelans, until it runs out, right?

    13 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is it okay to pump up the Deficit to build a Great Wall from Texas to California?

    Shouldn't we also start building walls, trenches, and minefields along the Canadian Borders as well?

    9 AntwortenImmigrationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What happened to fighting for Freedom?

    Keeping insurance companies from denying you treatment because of "preexisting conditions" or because the treatment is "too expensive" takes freedom away but having the police stop you because of how you look is okay.

    Will the Arizona police also hunt for undocumented Canadians and Irish too?

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Now that Arizona has declared War on Latinos who will keep the place clean?

    Who will keep clean the hotel rooms? Who will bus all the dishes at the restaurants? Who will do all the gardening and landscaping? Who will put in all the drywall and pavement blocks? Who will be the nannies, cooks, and maids? Who will do all that manual labor that always need to be done?

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • If we rounded up domestic terrorists and locked them up in Gitmo would that make Gitmo credible?

    We can round up Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, Latin Kings, and Bloods in prisons throughout the US and move them to Gitmo since they fit the definition of "terrorist" and that should take the "torture camp" stink off of Gitmo, right? The way the Patriot Act is written a terrorist, any terrorist, is not entitled to the American Justice System, right? The law doesn't focus directly on Muslim Extremists. Eco and Narco terrorist also fit the bill to.

    14 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • The banks are pumping up their interest rates to milk Americans of more money - where are the teabaggers?!?

    Is it me or is totally right to be totally submissive to large corporations? Why is it okay to be slave to banks and insurance companies?

    You can't rent a car without a credit card. You can't rent an apartment without a credit rating issued by a corporation supported by banks. You can't even get a job without being cleared by the same corporation. No small business can exist unless a bank and an insurance company allows them too. What was that about losing your freedom???

    12 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does anybody smell an Al Qaeda trap?

    We have troops tied up in Afghanistan and they set up shop in Pakistan just beyond our reach. Although I think Iraq was more about oil Al Qaeda set up shop there in short order. Now they appear to be in your face with their shop in Yemen, enough to shut down the British and American embassies. It seems to be they are baiting us to send troops to Yemen. Then there's their shop in Somalia and satellites in Nigeria and Sudan and it appears they're provoking us in those places too.

    Is it possible that Al Qaeda is trying to overextend our military? Maybe we should find a better way to kill flies than with a baseball bat?

    11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Now that we are running scared how long before we start rounding up Muslims and put them in camps in the US?

    With all the outcries not to close Guantanamo I wonder how long it will be before we open more camps after all Guantanamo can only hold so many right?

    12 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • When the Chinese call in the loans do you think Flags of Our Fathers would make a good house boy?

    I wonder how much of his debt belongs to the Chinese?

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What would you cut to wipe out the Deficit?

    Okay we are a trillion dollars in debt. So what do we cut to get even?

    Military and Homeland Security spending is around 54% ( that includes the VA spending)

    Human Services programs (Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid) is a little more than 30%

    The remainder (16%) is government operations and foreign aid.

    So what goes? I am estimating that 50% of the budget would have to go in order to cover what we owe in debt.

    If we cut out all the federal agencies and foreign aid that is only 16% so how else do we shrink this bloated government?

    Try to resist raising taxes to make up the difference.

    32 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is there Conservative support to dump Medicare?

    It is a government program that cost too much when it was implemented and cost too much now. The Bible says you get three score and ten so every day after that is a bonus so why should we all pay?

    If we are going to kill health care then we should not stop with this reform business but peel it all the way back.

    16 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do we rectify Obama being a Nazi with the Neo-Nazi Movement?

    If we slam the guy then we have to get it right. The Neo-Nazis are in our conservative base (and we need their money and their energy) so to say Obama is like Hitler doesn't work because Hitler is the hero of the Neo-Nazis and the other white pride guys too.

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can we hire some nonwhites to kill the racist argument?

    We found black people to set up ACORN can we hire some more nonwhites to head off the racist argument and get that behind us? Steele is not going to be enough.

    You pay them enough, and it is really not much, you find some willing to twirl tea bags at a rally. How hard could it be?

    1 AntwortLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why should we dole out a lot of money to protect Poland?`?

    I believe the government is spending way to much. If we got to put missiles in Poland we should charge them, and its Poland. Poland!? C'mon! C'monnnn! C'monnnnnnn!

    Yeah I know they're an ally, but they are a low value ally. Other than sausage and fodder for jokes what does Poland really have to offer us? They don't have oil, or anything else we need or want.

    Same thing with the Czech Republic, The Austrians, Germans, Russians, and Romans have all been there. They must be the most conquered nation in Europe, well... maybe second most behind Poland. It main export of the Czechs is child porn, would anybody really miss it?

    Cash in those missiles, and pay down the deficit. Let's not loose sight of what is really important. We got problems of our own. If the Europeans want a missile shield we can sell it to them. We'll give them a good deal!

    6 AntwortenGovernmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do any of you have what it takes to turn away sick or injured people because they are illegal?

    I see myself as a realist, illegal aliens don't bother me because we need them for the labor. Somebody has to clean up behind us right? They do it for the right price.

    Now I heard a lot of fuss about denying illegal aliens health care. So how many of you have the guts to stand in front a Doc-In-A-Box or the entrance of an Emergency Room to turn them away?

    Do you think Glenn Beck can rally support to do that? Have people hang out at the emergency rooms checking citizenship and if they can't prove they're legal turn them away? That is covered by the 2nd Amendment right?

    2 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt