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Scottish lass
live in scotland & love it to bits
whats going on?
my friend & i decided to take our friendship 1 step further, he has liked me for years but my feelings about him just started to change a few months back, we kept things quiet incase it was just a bit of flirting. we've gotten on really well & things has been good but when i ask him whats happening he says he likes being single, im pretty sure he's gotten rather friendly with another female friend, as i over heard 2 other friends of his saying they saw his txt msg & it said that she was waiting outside for him, normally i wouldn't of thought anything about it but if nothing was going on why keep quiet that she was giving him a lift? i like this other girl & wouldn't want to see her get hurt but i don't want to carry on in this way with him if he is seeing her even though i do like him. i've asked him b4 if he likes her more than just a friend & he said they're just friends. i don't want to sound like some jealous b itch but how do i find out whats happening without sounding like 1?
4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehntis that J-LO?
is J-LO in an old Janet Jackson video? it's called Thats the Way Love Goes. i was watching it on smash hits music channel last nite. it sounds like her and looks like her. i'm sure it is and it's just 1 of those things that keeps on bugging at you until you know
7 AntwortenMusicvor 1 Jahrzehntkelly clarkson?
i've got kelly's cd Breakaway does she have a new 1 out in america yet (i live in scotland so this 1 is still quite new )
16 AntwortenMusicvor 1 Jahrzehntplace, time, what ya doing?
where do you live, what time is it there and what are you away to do?(apart from asking and answering questions)
i live in scotland, it's 7.36am and i'm away to go to work at 8 am
29 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 JahrzehntLondon for an 8 year old?
i'm taken my son down there in august for a holiday any idea's where we can go that will keep him amused. we're stayin in Bromely, Kent so any places there that will be suitable for him will also be great. thanks
10 AntwortenOther - Entertainmentvor 1 Jahrzehntgirls how stupid is this advert?
the veet wax strips adverts on tv how stupid are they? the 1 where the girl is on her henny, i'm sorry if i was going out i'd make sure my legs were done especially if i was wearin a drees like she is, and have you noticed that they don't actually have hairy legs when they put the strips on. what do you lot think?
20 AntwortenSkin & Bodyvor 1 Jahrzehntif you could be the person to pick who went into BB new house who would you pick & why?
7 AntwortenTelevisionvor 2 Jahrzehnten