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Lv 32.227 points

Jo ☺♫ ♥

Favorisierte Antworten6%
  • Is my boyfriend in the wrong?

    My boyfriend and I are both 18 and seniors in high school about to go separate ways in college, but we both agree that we want to try. Throughout our whole relationship almost 13 months, everything has been great and we're best friends and don't argue and hung out almost every day together, but lately things have changed a lot between us. For my 18th birthday in december, he basically forgot it and didn't tell me happy birthday or text me or anything until 12 pm and then he never got lunch with me like he was supposed to but instead played basketball with his friends and then when I went to his house at 5 pm before my birthday dinner (which he was supposed to go to but then didn't because he scheduled tutorials over it) he had all of his friends over and didn't talk to me or anything so i left. I was really upset over this whole thing and he knew it and i cried the whole rest of the night and then our one year was in the beginning of february and i was so excited and bought him a huge gift and couldn't wait to celebrate and then i got to his house and him and his brother were playing xbox and made me sit there and watch and then after that he took me to his friends house with all guys and watched the Super Bowl and i couldn't invite any of my friends. He said we would celebrate that following friday since it was the sunday of the super bowl but instead canceled and had a bros night, the next day he showed up at my best friends birthday and screamed and me and yelled and cussed at me and talked about how i'm awkward and kept asking if i wanted to break up and all this stuff which he's never done before. We got over it but i left the party after that and he did too and came to my house and apologized that night. And then for valentines day he didn't hang out with me or talk to me or anything but instead had a bros night so i went to dinner and a movie with a friend. I've gotten to the point where i've learned not to expect anything or have expectations for events. He ditches me all the time for the boys, so much that whenever we make plans to hang out i usually have back up plans for when i'm ditched. We hardly text anymore, talk in the hallways, hang out (maybe twice a week for a couple of hours) and i don't really mind it. I don't know what to do or why i feel like this but it makes me really sad and i need advice): I'm not asking for gifts and presents, i honestly just want to spend time with him on these special occasions and on the weekends. I've talked to him about it several times but he just doesn't understand my point of view.

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • Help, I want to lose 5-10 pounds and I only have two weeks!?

    I need help! So I'm 16  and my height is 5'4" and for about two to three months I've been eating so healthy (vegetables, non stop berries and fruit, leans meats such as chicken and turkey. But I overall consume less than 1100 calories a day) and I've been working out everyday (I'm a varsity tennis player so I have two hour practices everyday during the school year, and then I do strengthening workouts everyday, like things I find on here, YouTube and the Internet and then Ive been running twice a day for a total of 3 miles for the past week) and instead of seeing improvement I am just gaining and gaining weight. My goal was 115 and I was 127 and now I weigh 134 and they say it's muscle (because i have a pretty muscular built from sports) but I don't have amazingly defined abs like these girls and I have a diamond thigh gap but I'm getting so discouraged because I work so hard and nothing has happened in the two months I've been dieting, does anyone have advice?

    6 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 9 Jahren
  • Chemistry stoichiometry question!?

    what is the density of N2O3 gas? I also need the table to go with the picture so if you could explain that, that would be amazing!

    1 AntwortChemistryvor 9 Jahren
  • Chemistry Balancing Question?

    nickel II sulfate reacts with ammonium hydroxide to produce ammonium sulfate and nickel II hydroxide

    Please help me balance this!!

    3 AntwortenChemistryvor 9 Jahren
  • Help creating a rap name!?

    I need to come up with a rap name that either involves sam or jo or even both! So far i've come up with: swizzle, sizzle, and lil jo jo, but none of them sound good!


    5 AntwortenRap and Hip-Hopvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Lamark Evolution Question?

    Which Lamark say/conclude to---

    A. Innate tendency for complexity and perfection

    B. Innate tendency for simpler as time passes

    C. inherit all adaptations they display

    D. Belong to species that never change

    4 AntwortenAnthropologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Alfred Wallace and Charles Darwin Evolution Question?

    why/how is it possible alfred wallace independently developed the same ideas about evolution as Darwin did?

    5 AntwortenAnthropologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • The Three RNAs in Protein Synthesis?

    simple explanation of how the 3 rnas are used in protein synthesis

    3 AntwortenBotanyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • new york city colleges and universities, journalism?

    i'm a high school freshman and would eventually like to move to new york and study journalism when i graduate from high school. i was thinking about new york university, but they don't really have a specialty in journalism its more of nursing i found out, and i don't want to have to pay over 40,000 dollars a year to go to a school where my major isn't really involved in the school. so i wondering what other school i should look into because i want to know more about my other options and a school where i would fit in better.

    1 AntwortMedia & Journalismvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is “dual labeling”?

    My Pre A.P. Biology is making us create a powerpoint of the metric system and one of the questions is: What is “dual labeling” & when will it no longer be permitted on products sold in Europe? I've looked all over and cannot find a single piece of information about it

    2 AntwortenOther - Computersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how many women in total participated in the August 26, 1970 Equality Walk?

    i know that there were over 50,000 in just New York City, but i want to now how many in the united states, or even international.

    1 AntwortGender Studiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • similarities between the rocky and appalachian mountains?

    i need 3 similarities thanks

    4 AntwortenGeographyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • is cyclops the son of poseidon?

    im 99% sure this is true but i just want to double check

    7 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • German-English 1 Help?

    my german teacher gave us the words mag and mach, and he says they are different things, but everytime i look it up its says they are either the same or mag means may while mach mean like, and we are going over things we like so mach makes sense, but then he gives us the sentence "Ich mag Winter am Besten, den Ich mag die Kalte" and the sentence "Er mach Golf" which then makes me think mag is for when you are talking about yourself and mach is when you are talking about someone else, so any help on clarification would be a huge help, thank you!

    3 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Bubble Wrap Envelopes and Weight with Cost?

    I would like to send a bubble wrap envelope from a city to another city that is just about an hour apart, the envelope weighs 7.1 ounces. Can I send it from my mailbox or do I have to go to the postal office? If I can send it from home, how much is that going to cost in stamps, and how many stamps will that be? If I go to the postal office, how much will it be there? Thank You

    2 AntwortenCreditvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • question about exorcisms...?

    i have watched just movies on exorcisms and i've always wondered about real exorcists and have had questions on them.

    1. Do the people who have been successfully exorcised on remember anything about the exorcism or what happened when they were possessed?

    2. Who are some famous people that have been through exorcisms, that i can research about?

    3 AntwortenParapsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • song with the number 14 in it?

    we're doing a countdown until a trip to EUROPE. and we are making a music video for a song each day and we cant think of one for the day 14.... can anyone think of one? or any with the numbers 13, 12, 11, 10, 9... and so on thanks!

    2 AntwortenMathematicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • weight to height help with weight loss?

    i weigh 119 pounds with a height of 5'4". is my weight okay? i am 14, with moderate exercise, is there any tips that can allow me to maybe just lose a pound or 2??

    4 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • height for girls, have i stopped growing?

    i'm 14 and a half and i've been pretty tall for my age but since last year i just stopped growing and everyone has gotten taller than me. I've been 64 inches (5'4") for what the doctor said 2 or 3 visits which is a year and a half, the doctor told me i probably have stopped growing and said i have "plateaued". i've had my period for a year and a half too, which is about the time i stopped growing, so do you think i will ever grow? and how much taller?

    2 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt